I-Globe: Joint Research between AIAI and ATG/CTU

Joint Research between the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (AIAI) in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and the Agents Technology Group (ATG) in the Department of Cybernetics within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

The I-Globe Research considers the following type of distributed planning problem:

  • to be non-centralized and with flat organization hierarchy. The existence of a central coordinating and planning process shall be brought to absolute minimum and the planing knowledge, information about actors skills, resource availability knowledge and goals perception shall be distributed.
  • shall provide partial knowledge sharing. The actors in the environment are motivated to keep substantial part of their private planning knowledge and resource availability information undisclosed.
  • shall allow varying interaction availability. Based on communication infrastructure featuring partial and temporal inaccessibility due to e.g. ad-hoc networking, unreliability of the communication infrastructure or actors to change off-line/on-line status.
  • is to be very dynamic where both resource availability as much as goals persistence is expect to be changing between the planning and execution phase, while also during the execution phase.
  • is to be opportunistic. Allowing the actors reason about potential goal accomplishment opportunities that may arise in the environment and also consider opportunities of the collaborating actors in the environment.

Such a set of requirements is typical for rescue operations, complex humanitarian missions, OOTW, large scale multi-national coalition operations as well as small size military combat ops. Such features are also typical for complete different set of application domains such as virtual organizations and social networking.


Pechoucek, M. (2008) W911NF-08-1-0041 Project Mid-term Report, June 2008. [PDF Format]

Komenda, A., Vokrinek, J., Dusan, P., Pechoucek, M., Wickler, G., Dalton, J. and Tate, A. (2008) I-Globe - Distributed Planning and Coordination of Team-oriented Activities in a Dynamic Environment, W911NF-08-1-0041 Project Final Report, December 2008. [PDF Format]

Komenda, A., Vokrinek, J., Pechoucek, M., Wickler, G., Dalton, J. and Tate, A. (2009), I-Globe: Distributed Planning and Coordination of Team-oriented Activities, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO-2009) (Lawton, J., Patel, J. and Tate. A. eds.), Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK, 31 March-1 April 2009. [PDF Format]

Wickler, G., Komenda, A., Pechoucek, M., Tate, A. and Vokrinek, J. (2009) Multi-agent Planning with Decommitment, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO-2009) (Lawton, J., Patel, J. and Tate, A. eds.), Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK, 31 March-1 April 2009. [PDF Format]

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