Class ISim

  extended by ix.icore.IXAgent
      extended by ix.ip2.Ip2
          extended by ix.isim.ISim

public class ISim
extends Ip2

This class is the entry point for starting an ISim agent. It essentially an Ip2 with the following modifications:

Nested Class Summary
static class ISim.AnimatedObjectList
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
Ip2.AddExtensionsHandler, Ip2.AddHandlersHandler
Field Summary
protected  ISimEngine simulator
          the simulator used by this agent to modify the world state
Fields inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
activityViewer, agentTypeName, annotationViewer, controller, domain, frame, issueViewer, logoImage, logoLine1, logoLine2, modelManager, optionManager, resetHooks, showOptions, stateViewer
Fields inherited from class ix.icore.IXAgent
contactManager, displayName, eventLogger, exitHooks, initialDisplayName, ipcName, ipcStrategyName, iSimTimer, mainAgent, nameListeners, startupDate, startupHooks, symbolName, textFrame
Method Summary
 void completeStartup()
          This function creates the simulator that belongs to this ISim agent.
 ISimEngine getISimEngine()
          returns the simulation engine used by this ISim agent
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
          This function creates the ISim I-X agent.
protected  void setupISimTimer()
          This function creates an ISimTimer for this ISim agent.
Methods inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
addAboutInfo, addForwardingHandler, addHandlers, addHandlers, addResetHook, addTest, addTestMenuItems, addTool, clearAllButState, clearModel, do_reloadViewers, ensureTool, getActivityPatternSyntaxes, getAgentTypeName, getController, getDomain, getFrame, getIp2ModelManager, getModelManager, getOptionManager, getPlan, handleInput, handleInputDirectly, handleNewActivity, handleNewChatMessage, handleNewConstraint, handleNewIssue, handleNewReport, initOptions, isReloadingViewers, loadDomain, loadInitialPlan, loadPlan, loadPlan, loadPlan, makeActivityViewer, makeAnnotationViewer, makeController, makeIp2Frame, makeIssueViewer, makeLogoPanel, makeModelManager, makeStateViewer, makeViewer, processCommandLineArguments, readDomain, readDomain, reloadViewers, reset, resetAllButState, resetViewers, savePlanAs, startup
Methods inherited from class ix.icore.IXAgent
addAgentNameListener, addExitHook, addStartupHook, adjustLookAndFeel, displayMessage, do_mainStartup, exit, fireSymbolNameChanged, getAgent, getAgentDisplayName, getAgentIPCName, getAgentStartupDate, getAgentSymbolName, getContactManager, getEventLogger, getISimTimer, getKnownAgents, handleReceivedReport, installAgentExtensions, installAgentExtensions, isMainAgent, log, mainStartup, notePossibleNewContact, pre_handleInput, preprocessInput, reportInputException, setAgentSymbolName, setEventLogger, startServer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ISimEngine simulator
the simulator used by this agent to modify the world state

Method Detail


public void completeStartup()
This function creates the simulator that belongs to this ISim agent. It is called automatically during the initialization of an Ip2. Use the getISimEngine() method to get the simulation engine.

completeStartup in class Ip2
See Also:


public ISimEngine getISimEngine()
returns the simulation engine used by this ISim agent

ISimEngine the simulator


protected void setupISimTimer()
This function creates an ISimTimer for this ISim agent. Whereas other IXAgents have an ISimTimer only if the "isim-agent-name" parameter has been given to them, an ISim agent always has an ISimTimer. This function is called automatically during the initialization of an IXAgent. Use this IXAgent's getISimTimer() method to retrieve the ISimTimer.

setupISimTimer in class IXAgent


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
This function creates the ISim I-X agent. It starts up everything around it incl. communication services and user interface by creating an ISim and calling its mainStartup(...) function.

argv - String[] parameters for this ISim agent