Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeSpec
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. 
ix.iface.domain Domain parsers and outputters. 
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.icore.domain

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return NodeSpec
 NodeSpec NodeSpec.instantiate(MatchEnv env, Function1 ifUnbound)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.icore.plan

Fields in ix.icore.plan with type parameters of type NodeSpec
protected  java.util.Map<Name,NodeSpec> DomainAsPlan.nodeIdToNodeSpecMap

Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type NodeSpec
(package private)  PlanNode DomainAsPlan.makePlanNode(NodeSpec spec)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.iface.domain

Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type NodeSpec
(package private)  void TF_Writer.outNode(NodeSpec spec)
(package private)  void LTF_Writer.outNode(NodeSpec spec)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.iview

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type NodeSpec
 java.util.ArrayList ActionEditorPanel.getAllExpansions(NodeSpec node)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.iview.domain

Subclasses of NodeSpec in ix.iview.domain
 class UINodeSpec

Methods in ix.iview.domain that return NodeSpec
static NodeSpec UIRefinement.findEditedNode(java.util.List oldNodes, LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node in the given list with a similar pattern.
 NodeSpec UIRefinement.findNode(java.util.List nodeList, LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node in the given list whose pattern matches the given pattern.
 NodeSpec UIRefinement.findNode(LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node within this refinement whose pattern matches the given pattern.
 NodeSpec UIRefinement.findNode(Name id)

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type NodeSpec
 void UIRefinement.addNode(NodeSpec node)
 void UIRefinement.deleteNode(NodeSpec node)
protected  void UIRefinement.deleteNodeConstraints(NodeSpec node)
static boolean UIRefinement.isRef(NodeSpec node, java.lang.Object o)
          Check whether the given object is a reference to the given node.

Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type NodeSpec
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain, NodeSpec original)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.iview.igraph

Subclasses of NodeSpec in ix.iview.igraph
(package private) static class ExpansionModel.NodeComponent

Methods in ix.iview.igraph with parameters of type NodeSpec
 void ExpansionModel.deleteNode(NodeSpec node)

Uses of NodeSpec in ix.iview.util

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type NodeSpec
static java.lang.String IVUtil.printNode(NodeSpec node)