Interface FileSyntax

All Superinterfaces:
Loader, Saver
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFileSyntax, FileSyntax.RDFFiles, FileSyntax.XMLFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.ChecklistFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.HtmlFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.InitFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.LPADFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.LTFFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.OwlSFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.TextFiles, Ip2XMLConfig.TFFiles

public interface FileSyntax
extends Loader, Saver

Reads and writes object representations.

Nested Class Summary
static class FileSyntax.RDFFiles
          RDF file syntax.
static class FileSyntax.XMLFiles
          XML file syntax
Method Summary
 boolean canRead()
          Is reading supported?
 boolean canWrite()
          Is writing supported?
 java.lang.String getFileTypeDescription()
          Returns a short description of the type of files understood by this FileSyntax.
 java.util.List getFileTypes()
          Returns a set of strings representing file types / extensions.
 boolean isAvailable()
          Indicates whether this syntax can be used.
 java.util.List readableClasses()
          The classes whose instances can be read in.
 java.util.List writableClasses()
          The classes whose instances can be written out.
Methods inherited from interface ix.util.xml.Loader
Methods inherited from interface ix.util.xml.Saver

Method Detail


java.util.List getFileTypes()
Returns a set of strings representing file types / extensions.


java.lang.String getFileTypeDescription()
Returns a short description of the type of files understood by this FileSyntax. The result should be a plural phrase such as "XML files" or "domain descriptions".


boolean isAvailable()
Indicates whether this syntax can be used. Some syntaxes rely on classes that are not always present in the class-path.


boolean canRead()
Is reading supported?


boolean canWrite()
Is writing supported?


java.util.List readableClasses()
The classes whose instances can be read in. General-purpose syntaxes can read (at least) instances of every class that has a ClassSyntax. They can return a list containing only Object.class.


java.util.List writableClasses()
The classes whose instances can be written out. General-purpose syntaxes can write (at least) instances of every class that has a ClassSyntax. They can return a list containing only Object.class.