Class Summary |
AbstractIXTableModel |
An abstract class for table models. |
AbstractTreeTableModel |
An abstract class for tree table models. |
IXDefaultCellEditor |
A TableCellEditor with a combo box that can re-select the same item. |
IXTable |
Abstract table that listens to the mouse, has values with up to 4D and
sensible column widths. |
IXTNTreeTableNode |
A protected class that is wrapped around TreeNode objects to hold
information about identity in the tree (parent-line) and expansion
information (indentation, whether or not the node is expanded). |
IXTreeTable |
Abstract table, as IXTable but for tree structures. |
IXTreeTableNode |
An abstract class that is wrapped around objects to provide the TreeNode
interface and to hold information about identity in the tree (parent-line)
and expansion information (indentation, the node is expanded or not). |
TablePopupMenu |
A popup menu that can be used as a cell editor for table cells instead of
combo boxes (they don't work properly). |