Class IScriptXmlSource

  extended by ix.iscript.IScriptXmlSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
IScriptSource, java.io.Serializable

public class IScriptXmlSource
extends java.lang.Object
implements IScriptSource, java.io.Serializable

An object that can be used to wrap an I-Script Expression. It carries the knowledge of how to translate the Expression into the tree form used by Interpreters.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Expression expression
protected static IScriptParser parser
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Expression getExpression()
 java.lang.String getSyntax()
          Returns a string that identifies the syntax of the source contained in, or represented by, this object.
 Interpreter.Expr parseSource()
          Converts the source code into the tree representation used by Interpreters.
 void setExpression(Expression expr)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static IScriptParser parser


protected Expression expression
Constructor Detail


public IScriptXmlSource()
Method Detail


public Expression getExpression()


public void setExpression(Expression expr)


public java.lang.String getSyntax()
Description copied from interface: IScriptSource
Returns a string that identifies the syntax of the source contained in, or represented by, this object. At present, the value should be either "iscript/lisp" or "iscript/xml".

Specified by:
getSyntax in interface IScriptSource


public Interpreter.Expr parseSource()
Description copied from interface: IScriptSource
Converts the source code into the tree representation used by Interpreters.

Specified by:
parseSource in interface IScriptSource