Class ActionTreeTableModel

  extended by javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
      extended by ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
          extended by ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractTreeTableModel
              extended by ix.iview.table.ActionTreeTableModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
TableMouseListener, UIDomainListener, java.io.Serializable, java.util.EventListener, javax.swing.table.TableModel
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ActionTreeTableModel
extends AbstractTreeTableModel
implements UIDomainListener

A TreeTableModel that can display Refinement and Node objects.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
Field Summary
protected  int PATTERN_COL
protected  UIDomain uiDomain
Fields inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractTreeTableModel
CLOSEDC, CLOSEDI, INDENT_STEP, LEAFC, LEAFI, nameColumn, nodeMap, nodes, OPENC, OPENI, treeIconColumn
Fields inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
columnClasses, columnFields, columnNames, markedRows, objectClass, rows, rowsMarkable
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
Constructor Summary
ActionTreeTableModel(boolean markable, UIDomain uiDomain)
Method Summary
 void constructAdded(DomainEvent e)
 void constructAdded(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when a UI construct is added.
 void constructEdited(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when a UI construct is edited.
 void constructRemoved(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when a UI construct is removed.
 void domainCleared(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when the domain is cleared.
 void domainEdited(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when the domain's own fields changed (currently only name).
 void domainSet(UIDomainEvent e)
          Called when the domain is added.
 java.lang.Object getCellValueAt(java.lang.Object o, int columnIndex)
          Gets the cell value for normal cells (only one - the pattern).
 java.lang.String getNameString(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node)
          Gets the name string for the given row object.
protected  LList getPattern(IXTNTreeTableNode iNode)
 boolean getSort()
 boolean isOwnObject(java.lang.Object o)
 IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object theNode)
          Makes an IXTreeTableNode from the given object.
 void refinementAdded(RefinementEvent e)
 void refinementRemoved(RefinementEvent e)
 void reloadData()
          Looks up all refinements and updates the tree model from them.
 void resetData()
          Looks up all refinements and builds the tree model from them, discarding previous data.
(package private)  void setColumnNames()
          Gets the strings that are to be used as column names.
 void setDomain(UIDomain domain)
 void setSort(boolean sortIt)
Methods inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractTreeTableModel
addData, addTreeNode, addTreeTableModelListener, cellClicked, clearData, clearTable, deriveColumnFields, expandNode, fireNodeStructureChanged, fireObjectChanged, fireTreeStructureChanged, forceExpandNode, getNodeRow, getObjectRow, getParentsBold, getRowNode, getRowObject, getTreeNode, getTreeNode, getTreeNodeType, getTreeValueAt, getValueAt, isCellEditable, isExpanding, isParentsBold, ixTTNListToString, makeIXTreeTableNode, removeChildData, removeChildren, removeData, removeDataNode, removeNodes, removeTreeNode, setColumnFields, setColumnNames, setColumnPlaces, setData, setData, setParentsBold, unexpandNode, updateData
Methods inherited from class ix.iface.ui.table.AbstractIXTableModel
addData, addMarkListener, clearMarks, defaultGetCellValueAt, defaultSetColumnFields, fireTableMarkAdded, fireTableMarkCleared, fireTableMarkedAll, fireTableMarkRemoved, getColumnClass, getColumnCount, getColumnName, getColumnNames, getData, getMarkedObjects, getMarkedRows, getRowCount, isMarkable, isMarked, isMarkedEmpty, markAll, markRow, removeMarkListener, replaceData, setColumnClasses, setValueAt, unmarkRow
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
addTableModelListener, findColumn, fireTableCellUpdated, fireTableChanged, fireTableDataChanged, fireTableRowsDeleted, fireTableRowsInserted, fireTableRowsUpdated, fireTableStructureChanged, getListeners, getTableModelListeners, removeTableModelListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected UIDomain uiDomain


protected int PATTERN_COL
Constructor Detail


public ActionTreeTableModel(boolean markable,
                            UIDomain uiDomain)
Method Detail


public void setDomain(UIDomain domain)


public IXTreeTableNode makeIXTreeTableNode(java.lang.Object theNode)
Makes an IXTreeTableNode from the given object. If the given object is not a TreeNode already, uses the domain to get the object's UIObject.

Specified by:
makeIXTreeTableNode in class AbstractTreeTableModel


public java.lang.Object getCellValueAt(java.lang.Object o,
                                       int columnIndex)
Gets the cell value for normal cells (only one - the pattern). The name cell is done in the AbstractTreeTableModel method getTreeValueAt.

Specified by:
getCellValueAt in class AbstractTreeTableModel
the value as an object, null for illegal columns.


public java.lang.String getNameString(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node)
Gets the name string for the given row object.

Specified by:
getNameString in class AbstractTreeTableModel


void setColumnNames()
Gets the strings that are to be used as column names.


protected LList getPattern(IXTNTreeTableNode iNode)


public void reloadData()
Looks up all refinements and updates the tree model from them. This method retains the expansion information.


public void resetData()
Looks up all refinements and builds the tree model from them, discarding previous data. This method loses the expansion information and will collapse the whole tree. Use reloadData to retain expansion information.


public void setSort(boolean sortIt)


public boolean getSort()


public boolean isOwnObject(java.lang.Object o)


public void refinementAdded(RefinementEvent e)


public void refinementRemoved(RefinementEvent e)


public void constructAdded(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when a UI construct is added. Use getSource() to get at the domain (UI/IX) in which the event occurred. Use getObject() to get at the object (UI/IX) that has been added.

Specified by:
constructAdded in interface UIDomainListener


public void constructAdded(DomainEvent e)
Specified by:
constructAdded in interface UIDomainListener


public void constructRemoved(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when a UI construct is removed. Use getSource() to get at the UIDomain in which the event occurred. Use getObject() to get at the UIObject that has been removed.

Specified by:
constructRemoved in interface UIDomainListener


public void constructEdited(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when a UI construct is edited. Use getSource() to get at the UIDomain in which the event occurred. Use getObject() to get at the UIObject that has been edited.

Specified by:
constructEdited in interface UIDomainListener


public void domainCleared(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when the domain is cleared.

Specified by:
domainCleared in interface UIDomainListener


public void domainEdited(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when the domain's own fields changed (currently only name).

Specified by:
domainEdited in interface UIDomainListener


public void domainSet(UIDomainEvent e)
Description copied from interface: UIDomainListener
Called when the domain is added.

Specified by:
domainSet in interface UIDomainListener