Class UIRefinementSetEditor

  extended by ix.iface.ui.AbstractSetEditor
      extended by ix.iview.AbstractUISetEditor
          extended by ix.iview.UIRefinementSetEditor

public class UIRefinementSetEditor
extends AbstractUISetEditor

Support for editing sets of named objects (e.g. refinements or object classes). Looks after adding/removing/editing the objects and keeping the set consistent. Handles overwrites, finding objects in the set, working out whether the set has changed.

Field Summary
 boolean lazyOwn
Fields inherited from class ix.iface.ui.AbstractSetEditor
ADD, added, CANCEL, edited, label, manager, members, NEWNAME, originals, OVERWRITE, removed
Constructor Summary
UIRefinementSetEditor(DomainObjectManager om, java.util.LinkedList os)
Method Summary
 java.util.LinkedList getDomainOriginals()
 java.util.HashSet getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern, java.util.List refs)
 java.util.HashSet getMatchingUIRefinements(LList pattern, java.util.List domainMatches)
 java.util.LinkedList getOriginals()
          Gets all original objects from the originals map.
 Named getStringOriginal(java.lang.String name)
 boolean isOwnObject(java.lang.Object object)
          Checks whether the given object is one of this editor's own, e.g.
 java.util.LinkedList makeOriginalList()
 java.lang.Object makeOwnObject(java.lang.Object object)
          Makes an own object from the given one
 boolean sameConstruct(java.lang.Object r, java.lang.Object rOther)
          Checks whether the two given objects have the same specifications.
 void setLegalName(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String name)
          Sets a string representation of the object that identifies it uniquely
Methods inherited from class ix.iview.AbstractUISetEditor
cloneConstruct, collectConstructChanges, fireConstructRemoved, getAnyNamedObject, getBaseObject, getDomain, getName, getNamedObject, getOriginal, getUIDomain, hasOriginal, isEmpty, isUndefined, loadOriginal, rememberClear, removeFromDomain, saveToDomain, setManager, setName, setObjects, setOriginal
Methods inherited from class ix.iface.ui.AbstractSetEditor
addConstruct, addedObject, clear, defaultMakeOwnObject, ensureConstruct, findOwnObject, fireConstructAdded, fireConstructEdited, getAllConstructs, getOwnObject, handleNameClash, hasChangedConstructs, hasChangedFromOriginal, hasOriginal, isCurrentNamedObject, isCurrentOwnObject, isEmpty, isLoading, newOwnObject, print, printDetails, printSet, publishedEdits, removeConstruct, resetEdits, setManager, setOverwrite, updateConstruct
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean lazyOwn
Constructor Detail


public UIRefinementSetEditor(DomainObjectManager om,
                             java.util.LinkedList os)
Method Detail


public void setLegalName(java.lang.Object object,
                         java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: AbstractSetEditor
Sets a string representation of the object that identifies it uniquely

Specified by:
setLegalName in class AbstractSetEditor


public boolean isOwnObject(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from class: AbstractSetEditor
Checks whether the given object is one of this editor's own, e.g. UIRefinement

Specified by:
isOwnObject in class AbstractSetEditor


public boolean sameConstruct(java.lang.Object r,
                             java.lang.Object rOther)
Description copied from class: AbstractSetEditor
Checks whether the two given objects have the same specifications.

Specified by:
sameConstruct in class AbstractSetEditor


public java.util.LinkedList getOriginals()
Description copied from class: AbstractSetEditor
Gets all original objects from the originals map. If this map is built in a lazy way (as for Refinements), make sure that this is overwiritten to look in the original domain.

getOriginals in class AbstractSetEditor


public java.util.LinkedList getDomainOriginals()


public java.util.LinkedList makeOriginalList()


public java.lang.Object makeOwnObject(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from class: AbstractSetEditor
Makes an own object from the given one

Specified by:
makeOwnObject in class AbstractSetEditor


public Named getStringOriginal(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getStringOriginal in class AbstractUISetEditor


public java.util.HashSet getMatchingUIRefinements(LList pattern,
                                                  java.util.List domainMatches)


public java.util.HashSet getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern,
                                                java.util.List refs)