I-Face and I-View Todos
I-X Home
Work Area
two panels to be built
overview for senior commander
as BAT/JD example
for March
will eventually migrate to I-X technology
detail for planning tool operator (person who decides who should go where and what should be done)
I-X technology
Each user may have their own panel to reflect their role in a cooperative process.
Panel general
A panel will have
preferences (what to show, how to show it, style, fonts, size, ...)
a set of viewers on a set of processes
an information window for help/info (usually hidden)
in/out events?
in/out requests?
communications with library? (load, save?)
ways to show/hide/configure viewers
ways to unify viewers (e.g. all use a particular colour for the same concept)
ways to save
a configuration (preferences...)
a session?
four process views to be built for June (as many as possible for March)
graph view
task structure overview (matrix with COAs)
product view (data, simple status info?)
issues view
make a todo list viwer? with issues list and check-boxes (tick or cross for issue status)
Planning & Activity Management
Page maintained by
, Last updated: 19/1/01