I-X Other Software Component Licence Terms

The "imports" directory contains jar files for non-I-X software used by the main I-X classes - but not jar files needed only by specific communication strategies or specific applications.

Current components used within I-X and the subject of their own software licence terms are:

jdom.jar, version 1.0

JDOM is an XML-processing API.
See http://jdom.org/

junit.jar, version 3.8.1

JUnit is a regression testing framework. It is needed only by the Java files in the "test" directory, not for the normal operation of I-X software.
See http://www.junit.org/

mgraph.jar, MGraph licenced version 1.2.3

See http://www.singleton-labs.com

openmap.jar, version 4.5.4

See http://openmap.bbn.com

Jetty, version 6.1.6

Jetty is an HTTP server that is used only in HTTP-related utilities. The jar files involved are:

See http://www.mortbay.org/

The javax.servlet package used by Jetty is copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc and Apache Software Foundation. It is distributed under the Common Development and Distribution License, https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html.


RDF and OWL Utilities
See http://jena.sourceforge.net/

The terms of the open source licences of some of the software provided as jar files in this directory (or its subdirectories) require that we provide a way to obtain the source code of that software. That can be done by sending e-mail to i-x@aiai.ed.ac.uk.

Updated: February 2008