Class ActionUnreadyReason

  extended by ix.ip2.ActionUnreadyReason
Direct Known Subclasses:
SimpleUnreadyReason, UnboundVariablesUnreadyReason, UnsatisfiedConditionsUnreadyReason

public abstract class ActionUnreadyReason
extends java.lang.Object

An explanation of why a HandlerAction is not ready to be used.

See Also:
HandlerAction.isReady(), HandlerAction.getUnreadyReason()

Field Summary
protected  HandlerAction action
Constructor Summary
ActionUnreadyReason(HandlerAction action)
          Creates an unready reason for the indicated action.
Method Summary
 HandlerAction getAction()
          Returns the handler-action given when this reason was created.
abstract  java.lang.String[] getExplanation()
          Returns an explanation in natural language, suitable for presenting to a user.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HandlerAction action
Constructor Detail


public ActionUnreadyReason(HandlerAction action)
Creates an unready reason for the indicated action.

Method Detail


public HandlerAction getAction()
Returns the handler-action given when this reason was created. Naturally, that should be the action whose unready status is being explained by this ActionUnreadyReason.


public abstract java.lang.String[] getExplanation()
Returns an explanation in natural language, suitable for presenting to a user. Successive elements of the returned array are treated as successive lines of the explanation.