Interface UIObject

All Superinterfaces:
EditableObject, Named, UIEditableObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
UIDomain, UIObjectClass, UIRefinement

public interface UIObject
extends Named, UIEditableObject

A construct that mirrors a domain object and adds UI things. A UIObject has a base object which is its corresponding object in the domain. The contents of this object may change - it is a clone of what is in the domain. The UIObject also has a reference that can be used to identify its corresponding object in the domain (e.g. for a refinement that should be its name). Once this is set, it should not be changed. It will be needed if the domain has to work out what the original is (in case of remove or update operations)

Method Summary
 void addToDomain(Domain domain)
          Adds the contents of this UIObject to the domain (part of publish).
 java.util.List collectChanges()
          Collects the object's changes since it was last saved to draft.
 java.util.List collectChangesFromOriginal()
          Collects the object's changes since it was last published.
 java.lang.Class getBaseClass()
          Gets the class of objects that can represent this one in the domain.
 IXObject getBaseObject()
          Gets the object that corresponds to this one in the domain.
 java.lang.Object getBaseReference()
          Gets the Id that can be used to identify the base object in the domain.
 Domain getDomain()
          Gets the base domain.
 IXObject getOriginal()
          Gets the object that corresponds to this one in the original domain.
 UIDomain getUIDomain()
          Gets the ui domain of which this object is part.
 boolean hasChanged()
          Determines whether the object has changed since it was last saved to draft
 boolean hasChangedFromOriginal()
          Determines whether the object has changed from its original.
 boolean hasOriginal()
          Determines whether the object has an original in the base domain.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Determines whether the object has any information in it.
 void loadFromDomain()
          Loads the contents of this object from its corresponding domain object.
 void loadFromDomain(java.lang.Object domainObject)
          Loads the contents of this object from the given object.
 void loadFromOriginal()
          Loads the contents of this object from its original domain object.
 IXObject makeBaseObject()
          Makes an empty object of the right class that can represent this UIObject in the domain.
 void moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Move the object from its current UIDomain to the given one.
 boolean nameHasChanged(java.lang.Object nameThing)
          Determines whether the object's identifying fields have changed
 void noteChange()
          Get the UIDomain to note the change of this object.
 java.lang.String print()
 void removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
          Removes the object's corresponding base object from the domain.
 boolean sameValue(java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object otherValue)
          Determines whether the two given values of the given field differ
 void saveToDomain()
          Saves the contents of this object into its corresponding domain object.
 void saveToDomain(java.lang.Object domainObject)
          Saves the contents of this object into the given object.
 void setBaseObject(IXObject object)
          Sets the object that will represent this one in the domain.
 void setBaseReference(java.lang.Object id)
          Sets the Id that can be used to identify the base object in the domain.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
 boolean setValue(java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the given field to the given value.
 void updateInDomain(Domain domain)
          Updates the base object in the domain with the contents of this object.
Methods inherited from interface ix.iview.domain.UIEditableObject
Methods inherited from interface ix.iface.ui.EditableObject
addDataChangeListener, removeDataChangeListener
Methods inherited from interface ix.icore.domain.Named

Method Detail


Domain getDomain()
Gets the base domain.


UIDomain getUIDomain()
Gets the ui domain of which this object is part.


boolean hasOriginal()
Determines whether the object has an original in the base domain.

Specified by:
hasOriginal in interface UIEditableObject


boolean isEmpty()
Determines whether the object has any information in it.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface UIEditableObject


boolean hasChangedFromOriginal()
Determines whether the object has changed from its original.

Specified by:
hasChangedFromOriginal in interface UIEditableObject


boolean hasChanged()
Determines whether the object has changed since it was last saved to draft

Specified by:
hasChanged in interface UIEditableObject


java.util.List collectChanges()
Collects the object's changes since it was last saved to draft.

list of strings describing the changes, {} if none.


java.util.List collectChangesFromOriginal()
Collects the object's changes since it was last published.

list of strings describing the changes, {} if none.


boolean setValue(java.lang.String field,
                 java.lang.Object value)
Sets the given field to the given value. Should default to UIUtil.setObjectFieldValue(Object object, String field, Class fieldClass, Object value).

Specified by:
setValue in interface EditableObject


boolean sameValue(java.lang.String field,
                  java.lang.Object value,
                  java.lang.Object otherValue)
Determines whether the two given values of the given field differ

Specified by:
sameValue in interface EditableObject


boolean nameHasChanged(java.lang.Object nameThing)
Determines whether the object's identifying fields have changed


java.lang.Object getBaseReference()
Gets the Id that can be used to identify the base object in the domain.


void setBaseReference(java.lang.Object id)
Sets the Id that can be used to identify the base object in the domain.


IXObject getOriginal()
Gets the object that corresponds to this one in the original domain.


IXObject getBaseObject()
Gets the object that corresponds to this one in the domain.

Specified by:
getBaseObject in interface UIEditableObject


IXObject makeBaseObject()
Makes an empty object of the right class that can represent this UIObject in the domain.


void setBaseObject(IXObject object)
Sets the object that will represent this one in the domain.


java.lang.Class getBaseClass()
Gets the class of objects that can represent this one in the domain.


void saveToDomain()
Saves the contents of this object into its corresponding domain object. This can be done without worries about the original because if the UIObject has a base object, it is always a clone of the original.


void saveToDomain(java.lang.Object domainObject)
Saves the contents of this object into the given object.


void loadFromDomain()
Loads the contents of this object from its corresponding domain object.


void loadFromDomain(java.lang.Object domainObject)
Loads the contents of this object from the given object. The given object should be of the right class (same as the result of getBaseClass()).


void loadFromOriginal()
Loads the contents of this object from its original domain object.


void noteChange()
Get the UIDomain to note the change of this object.


void addToDomain(Domain domain)
Adds the contents of this UIObject to the domain (part of publish).


void updateInDomain(Domain domain)
Updates the base object in the domain with the contents of this object.


void removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
Removes the object's corresponding base object from the domain.


void moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
Move the object from its current UIDomain to the given one.


void setName(java.lang.String name)


java.lang.String print()