Uses of Interface

Packages that use UIObject
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.iview.domain.event Events and listeners that relate to UIObjects (Objects that mirror those of the domain) 

Uses of UIObject in ix.iface.ui.tree

Methods in ix.iface.ui.tree with parameters of type UIObject
 IXTreeNode EditableTreeModel.addTreeParent(IXTreeNode parent, UIObject userChild)
 IXTreeNode EditableTreeModel.newTreeChild(UIObject userParent)

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview

Fields in ix.iview declared as UIObject
protected  UIObject AConstructEditorPanel.uiConstruct
(package private)  UIObject AConstructFramePanel.JModifyDialog.uio

Methods in ix.iview that return UIObject
protected  UIObject SimpleEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject GrammarEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject GlobalFramePanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject ActionEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject AROEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected abstract  UIObject AConstructFramePanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject original)
 UIObject GrammarEditorPanel.GrammarFormPanel.getUIConstruct()
 UIObject GlobalFormPanel.getUIConstruct()
 UIObject ConstructEditing.getUIConstruct()
          Gets the current UI construct.
 UIObject ActionFormPanel.getUIConstruct()
          Gets the current UI construct.
 UIObject AROEditorPanel.AROFormPanel.getUIConstruct()
 UIObject AConstructFramePanel.getUIConstruct()
          Looks up the current construct in the main panel.
 UIObject AConstructEditorPanel.getUIConstruct()
          Gets the current UI construct.
 UIObject SimpleEditorPanel.makeNewConstruct()
 UIObject GrammarEditorPanel.makeNewConstruct()
 UIObject GlobalFramePanel.makeNewConstruct()
 UIObject ConstructFraming.makeNewConstruct()
          Makes a new construct of the panel's type.
 UIObject ActionEditorPanel.makeNewConstruct()
          User request to make a new action.
 UIObject AROEditorPanel.makeNewConstruct()
          Make a new construct of the panel's type.
abstract  UIObject AConstructFramePanel.makeNewConstruct()
 UIObject SimpleEditorPanel.noteConstruct()
          Note the contents of the panel into the current object.
protected  UIObject GrammarEditorPanel.noteConstruct()
          Notes the content of the editing panel into the current(new?)
protected  UIObject GlobalFramePanel.noteConstruct()
protected  UIObject ActionEditorPanel.noteConstruct()
          Note the settings in the editor in a UIObject.
 UIObject AROEditorPanel.noteConstruct()
          Note the contents of the panel into the current object.
protected abstract  UIObject AConstructFramePanel.noteConstruct()
          Note the contents of the panel into the current object.

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type UIObject
 void AConstructFramePanel.JModifyDialog.ask(UIObject uio)
protected  void AConstructFramePanel.askModifyDialog(UIObject uio)
protected  void AConstructFramePanel.askModifyOptions(UIObject uio)
protected  UIObject SimpleEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject GrammarEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject GlobalFramePanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject ActionEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected  UIObject AROEditorPanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject uiConstruct)
protected abstract  UIObject AConstructFramePanel.cloneConstruct(UIObject original)
 void UndoManager.constructChanged(java.awt.Component source, UIObject oldUIO, UIObject newUIO)
 void UIObjectClassSetEditor.fireConstructAdded(UIObject object)
 void AConstructFramePanel.fireConstructChanged(UIObject oldUIO, UIObject newUIO, java.awt.Component source)
 void UIObjectClassSetEditor.fireConstructEdited(UIObject object)
protected  void AConstructFramePanel.noteDraftConstruct(UIObject uio)
          Note the UIObject in the (right) draft domain
 void AConstructFramePanel.OLDsetUIConstruct(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct to be viewed/edited.
protected  void ActionEditorPanel.resetUIConstruct(UIObject object)
          Same as setUIConstruct, but remembers the setting of the miniConstraints
 void SimpleEditorPanel.setConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Put a given construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing
 void GrammarEditorPanel.GrammarFormPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
 void GlobalFormPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
 void DomainEditorFrame.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Sets the given UIObject as the current one and displays it for editing.
 void DomainEditor.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Sets the given UIObject as the current one and displays it for editing.
 void ConstructFraming.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Put a given UI construct of the panel's type into the panel ready for editing
 void ConstructEditing.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Sets the current UI construct.
 void ActionFormPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject uiObject)
 void ActionEditorPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct to be viewed/edited.
 void AROEditorPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct to be viewed/edited.
 void AROEditorPanel.AROFormPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
 void AConstructFramePanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct to be viewed/edited.
abstract  void AConstructEditorPanel.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Sets the current UI construct in the panel.
 void GrammarEditorPanel.GrammarFormPanel.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject construct)
 void GlobalFormPanel.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject construct)
 void ConstructEditing.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject construct)
          Sets the current UI construct without noting changes.
 void ActionFormPanel.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject uiObject)
 void ActionEditorPanel.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct to be viewed/edited without noting the previous construct.
 void AROEditorPanel.AROFormPanel.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject construct)
 void ActionEditorPanel.setUIConstructPanel(UIObject object)
          Sets the given UI construct in this editor and in the current panel Does not call beforeSwitching.
 void AROEditorPanel.setUIConstructPanel(UIObject object)
          do we really need this?
 void AConstructFramePanel.setUIConstructPanel(UIObject construct)
          overwrite this to not call before/after switching

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview.domain

Classes in ix.iview.domain that implement UIObject
 class UIDomain
          Mirrors the Domain for safe editing and adds UI things and change management.
 class UIObjectClass
          A class that helps to edit type specifications for activity relatable objects.
 class UIRefinement
          Mirrors the domain's Refinement and adds UI, Graph, and TreeNode things

Methods in ix.iview.domain that return UIObject
 UIObject UIDomain.findUIObject(java.lang.Object object)
 UIObject UIDomain.getUIObject(IXObject object)
 UIObject UIDomain.newUIObject(IXObject object)

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type UIObject
 boolean UIDomain.addConstruct(UIObject object)
 void UIDomain.addedObject(UIObject uio, IXObject original)
          from UIRefinement and UIObjectClass when they are created
 void UIDomain.ensureConstruct(UIObject object)
 void UIDomain.updateConstruct(UIObject object)

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview.domain.event

Methods in ix.iview.domain.event that return UIObject
 UIObject UIDomainEvent.getUIObject()

Constructors in ix.iview.domain.event with parameters of type UIObject
UIDomainEvent(UIDomain source, UIObject object)

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview.event

Methods in ix.iview.event with parameters of type UIObject
 void CurrentConstructListener.constructChanged(java.awt.Component source, UIObject oldUIO, UIObject newUIO)
          Implement this method to take note of action selections

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview.igraph

Methods in ix.iview.igraph with parameters of type UIObject
 void GExpansionEditor.setUIConstruct(UIObject construct)
          Sets the current UI construct.
 void GExpansionEditor.setUIConstructOnly(UIObject construct)
          Sets the current UI construct.

Uses of UIObject in ix.iview.util

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type UIObject
static boolean IVUtil.checkCopyObject(java.lang.String thing, UIObject uio, java.lang.String name)
          Check if the object should be overwritten or copied.