
Author: Jeff Dalton

Notes on a general-purpose plug-in / extension mechanism


I-X agents typically have a number of points where objects of certain types can be "plugged-in". For example, it's possible to add a new tool to an I-P2's "Tools" menu, or to add a handler.

It's easy to do this in Java code, but you may have to define an Ip2 subclass that creates and plugs-in the desired objects at appropriate points. That can be awkward when you want to be able to use several different combinations of plug-ins; and when when two or more people are making changes by subclassing, it takes work to combine them.

In some cases, there is a more flexible mechanism. For instance, if you want to add issue or activity handlers, there's a command-line argument, "additional-handlers", that lets you specify them by giving a list of class names.

To avoid a proliferation of such special-purpose mechanisms, and to cover cases where no mechanism already exists, as well as unanticipated cases that aren't supported as plug-ins, a more general-purpose mechanism is provided. In effect, it lets you specify Java code that is run when an agent starts up. It can create objects and plug them in, or it can do something else. We use "extension" as a convenient term for all such additions to an agent.

Using agent extensions

There's a command-line argument / props file entry called "extension-classes". The value should be a comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names. (You also have to make sure the CLASSPATH includes those classes.)

Writing agent extensions

Each such class must implement the ix.icore.IXAgentExtension interface and must have a public 1-argument constructor that declares its parameter as IXAgent or an IXAgent subclass (such as Ip2 or IPlan).

When an I-P2 starts up, it makes one instance of each of the specified classes and calls the instance's installExtension() method. The classes are processed in the order specified by the "extension-classes" parameter.

The class definition will look something like this:

    import ix.icore.IXAgentExtension;
    import ix.ip2.Ip2;

    public class SomeIp2Extension implements IXAgentExtension {

        private Ip2 agent;  // Ip2 is a subclass of IXAgent

        public SomeIp2Extension(Ip2 agent) {
            this.agent = agent;

        public void installExtension() {

The exact point at which all of this happens may need some adjusting. Right now it happens after all of startup / initialisation except for initialising options and loading the initial plan.

It's possible that a future version will have several methods that are invoked at different points.

Adding a tool

An installExtension method that added a tool to the "Tools" menu would look something like this:

    import ix.iface.util.ToolController;

    public void installExtension() {
        agent.addTool(new ToolController("Menu Text") {
            public Object createTool() {
                return new ToolClass(ip2);

Adding functions for use in compute conditions

Here's an installExtension method that defines a function in the interpreter used for "compute" conditions:
    import ix.util.lisp.*;

    public void installExtension() {
	ComputeInterpreter c =
	c.define(new ExampleFunction());

    class ExampleFunction extends Interpreter.JFunction {
	ExampleFunction() {
	    super("example", 1); // function "example" of 1 argument
	public Object applyTo(Object[] args) {
	    Number arg = mustBe(Number.class, args[0]);
	    return Lisp.list("arg =", arg);

Jeff Dalton <>