Class PNodeEnd

  extended by ix.icore.process.TimePoint
      extended by ix.icore.process.PNodeEnd
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PNodeEnd
extends TimePoint
implements HasStatus

One end of a PNode.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ix.icore.process.TimePoint
Constructor Summary
PNodeEnd(End end, PNode node)
Method Summary
static void addOrdering(java.util.Map idToNodeMap, Ordering ord)
 void computeStatus()
static PNodeEnd fromRef(java.util.Map idToNodeMap, NodeEndRef ref)
 End getEnd()
 long getMark(int markIndex)
          Returns the current mark-value for this node-end.
 PNode getNode()
 PNodeEnd getOtherNodeEnd()
 java.util.List getPredecessors()
 java.util.List getShadowedEnds()
          Returns a list containing all the node-ends that are forced by ordering constraints to be after this one.
 Status getStatus()
 java.util.List getSuccessors()
 boolean isMarked(int markIndex, long mark)
          Determines whether this node-end is marked by the indicated mark.
 void linkAfter(PNodeEnd from)
 void linkBefore(PNodeEnd to)
 long markEndsBefore(int markIndex)
          Marks all node-ends that are forced by ordering contstraints to be before this one, then returns the (new) mark.
 long markShadowedEnds(int markIndex)
          Marks all node-ends that are forced by ordering contstraints to be after this one, then returns the (new) mark.
 void setStatus(Status s)
 java.lang.String toString()
 void unlink()
Methods inherited from class ix.icore.process.TimePoint
addPostConstraint, addPreConstraint, clear, getMaxTime, getMinTime, getPostConstraints, getPreConstraints, hasUnboundedMax, removePostConstraint, removePreConstraint, setMaxTime, setMinTime
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PNodeEnd(End end,
                PNode node)
Method Detail


public static PNodeEnd fromRef(java.util.Map idToNodeMap,
                               NodeEndRef ref)


public static void addOrdering(java.util.Map idToNodeMap,
                               Ordering ord)


public PNode getNode()


public End getEnd()


public PNodeEnd getOtherNodeEnd()


public Status getStatus()
Specified by:
getStatus in interface HasStatus


public void setStatus(Status s)
Specified by:
setStatus in interface HasStatus


public void computeStatus()
Specified by:
computeStatus in interface HasStatus


public java.util.List getPredecessors()


public java.util.List getSuccessors()


public void linkBefore(PNodeEnd to)


public void linkAfter(PNodeEnd from)


public void unlink()


public boolean isMarked(int markIndex,
                        long mark)
Determines whether this node-end is marked by the indicated mark.

Each PNodeEnd has, internally, a small array of marks, so that node-ends can be marked for more than one purpose by an angorithm that uses marks. That's what the 'markIndex' parameter is about. It is obviously necessary to be very careful with this, and it is best to use marks only "locally" within an algorithm, rather than relying on a markIndex to have a lasting significance. Marks are not context-layered, which is another sense in which they should be used "locally".

Marks are obtained by calling Ip2ModelManager.nextMark(), using this node's model-manager, but marking methods often do that for you automatically and then return the new mark when they're done.


public long getMark(int markIndex)
Returns the current mark-value for this node-end. To check whether this node-end has a particular make value, the isMarked(int, long) method should be called instead.


public long markShadowedEnds(int markIndex)
Marks all node-ends that are forced by ordering contstraints to be after this one, then returns the (new) mark. This node-end is also marked. Then the isMarked(int, long) method can be used to tell whether a node-end is marked by that mark. See that method for more about marking.


public long markEndsBefore(int markIndex)
Marks all node-ends that are forced by ordering contstraints to be before this one, then returns the (new) mark. This node-end is also marked. Then the isMarked(int, long) method can be used to tell whether a node-end is marked by that mark. See that method for more about marking.


public java.util.List getShadowedEnds()
Returns a list containing all the node-ends that are forced by ordering constraints to be after this one.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object