Roux, J. (2005) The Pursuit Ability of a Robot 'Pet', Master of Science Dissertation, Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 2005.Abstract:
This report presents the development of a new behavioural pattern for a robotic dog, Sony Aibo ERS-7, which aims to find a form of prey to chase and eventually catch. In our case, the robot will wander around for a short period, then look for the pink ball and, once located, Aibo will chase it until it is close enough to what he considers the prey as caught. The general behaviour has been implemented using a hierarchy of Finite State Machines and covers several topics in robotics: object detection and recognition, navigation in an unknown and changing environment and, ability to follow a target. The idea of this project is to investigate how the robot achieves behaviour selection, based on stimuli from the environment. Several different approaches for decision making for autonomous agents have been studied and the state machine approach has been chosen for the implementation of the behaviour.Resources: