Class FilePlanner

  extended by ix.test.PlanningTest
      extended by ix.test.FilePlanner

public class FilePlanner
extends PlanningTest

A Utility for running planning problems with files as input and output.


The domain to use when planning. A ParameterException will be thrown if no domain is given.
A initial plan that sets up the planning problem. This is optional, but if it is not given, a task must be, or else a ParameterException will be thrown.
This is an alternative to specifying a plan, although both can be given. The pattern is turned into an activity which is then added to the initial plan that's given to the planner. The pattern is typically a sequence of words, numbers, etc separated by spaces, that is meaningful in the domain. For example, "test1", "drive-to Glasgow".
The number of plans to generate (defaults to 1).
The directory where output plans should be put. If no directory is specified, the directory containing the initial plan is used, if an initial plan was given, or else the directory containing the domain.
The file type to use for output plans. If this is not specified, the type of the initial plan's file is used, if an initial plan was given; otherwise, the type defaults to "xml".
test=true or false
If true, plans are generated as usual, but no files are created. If this parameter is not specified, it is assumed to be false.

Field Summary
protected  java.io.File domainFile
protected  int numberOfPlans
protected  java.io.File outputDirecoryFile
protected  java.lang.String outputDirecoryName
protected  java.lang.String outputFileType
protected  java.io.File planFile
protected  int planNumber
protected  boolean testOnly
Fields inherited from class ix.test.PlanningTest
domain, domainName, planName, planner, task
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void checkThatEnoughParametersWereGiven()
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
protected  java.lang.String namePart(java.io.File file)
          Returns the name from a File, leaving out the directory and any file type.
protected  void outputPlan(Plan plan)
protected  void run()
protected  java.lang.String savedPlanName()
          Constructs a file name for a plan based on the domain name plus the task, if one was specified, or else the name of the initial plan.
protected  void setup()
protected  java.lang.String taskDescription()
          Returns a short textual description of the task or problem that's been given to the planner.
Methods inherited from class ix.test.PlanningTest
checkPlan, initialPlan
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String outputDirecoryName


protected java.lang.String outputFileType


protected boolean testOnly


protected java.io.File domainFile


protected java.io.File planFile


protected java.io.File outputDirecoryFile


protected int numberOfPlans


protected int planNumber
Constructor Detail


public FilePlanner()
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)


protected void run()
run in class PlanningTest


protected void setup()
setup in class PlanningTest


protected void checkThatEnoughParametersWereGiven()


protected void outputPlan(Plan plan)


protected java.lang.String savedPlanName()
Constructs a file name for a plan based on the domain name plus the task, if one was specified, or else the name of the initial plan. The parts are separated by dashes, and any spaces in the task are replaced by dashes. If the initial plan's name begins with the domain name, followed by a dash, that part is removed, so that it doesn't appear twice, and replaced by "starting-from-".

See Also:


protected java.lang.String namePart(java.io.File file)
Returns the name from a File, leaving out the directory and any file type.


protected java.lang.String taskDescription()
Returns a short textual description of the task or problem that's been given to the planner.

The result is the task string, if one was specified, or else the name of the initial plan. If the initial-plan string begins with the domain name (followed by a dash), those characters are removed from the description, as are any characters after and including any final ".". The domain part is replaced by "starting-from". For example, if the domain is "example" and initial-plan is "example-init-plan.xml", the result will be "starting-from-init-plan".