Class Collect

  extended by ix.util.Collect

public final class Collect
extends java.lang.Object

Collection and Map utilities

See Also:
Fn, Strings, Util

Nested Class Summary
static class Collect.ShortestFirstComparator
          A Comparator that orders shorter Collections before longer ones.
Method Summary
static java.util.List append(java.util.List a, java.util.List b)
          Returns a new list of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements of the first list followed by those of the second.
static boolean areConsistent(java.util.Map m1, java.util.Map m2)
          Checks whether two maps are consistent.
static boolean containsEq(java.util.Collection col, java.lang.Object item)
          Determines whether a collection contains an element == to an object.
static java.util.Collection difference(java.util.Collection a, java.util.Collection b)
          Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements of the first collection that do not appear in the second.
static java.util.Map difference(java.util.Map a, java.util.Map b)
          Returns a map of the same class as its first argument and that contains the entries from the first map that do not appear in the second.
static boolean elementsMatch(java.util.List list, java.lang.Class... classes)
          Tests whether each element of the list is an instance of the corresponding class.
static java.lang.String elementsToString(java.util.Collection c)
          Returns the toString() representation of the elements of the collection, separated by commas.
static java.lang.String elementsToString(java.util.Collection c, Function1 f)
          Returns the toString() representation of the elements of the collection as transformed by the function and separated by commas.
static java.util.List ensureList(java.util.List list)
          Ensures that a value is a List object by returning an empty list if the value is null.
static java.util.Map ensureMap(java.util.Map map)
          Ensures that a value is a Map object by returning an empty map if the value is null.
static boolean equalAsSets(java.util.Collection a, java.util.Collection b)
          Determines whether two collections have the same elements regardless of order.
static boolean every(java.util.Collection c, Predicate1 p)
          Tests whether a predicate is true of every element of a collection.
static java.util.Map extendMap(java.util.Map m, java.util.Collection keys, java.util.Collection values)
          Adds entries to a map from a collection of keys and a parallel collection of values.
static java.util.Collection filter(java.util.Collection result, java.util.Collection c, Predicate1 p)
          Returns the result collection after adding the elements of another collection for which the predicate returned true;
static java.util.Collection filter(java.util.Collection c, Predicate1 p)
          Returns a new collection of the same class as the original and containing only the elements for which the predicate returned true;
static java.util.Map filter(java.util.Map result, java.util.Map m, Predicate2 p)
          Returns the result map after adding a map's (key, value) entries for which a predicate returns true.
static java.util.Map filter(java.util.Map m, Predicate2 p)
          Returns a new map of the same class as the original and containing only the (key, value) entries for which the predicate returned true;
static java.lang.Object findIf(java.util.Collection col, Predicate1 p)
          Returns the first element of the collection such that the predicate is true.
static boolean haveCommonElements(java.util.Collection a, java.util.Collection b)
          Checks whether two colletions have any elements in common.
static java.util.List insertBeforeFirst(java.lang.Object target, java.util.List list, java.util.List add)
          Returns a same-class copy of a list in which a list of additional elements has been inserted before the first occurrence of a specified target element.
static java.util.Collection intersection(java.util.Collection a, java.util.Collection b)
          Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements that appear in both collections.
static boolean isEmpty(java.util.Collection c)
          Returns true iff the collection is either null or empty.
static boolean isEmpty(java.util.Map m)
          Returns true iff the Map is either null or empty.
static java.util.Iterator iterator(java.util.Collection c)
          Returns the collections's iterator, treating null as an empty list.
<E> E
lastElement(java.util.List<E> list)
          Returns the last element of the list, or null if the list is empty.
<E> java.util.List<E>
makeFixedList(E... elements)
          Returns a fixed-length list of the specified elements.
<E> java.util.List<E>
makeList(E... elements)
          Returns an extendable list of the specified elements.
static java.util.Collection map(java.util.Collection result, java.util.Collection c, Function1 f)
          Returns the result collection after adding the values returned by a function applied to each element of another collection.
static java.util.Collection map(java.util.Collection c, Function1 f)
          Returns a new collection of the same class as the original and with corresponding elements obtained by calling the specified function.
static java.util.List powerset(java.util.List elements)
          Returns the powerset of a List in a nice order.
<E> E
randomth(java.util.List<E> list, java.util.Random random)
          Returns a random element of the list.
static boolean removeAll(java.util.Map a, java.util.Map b)
          Removes all entries from a map that appear in a second map.
static java.util.List replaceFirst(java.lang.Object from, java.lang.Object to, java.util.List source)
          Replaces the first occurrence of an item in a list, returning the modified list.
static boolean some(java.util.Collection c, Predicate1 p)
          Tests whether a prediate is true of at least one element of a collection.
static Function1 toFunction(java.util.Map m)
          Returns a function based on the map.
static java.util.Map transposeMap(java.util.Map m)
          Returns a map of the same class as the original but with keys and values exchanged.
static java.util.Collection union(java.util.Collection a, java.util.Collection b)
          Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements that appear in the first collection plus all elements from the second collection that were not already in the first.
static void walkTriangle(java.util.List list, Proc walker)
          Performs "triangle iteration" on a list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static final boolean isEmpty(java.util.Collection c)
Returns true iff the collection is either null or empty.


public static final java.util.Iterator iterator(java.util.Collection c)
Returns the collections's iterator, treating null as an empty list.


public static java.util.List ensureList(java.util.List list)
Ensures that a value is a List object by returning an empty list if the value is null.


public static <E> java.util.List<E> makeList(E... elements)
Returns an extendable list of the specified elements.


public static <E> java.util.List<E> makeFixedList(E... elements)
Returns a fixed-length list of the specified elements.


