Uses of Class

Packages that use PicoIX.Controller
ix.examples A simple version of an I-X framework (PicoIX) plus examples of its use. 

Uses of PicoIX.Controller in ix.examples

Subclasses of PicoIX.Controller in ix.examples
(package private) static class PicoISim.SimController
          The controller for a simulator handles an agenda of simulated events as well as the agenda of activities that the simulator addresses as an agent.
(package private) static class PicoISimTest2.TestSimController
(package private) static class PicoIXTest2.TestController
          A Controller that supports pushActivity().

Fields in ix.examples declared as PicoIX.Controller
(package private)  PicoIX.Controller PicoIX.IX_System.controller

Constructors in ix.examples with parameters of type PicoIX.Controller
PicoISim.IX_Simulator(PicoIX.Controller c, PicoIX.ModelManager m)
PicoIX.IX_System(PicoIX.Controller c, PicoIX.ModelManager a)