Class PicoIX

  extended by ix.examples.PicoIX
Direct Known Subclasses:
PicoISim, PicoIXTest1.PIX, PicoIXTest2

public class PicoIX
extends java.lang.Object

A simple example of an I-X framework.

Nested Class Summary
(package private) static class PicoIX.Activity
          Our activities contain a verb and an object.
(package private) static class PicoIX.ActivityHandler
          A class that provides some basic structure, and some support methods, for activity handlers.
(package private) static class PicoIX.Constraint
          A simple, generic structure for constraints.
(package private) static class PicoIX.ConstraintManager
          A class that provides some basic structure, and some support methods, for constraint managers.
(package private) static class PicoIX.Controller
          A very simple controller.
(package private) static class PicoIX.IX_System
          A simple I-X entity with its own thread.
(package private) static class PicoIX.IX_SystemListener
          Information is sent out via a listener.
(package private) static class PicoIX.ModelManager
          A simple constraint model.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PicoIX()