Class Debug

  extended by ix.util.Debug

public abstract class Debug
extends java.lang.Object

Class for useful static debugging tools

Field Summary
static boolean noteCaller
          True iff the "noteln" methods should give the name of the calling class and method at the start of the line.
static boolean noteThreads
          True iff the "noteln" methods should give the name of the current thread at the start of the line.
static boolean on
          Global on/off control over the debugging output produced by the note and noteln methods.
static java.io.PrintStream out
          The output destination used by note and noteln.
Method Summary
static java.lang.String defaultDescribeException(java.lang.Throwable t)
static java.lang.String describeException(java.lang.Throwable t)
          Returns a relatively readable description of an exception.
static void displayException(java.lang.String preMessage, java.lang.Throwable except)
          Puts up a description of the exception in a message dialog, making sure that this happens in the AWT event thread.
static void displayException(java.lang.Throwable except)
          Calls displayException(String, Throwable) with a null pre-message.
static void error(java.lang.String message)
          Deprecated. As of I-X 4.0, just throw instead.
static void expect(boolean cond)
          expect checks a condition that should always be true and throws an AssertionFailure if it is not.
static void expect(boolean cond, java.lang.String message)
          A variant that allows a message that describes the assertion.
static void expect(boolean cond, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object item)
          A variant that allows a message that describes the assertion plus an Object that the message is about.
static void expectEquals(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object found)
          Tests whether an object equals the expected value.
static void expectEquals(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object found, java.lang.String messagePrefix)
          Tests whether an object equals the expected value.
static void expectSame(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object found)
          Tests whether an object is == to the expected value.
static void expectSame(java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object found, java.lang.String messagePrefix)
          Tests whether an object is == to the expected value.
static java.lang.String foldException(java.lang.Throwable t)
          Calls describeException(Throwable) then breaks the result into lines if it would otherwise be too long.
static void forceln(java.lang.String message)
          Produces output even when debug output is off.
static boolean isOn()
          Returns true if debugging is on and false otherwise.
static void note(java.lang.String message)
          note writes a string to Debug.out if Debug.on is true.
static void noteElements(java.util.Enumeration e, java.lang.String prefix)
          Prints the elements of an enumeration on separate lines with a specified prefix at the start of each line.
static void noteEnumeration(java.util.Enumeration e)
          Numbers and prints the elements of an Enumeration on separate lines.
static void noteEnumerationClasses(java.util.Enumeration e)
          Prints the elements of an Enumeration on separate lines, with an index number and and class name at the start of each line.
static void noteException(java.lang.Throwable e)
          Note an exception or error, together with a backtrace.
static void noteException(java.lang.Throwable e, boolean backtrace)
          Note an exception or error, optionally with a backtrace.
static void notelines(java.lang.String[] lines)
static void noteln(java.lang.Object part1, java.lang.Object part2)
static void noteln(java.lang.String message)
          noteln writes a string, followed by a newline, to Debug.out if Debug.on is true.
static void noteln(java.lang.String message, boolean b)
static void noteln(java.lang.String message, int i)
static void noteln(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object whatever)
static boolean off()
          Turns off debugging output except for exception-reporting.
static boolean on()
          Turns on debugging output.
static java.awt.Component probableMainFrame()
          Returns the frame that is likely to be the agent's main GUI frame.
static void processParameter(java.lang.String pname, java.lang.String value)
          Observes parameters as they're set and implements their effects (if any) on debugging output.
static void recordMainFrame(java.awt.Component frame)
          Records the GUI frame to use by default when displaying popups.
static boolean setDebug(boolean v)
          Turns off debugging output on or off.
static void setExceptionDescriber(Fn1<java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.String> d)
static void setNoteFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Sets the output destination for debugging notes.
static void setNoteStream(java.io.PrintStream s)
          Sets the output destination for debugging notes.
static void showListDifferences(java.util.List l1, java.util.List l2)
          Describes differences to Debug.out, showing element classes when elements are different.
static void warn(java.lang.String message)
          Use this to tell the user about minor problems.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean on
Global on/off control over the debugging output produced by the note and noteln methods. Initially true.


public static java.io.PrintStream out
The output destination used by note and noteln. Do not assign directly to this variable. Call setNoteStream or setNoteFile instead. The initial value is System.out.


public static boolean noteThreads
True iff the "noteln" methods should give the name of the current thread at the start of the line. Initially false.


public static boolean noteCaller
True iff the "noteln" methods should give the name of the calling class and method at the start of the line. Initially false.

Method Detail


public static boolean on()
Turns on debugging output.

the previous value.
See Also:


public static boolean off()
Turns off debugging output except for exception-reporting.

the previous value.
See Also:


public static boolean isOn()
Returns true if debugging is on and false otherwise.


public static boolean setDebug(boolean v)
Turns off debugging output on or off.

the previous value.
See Also:
on(), off()


public static void recordMainFrame(java.awt.Component frame)
Records the GUI frame to use by default when displaying popups. This frame will be returned by probableMainFrame().


public static void setExceptionDescriber(Fn1<java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.String> d)


public static void processParameter(java.lang.String pname,
                                    java.lang.String value)
Observes parameters as they're set and implements their effects (if any) on debugging output.

See Also:
Parameters.setParameter(String pname, String value)


public static void note(java.lang.String message)
note writes a string to Debug.out if Debug.on is true. It is intetended to replace System.out.print calls, for debugging output.

