Class Postix

  extended by ix.icore.IXAgent
      extended by ix.ip2.Ip2
          extended by ix.postix.Postix

public class Postix
extends Ip2

A minimized I-P2 class and application main program.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
Ip2.AddExtensionsHandler, Ip2.AddHandlersHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
activityViewer, agentTypeName, annotationViewer, controller, domain, frame, issueViewer, logoImage, logoLine1, logoLine2, modelManager, optionManager, resetHooks, showOptions, stateViewer
Fields inherited from class ix.icore.IXAgent
contactManager, displayName, eventLogger, exitHooks, initialDisplayName, ipcName, ipcStrategyName, iSimTimer, mainAgent, nameListeners, startupDate, startupHooks, symbolName, textFrame
Constructor Summary
Postix(boolean setAgent)
Method Summary
protected  void completeStartup()
          Called in the AWT event thread to make the main GUI frame visible and perform any additional setup that ought to be done in that thread.
(package private)  AgendaViewer getActivityViewer()
 void handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Handles external input in the form of an IPC.InputMessage that contains an object such as an Issue, Activity, or Report.
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
          Main program.
 void startup()
          Completes basic setup and initialization.
Methods inherited from class ix.ip2.Ip2
addAboutInfo, addForwardingHandler, addHandlers, addHandlers, addResetHook, addTest, addTestMenuItems, addTool, clearAllButState, clearModel, do_reloadViewers, ensureTool, getActivityPatternSyntaxes, getAgentTypeName, getController, getDomain, getFrame, getIp2ModelManager, getModelManager, getOptionManager, getPlan, handleInputDirectly, handleNewActivity, handleNewChatMessage, handleNewConstraint, handleNewIssue, handleNewReport, initOptions, isReloadingViewers, loadDomain, loadInitialPlan, loadPlan, loadPlan, loadPlan, makeActivityViewer, makeAnnotationViewer, makeController, makeIp2Frame, makeIssueViewer, makeLogoPanel, makeModelManager, makeStateViewer, makeViewer, processCommandLineArguments, readDomain, readDomain, reloadViewers, reset, resetAllButState, resetViewers, savePlanAs
Methods inherited from class ix.icore.IXAgent
addAgentNameListener, addExitHook, addStartupHook, adjustLookAndFeel, displayMessage, do_mainStartup, exit, fireSymbolNameChanged, getAgent, getAgentDisplayName, getAgentIPCName, getAgentStartupDate, getAgentSymbolName, getContactManager, getEventLogger, getISimTimer, getKnownAgents, handleReceivedReport, installAgentExtensions, installAgentExtensions, isMainAgent, log, mainStartup, notePossibleNewContact, pre_handleInput, preprocessInput, reportInputException, setAgentSymbolName, setEventLogger, setupISimTimer, startServer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Postix()


public Postix(boolean setAgent)
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
Main program.


public void startup()
Completes basic setup and initialization.

startup in class Ip2


protected void completeStartup()
Description copied from class: Ip2
Called in the AWT event thread to make the main GUI frame visible and perform any additional setup that ought to be done in that thread.

completeStartup in class Ip2
See Also:


AgendaViewer getActivityViewer()


public void handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
Description copied from class: IXAgent
Handles external input in the form of an IPC.InputMessage that contains an object such as an Issue, Activity, or Report. It calls one of handleNewIssue, handleNewReport, etc as appropriate.

handleInput in class Ip2