Class SimpleCompletionHandler

  extended by ix.ip2.ItemHandler
      extended by ix.ip2.SimpleCompletionHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleCompletionHandler
extends ItemHandler

Generates HandlerActions that let a user do nothing or make an AgendaItem complete. This handler is not normally used in I-P2. A CompletionHandler is used instead.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ix.ip2.ItemHandler
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addHandlerActions(AgendaItem item)
          Called to add any HandlerActions that this handler regards as appropriate for the specified AgendaItem.
Methods inherited from class ix.ip2.ItemHandler
appliesTo, getActionDescription, getSyntaxList, handle, isAutomatic, makeHandler, reviseHandlerActions, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleCompletionHandler()
Method Detail


public void addHandlerActions(AgendaItem item)
Description copied from class: ItemHandler
Called to add any HandlerActions that this handler regards as appropriate for the specified AgendaItem.

This method is called only if both this handler's ItemHandler.appliesTo(AgendaItem) and the specified item's AgendaItem.wantsActionsFrom(ItemHandler) methods return true.

The method provided by the ItemHandler class just adds an action that calls this handler's ItemHandler.handle(AgendaItem) method. This allows suitably simple handlers to avoid working directly with HandlerActions.

Note that actions are added by calling an item's AgendaItem.addAction(HandlerAction) method.

addHandlerActions in class ItemHandler