Package ix.ispace

Information about other agents and agent-relationships.


Interface Summary
AgentGroup Represents a collection of agents that cen be referred to for message-sending or other purposes.

Class Summary
AbstractAgentGroup A base class that can support both intensionally and extensionally secified groups.
AgentData What we know about another agent.
AgentRelationship Standard relationships between agents.
Capability Represents something an agent is able to do.
ContactManager Keeps track of known relationships between agents and agent capabilities.
ISpaceAgent What we know about another agent.
ISpaceTool The I-Space user interface.
ISpaceTool.RelationComboBox A combo-box for selecting AgentRelationships.
VerbCapability A capability that corresponds to a verb such as would appear in an issue or activity pattern.

Package ix.ispace Description

Information about other agents and agent-relationships.