Package ix.iface.util

Interface utilities.


Class Summary
AlphabetizingMenu A JMenu that can insert items in alphabetical order.
CatchingActionListener An ActionListener that catches and reports exceptions.
ChainingMenu A JMenu that can handle a long list of items by "chaining" every so many items to a "More" submenu.
CheckTable Packages a JTable together with a table model for showing a list of checkable items.
ComboChoice An editable JComboBox that automatically adds any typed-in items to the menu.
GridColumn A class that can be used to consruct a column of a tabular display in which different columns have different widths.
HtmlDescriber A debugging utility that outputs a description of an HTMLDocument.
HtmlTableEditorPane An editable JEditorPane that lets the user edit only within "td" cells.
HtmlTableWalker A utility object that can be used to visit the cells of an HTML table.
HtmlWriter Simple support for HTML and similarly marked-up output.
IconImage Class used to set an appropriate icon image for a frame.
IFUtil Class for static utilities.
IXHtmlEditorKit An HTMLEditorKit customised for use in I-X applications.
IXMetalTheme A Metal theme for I-X applications.
IXOceanTheme A Metal theme for I-X applications.
KeyValueTable Packages a JTable together with a table model suitable for viewing a mapping from keys to values.
LogoPanel A panel that contains the application name and some credits.
PriorityComboBox A ComboBox that contains items that represent priorities.
RadioButtonBox An object that manages a group of radio buttons in a convenient and easy to use fashion.
RendererJLabel A subclass of JLabel that overrides methods not needed when rendering.
RendererJText An efficient renderer like RendererJLabel, but a subclass of JTextField to allow mousing text.
Reporting Class of static methods useful when reporting incoming messages etc.
SimpleToolFrame A basic utility frame for use in I-X agents.
SortingKVTable A KeyValueTable that lets the user change the key-sorting comparator.
ToolController An object used to manage a "tool" -- a utility usually reached via the "Tools" menu of an I-X agent's user interface.
ToolFrame The main frame of an I-X tool.
ToolManager Manages the "tools" for an I-X agent's user interface.
TranscriptTextArea A JTextArea for recording transcripts and similar information.
TranscriptTextPane A JTextPane for recording transcripts and similar information.
ValueComboBox Adds a layer to a JComboBox so that the selected values can be different than the items in the drop-down list.
VerticalPanel A class that can be used to construct a vertical stack of components.
XColors Colors for X-Windows color names.

Package ix.iface.util Description

Interface utilities.