Uses of Class

Packages that use JConstraintEditor
ix.iface.ui I-X user interfaces. 
ix.iview Viewers. 

Uses of JConstraintEditor in ix.iface.ui

Subclasses of JConstraintEditor in ix.iface.ui
 class IFormPanel.FieldChooser

Methods in ix.iface.ui with parameters of type JConstraintEditor
 void JConstraintListener.gotConstraint(JConstraintEditor e, java.lang.Object o, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Implement this method to process the new constraint
 void IFormPanel.gotConstraint(JConstraintEditor ce, java.lang.Object o, java.lang.Object constraint)

Uses of JConstraintEditor in ix.iview

Subclasses of JConstraintEditor in ix.iview
 class ConditionEffectEditor
          An editor for specifying conditions and effects in refinements.
 class ConstraintEditor
          An abstract class with useful things for building constraint editors.
 class DeclarationEditor
          An editor for specifying variable declarations Declarations are attached to self (the refinement).
 class DefaultConstraintEditor
          An editor for specifying generic constraints in refinements.
 class ObjectConstraintEditor
          An editor for specifying (world-state) constraints on objects in refinements.
 class OrderingEditor
          An editor for specifying temporal relations between time points in refinements.
 class PropertyEditor
          A simple text-input editor for entering property names with a list for the syntax type.
 class SimpleDeclarationEditor
          An editor for specifying variable declarations Declarations are attached to self (the refinement).
 class SpecEditor
          A simple text-input editor for entering specifications, e.g. for nodes and issues.