Class IFUtil

  extended by ix.iface.util.IFUtil

public class IFUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Class for static utilities.

Method Summary
static void addMenuBarItem(javax.swing.JFrame frame, java.lang.String menuName, javax.swing.JMenuItem item)
          Adds an item to a menu in a frame's menu bar.
static void adjustLookAndFeel()
          Makes any standard I-X changes to the look and feel.
static javax.swing.JMenu ensureMenuBarMenu(javax.swing.JFrame frame, java.lang.String menuName)
          Ensures that a frame's menu bar contains a menu of the specified name, creating a menu and adding it if it is not alreay present.
(package private)  javax.swing.table.TableColumn findColumn(javax.swing.JTable tab, java.lang.String header)
          Returns the column that has the specified header.
static javax.swing.JMenu getMenuBarMenu(javax.swing.JMenuBar bar, java.lang.String menuName, boolean mustHave)
          Returns the named menu from a menu bar if the menu exists.
static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text, java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
          Creates a button with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.
static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text, boolean enabled, java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
          Creates a button with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.
static javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text, java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
          Creates a menu-item with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.
static javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text, boolean enabled, java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
          Creates a menu-item, enabled or not, with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void adjustLookAndFeel()
Makes any standard I-X changes to the look and feel.

See Also:


javax.swing.table.TableColumn findColumn(javax.swing.JTable tab,
                                         java.lang.String header)
Returns the column that has the specified header.


public static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text,
                                             java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
Creates a button with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.


public static javax.swing.JButton makeButton(java.lang.String text,
                                             boolean enabled,
                                             java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
Creates a button with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.


public static javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text,
                                                 java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
Creates a menu-item with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.


public static javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text,
                                                 boolean enabled,
                                                 java.awt.event.ActionListener lis)
Creates a menu-item, enabled or not, with the specified action Listener placed inside a CatchingActionListener.


public static void addMenuBarItem(javax.swing.JFrame frame,
                                  java.lang.String menuName,
                                  javax.swing.JMenuItem item)
Adds an item to a menu in a frame's menu bar. If the bar does not already contain a menu of the specified name, one is created and added to the bar. The frame must be a JFrame and already have a JMenuBar.

frame - the frame
menuName - the text of a menu in the frame's menu bar.
item - the menu item to add
See Also:
ensureMenuBarMenu(JFrame frame, String menuName)


public static javax.swing.JMenu ensureMenuBarMenu(javax.swing.JFrame frame,
                                                  java.lang.String menuName)
Ensures that a frame's menu bar contains a menu of the specified name, creating a menu and adding it if it is not alreay present. The menu is returned. The frame must be a JFrame and already have a JMenuBar.

frame - the frame
menuName - the text of a menu in the frame's menu bar.


public static javax.swing.JMenu getMenuBarMenu(javax.swing.JMenuBar bar,
                                               java.lang.String menuName,
                                               boolean mustHave)
Returns the named menu from a menu bar if the menu exists.

bar - the menu bar
menuName - the text of a menu in the bar
mustHave - whether to throw an exception or return null if the specified menu does not exist.