Package ix.util.context

Context-layering mechanism.


Interface Summary
ContextHolder An interface for objects that contain a Context that they provide to other objects.

Class Summary
BasicContextHolder A simple object that contains a Context.
Context A Context is an object that is used as an additional, often implicit, parameter when accessing values, such as in a "get"-method.
ContextAnnotatedObject Provides context-dependent annotations.
ContextBoolean An object that contains a single context-dependent boolean value.
ContextGensym Context-dependent name and ID generator a la gensym.
ContextHashMap<K,V> A context-layered version of HashMap.
ContextHoldingStrategy An object that provides context-holders.
ContextInt An object that contains a single context-dependent int value.
ContextLink<T> An element in a chain of associations between contexts and values.
ContextList<E> A context-dependent list.
ContextLockingProxy Provides a static method that can be used to wrap a context-managing proxy around an object.
ContextLockingProxy.Handler The invocation-handler for a context-locking proxy.
ContextLong An object that contains a single context-dependent long value.
ContextMultiHashMap Maps a key to a context-dependent list.
ContextString An object that contains a single context-dependent String value.
ContextValue<T> An object that contains a single context-dependent value.
GlobalHoldingStrategy A context-holding stategy that provides a single, global context-holder.
InheritableThreadLocalHoldingStrategy A context-holding strategy that associates context-holders with threads, with inheritance from the parent thread.
LLQueue<E> A context-dependent list or queue, often used for building lists.
LLQueue.LLQueueListIterator ListIterator that doesn't allow any modification.
PlainContextHolder A "final" version of BasicContextHolder.
SynchronizedContextHolder A simple, synchronized object that contains a Context.
ThreadLocalHoldingStrategy A context-holding strategy that associates context-holders with threads.
TypedContextValue<T> An object that contains a single context-dependent value.

Exception Summary
ContextChangeException Thrown when the current context is not what it should be.

Package ix.util.context Description

Context-layering mechanism.