I-X Directory Structure
- readme.html
- Important information which you should read before using I-X.
- IX-Copyright.txt
- Details of the terms under which you can use I-X.
- doc/
- PDF versions of the User Guide, Tutorials, etc.
- javadoc/ - Documentation generated from the sources and
package.html files by javadoc.
- ix.jar
- The main I-X run-time code packaged as a .jar file.
- ix.exe, IX-Map.app, ix
- As a way to quickly try out I-X, double click on the ix.exe
startup icon (or use the equivalent Apple OS IX-Mac icon or
Unix/Linux ix script) which calls the sample I-X Process Panel
in apps/ime.
- apps/
- ime/ - Default application of I-X Process Panels that uses Jabber
- idemo-*/ - Tutorial and skelton code for building I-X appplications.
- isample/ - Earlier sample I-X Process Panels and files to copy to
make a new I-X application.
- [Other I-X applications may be present in some releases]
- comms/
jabber/ - Support for Jabber communications.
- [Other communication methods may be present in some releases]
- development/ (if source code is included)
- Java source code and other files used during development.
- imports/
- .jar files required by I-X Systems other than those specific to an
- scripts/
- unix/ - Unix shell scripts and other executables.
- win/ - Windows shell scripts and other executables.
- wizard/
- Tool to help in the creation of I-X applications by answering a
set of questons.