Interface Stringer<T>

public interface Stringer<T>

Converts "atomic" objects to and from strings. Typically, one of these is tied to a class by a ClassSyntax.

Method Summary
 T fromString(java.lang.String text)
          Constructs an object from a textual representation.
 java.lang.String toString(T obj)
          Returns a textual representation of the object.
 java.lang.String xmlSchemaDatatype()
          Returns the name of the XML Schema datatype for the textual representations returned by this object.

Method Detail


java.lang.String toString(T obj)
Returns a textual representation of the object.


T fromString(java.lang.String text)
Constructs an object from a textual representation. It does not necessarily return a new object each time.


java.lang.String xmlSchemaDatatype()
Returns the name of the XML Schema datatype for the textual representations returned by this object. The value should be a simple name, such as "dateTime", not a full URL.

See Also:
XML Sxchema Part 2: Datatypes