Interface AnnotationViewer

All Superinterfaces:
AnnotationListener, java.util.EventListener
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AnnotationViewer
extends AnnotationListener

Method Summary
 void getNewItemFromUser()
          Ask the user to enter a new annotation.
 java.awt.Component getView(PanelFrame frame)
          Return the GUI component that should be placed in the agent's main user-interface frame.
 void reset()
          Sets the viewer back to its initial state (or a reasonable approximation).
Methods inherited from interface ix.icore.event.AnnotationListener

Method Detail


java.awt.Component getView(PanelFrame frame)
Return the GUI component that should be placed in the agent's main user-interface frame. The frame is passed as a parameter in case different objects must be returned for different frame classes.


void getNewItemFromUser()
Ask the user to enter a new annotation.


void reset()
Sets the viewer back to its initial state (or a reasonable approximation).