public static <E> E lastElement(java.util.List<E> list)
Returns the last element of the list, or null if the list is empty.


public static <E> E randomth(java.util.List<E> list,
                             java.util.Random random)
Returns a random element of the list.


public static boolean elementsMatch(java.util.List list,
                                    java.lang.Class... classes)
Tests whether each element of the list is an instance of the corresponding class. It also implicitly tests the list's size.


public static boolean containsEq(java.util.Collection col,
                                 java.lang.Object item)
Determines whether a collection contains an element == to an object.

true if the collection contains an element == to the specified item, and false if it does not.


public static java.lang.Object findIf(java.util.Collection col,
                                      Predicate1 p)
Returns the first element of the collection such that the predicate is true.


public static java.util.List replaceFirst(java.lang.Object from,
                                          java.lang.Object to,
                                          java.util.List source)
Replaces the first occurrence of an item in a list, returning the modified list. If the item does not occur, the list is returned unchanged.


public static boolean equalAsSets(java.util.Collection a,
                                  java.util.Collection b)
Determines whether two collections have the same elements regardless of order.


public static boolean haveCommonElements(java.util.Collection a,
                                         java.util.Collection b)
Checks whether two colletions have any elements in common.

For some reason, the Java collections have a containsAll method but no containsAny. This method fills that gap.


public static java.util.Collection intersection(java.util.Collection a,
                                                java.util.Collection b)
Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements that appear in both collections.


public static java.util.Collection union(java.util.Collection a,
                                         java.util.Collection b)
Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements that appear in the first collection plus all elements from the second collection that were not already in the first.


public static java.util.Collection difference(java.util.Collection a,
                                              java.util.Collection b)
Returns a new collection of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements of the first collection that do not appear in the second.


public static java.util.List append(java.util.List a,
                                    java.util.List b)
Returns a new list of the same class as its first argument and that contains the elements of the first list followed by those of the second.


public static java.util.List insertBeforeFirst(java.lang.Object target,
                                               java.util.List list,
                                               java.util.List add)
Returns a same-class copy of a list in which a list of additional elements has been inserted before the first occurrence of a specified target element. If the target does not occur in the original list, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

target - the item to insert before
list - the list to insert into
add - the elements to insert


public static java.util.Collection map(java.util.Collection c,
                                       Function1 f)
Returns a new collection of the same class as the original and with corresponding elements obtained by calling the specified function.


public static java.util.Collection map(java.util.Collection result,
                                       java.util.Collection c,
                                       Function1 f)
Returns the result collection after adding the values returned by a function applied to each element of another collection.


public static boolean some(java.util.Collection c,
                           Predicate1 p)
Tests whether a prediate is true of at least one element of a collection.


public static boolean every(java.util.Collection c,
                            Predicate1 p)
Tests whether a predicate is true of every element of a collection.


public static java.util.Collection filter(java.util.Collection c,
                                          Predicate1 p)
Returns a new collection of the same class as the original and containing only the elements for which the predicate returned true;


public static java.util.Collection filter(java.util.Collection result,
                                          java.util.Collection c,
                                          Predicate1 p)
Returns the result collection after adding the elements of another collection for which the predicate returned true;


public static java.lang.String elementsToString(java.util.Collection c,
                                                Function1 f)
Returns the toString() representation of the elements of the collection as transformed by the function and separated by commas.


public static java.lang.String elementsToString(java.util.Collection c)
Returns the toString() representation of the elements of the collection, separated by commas.


public static void walkTriangle(java.util.List list,
                                Proc walker)
Performs "triangle iteration" on a list. For each element in the list, the specified 2-argument procedure is called on that element and each element after it in the list.


public static java.util.List powerset(java.util.List elements)
Returns the powerset of a List in a nice order. For example, for list [a, b, c], the result will be:
  [[], [a], [b], [c], [a, b], [a, c], [b, c], [a, b, c]]


public static final boolean isEmpty(java.util.Map m)
Returns true iff the Map is either null or empty.


public static java.util.Map ensureMap(java.util.Map map)
Ensures that a value is a Map object by returning an empty map if the value is null.


public static boolean areConsistent(java.util.Map m1,
                                    java.util.Map m2)
Checks whether two maps are consistent.

true iff agree on the values of every key they have in common.


public static Function1 toFunction(java.util.Map m)
Returns a function based on the map. This is useful in conjunction with map(Collection, Function1) and similar methods.


public static java.util.Map extendMap(java.util.Map m,
                                      java.util.Collection keys,
                                      java.util.Collection values)
Adds entries to a map from a collection of keys and a parallel collection of values.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a key is already present in the Map or appears more than once in the collection of keys.
AssertionFailure - if the key and value collections are of different lengths.


public static java.util.Map transposeMap(java.util.Map m)
Returns a map of the same class as the original but with keys and values exchanged.


public static java.util.Map difference(java.util.Map a,
                                       java.util.Map b)
Returns a map of the same class as its first argument and that contains the entries from the first map that do not appear in the second. This method calls removeAll(Map, Map) on a copy of the first map.


public static boolean removeAll(java.util.Map a,
                                java.util.Map b)
Removes all entries from a map that appear in a second map. Returns true if any change was made. Entries count as the same if the second map has an entry for a key and either both values are null or equals regards the values as the same.


public static java.util.Map filter(java.util.Map m,
                                   Predicate2 p)
Returns a new map of the same class as the original and containing only the (key, value) entries for which the predicate returned true;


public static java.util.Map filter(java.util.Map result,
                                   java.util.Map m,
                                   Predicate2 p)
Returns the result map after adding a map's (key, value) entries for which a predicate returns true.