Common Process Framework (CPF)

The CPF provides a simple java-based control panel for launching the tools in the framework.

Running CPF

After the CPF tar file has been unpacked, there will be a set of command files in the target directory which provide the commands for running the various tools. For example, the "{target dir}/cpf" file contains the following: java -classpath $CLASSPATH:cpf.jar cpf. If you are in a unix environment, you can execute this as a script file: ./cpf. This launches the CPF control panel (see below).

Figure 1 - The CPF control panel

The control panel currently only provides a convenient method for launching the command files. By clicking on a button, the corresponding script file in the current directory is executed. (Note: this uses the standard shell command 'sh' but it can be recompiled to launch for other platforms (e.g. dos .bat files) without much effort. Clicking quit simply closes the control panel without shutting down any running tools.


Obviously, the CPF control panel requires a java interpreter. The java package must also support the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) (formerly known as Swing). Some of the other CPF tools require the latest version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) so it would be a good idea to download and install at least the JDK 1.2 beta 4 or later. See for downloading the JDK.

Source code


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Last updated 7 October 1998
by Steve Polyak