Unlike noteln, note does not print a newline after the message and does not have variants that take different arguments. The typical use of note is to use several calls to write a line of output. One potential problem with using note is that a different thread may print some other output between those calls.


public static void noteln(java.lang.String message)
noteln writes a string, followed by a newline, to Debug.out if Debug.on is true. It is intended to replace System.out.println calls, for debugging output. noteln has variants that take more than one argument. The arguments will be printed as strings with single spaces between. The aim here is to avoid string concatenation in the calls to noteln, so that the concatenation will not occur when debugging output is turned off.


public static void noteln(java.lang.String message,
                          java.lang.Object whatever)


public static void noteln(java.lang.Object part1,
                          java.lang.Object part2)


public static void noteln(java.lang.String message,
                          int i)


public static void noteln(java.lang.String message,
                          boolean b)


public static void notelines(java.lang.String[] lines)


public static void forceln(java.lang.String message)
Produces output even when debug output is off.


public static void setNoteStream(java.io.PrintStream s)
Sets the output destination for debugging notes.


public static void setNoteFile(java.lang.String filename)
Sets the output destination for debugging notes.


public static void noteException(java.lang.Throwable e)
Note an exception or error, together with a backtrace. The note is always printed to System.out or System.err, in addition to Debug.out, even when debug output has been turned off or redirected to a file.


public static void noteException(java.lang.Throwable e,
                                 boolean backtrace)
Note an exception or error, optionally with a backtrace. The note is always printed to System.out or System.err, in addition to Debug.out, even when debug output has been turned off or redirected to a file.


public static void displayException(java.lang.Throwable except)
Calls displayException(String, Throwable) with a null pre-message.


public static void displayException(java.lang.String preMessage,
                                    java.lang.Throwable except)
Puts up a description of the exception in a message dialog, making sure that this happens in the AWT event thread. If the call is not already in the event thread, it is moved to it by calling SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait.

The pre-message, if not null, is prefixed to a description of the exception, with ": " as a separator.

Calls noteException(Throwable) first (and before any thread change) so you don't have to. That ensures that a backtrace is printed.

If Parameters.isInteractive() returns false, none of the above applies, and the method simply calls noteException(Throwable).

See Also:


public static java.awt.Component probableMainFrame()
Returns the frame that is likely to be the agent's main GUI frame.

See Also:


public static java.lang.String describeException(java.lang.Throwable t)
Returns a relatively readable description of an exception. Since an error or exception's message is not always sufficiently meaningful on its own, it is prefixed by the class name (minus the package name). If the exception is an InvocationTargetException, a description of its target exception is included.


public static java.lang.String defaultDescribeException(java.lang.Throwable t)


public static java.lang.String foldException(java.lang.Throwable t)
Calls describeException(Throwable) then breaks the result into lines if it would otherwise be too long.

See Also:


public static void warn(java.lang.String message)
Use this to tell the user about minor problems. Warn prints a message to System.err, followed by a backtrace for the current thread, and also displays the message in a dialog. If method Parameters.isInteractive() returns false, the dialog does not occur and instead a RuntimeException is thrown.


public static void error(java.lang.String message)
Deprecated. As of I-X 4.0, just throw instead.

Use this to tell the user about problems that should not be ignored and are not handled locally.

java.lang.RuntimeException - as notification of the problem.


public static void noteEnumeration(java.util.Enumeration e)
Numbers and prints the elements of an Enumeration on separate lines.


public static void noteEnumerationClasses(java.util.Enumeration e)
Prints the elements of an Enumeration on separate lines, with an index number and and class name at the start of each line.


public static void showListDifferences(java.util.List l1,
                                       java.util.List l2)
Describes differences to Debug.out, showing element classes when elements are different.


public static void noteElements(java.util.Enumeration e,
                                java.lang.String prefix)
Prints the elements of an enumeration on separate lines with a specified prefix at the start of each line.


public static void expect(boolean cond)
expect checks a condition that should always be true and throws an AssertionFailure if it is not. expect was originally called "assert", but "assert" became a keyword in Java 1.4.

An assertion is typically used when all of the following apply: the subsequent code requires a condition to be true; in the absence of bugs, the condition always will be true at that point; and it is not obvious that the condition will be true.

AssertionFailure is a RuntimeException and so does not need to be listed in the "throws" clauses of method definitions. One reason for that is to avoid discouraging the use of assertions. If AssertionFailure had to be declared, then adding an assertion in a method that had none before would require nonlocal changes in the code.

AssertionFailure - as notification of the problem
See Also:


public static void expect(boolean cond,
                          java.lang.String message)
A variant that allows a message that describes the assertion. The message will be printed when the assertion fails and will be included in the AssertionFailure exception.


public static void expect(boolean cond,
                          java.lang.String message,
                          java.lang.Object item)
A variant that allows a message that describes the assertion plus an Object that the message is about.


public static void expectEquals(java.lang.Object expected,
                                java.lang.Object found)
Tests whether an object equals the expected value. By convention, the first argument is the expected value, and the second is the value actually obtained.

AssertionFailure - if the objects aren't equal.


public static void expectEquals(java.lang.Object expected,
                                java.lang.Object found,
                                java.lang.String messagePrefix)
Tests whether an object equals the expected value. By convention, the first argument is the expected value, and the second is the value actually obtained.

AssertionFailure - if the objects aren't equal.


public static void expectSame(java.lang.Object expected,
                              java.lang.Object found)
Tests whether an object is == to the expected value. By convention, the first argument is the expected value, and the second is the value actually obtained.

AssertionFailure - if the objects aren't ==.


public static void expectSame(java.lang.Object expected,
                              java.lang.Object found,
                              java.lang.String messagePrefix)
Tests whether an object is == to the expected value. By convention, the first argument is the expected value, and the second is the value actually obtained.

AssertionFailure - if the objects aren't ==.