Class IPC

  extended by ix.util.IPC

public class IPC
extends java.lang.Object

Support for interprocess communication in a framework that allows different communication strategies to be used in a uniform way. Some simple strategies, such as one that sends serialized objects via sockets, are included.

The framework specifies certain entities only a in very general way. Communication strategies that are meant to be interchangeable must therefore follow shared conventions - not enforced by the framework - chiefly concerning the objects used to represent "destinations" and implementations of the InputMessage interface.

Note that a "destination" need not contain all the information needed for communication with the corresponding agent. Instead, the destination may be merely a name, perhaps as a String, with the rest of the information stored elsewhere.

Nested Class Summary
static class IPC.BasicDestinationTable
          A HashMap implementation of the DestinationTable interface.
static class IPC.BasicInputMessage
          A minimal implementation of InputMessage.
static class IPC.BrokenConnectionException
static class IPC.BufferedMessageListener
          A MessageListener that enqueues messages for processing in a separate thread of the listener's own.
static interface IPC.CommunicationStrategy
          An object that determines how various IPC operations are performed.
static interface IPC.Connection
          An object that can send and receive.
static interface IPC.DestinationTable
          A mapping from destination names to the data needed to establish connections with the corresponding agents.
static class IPC.EmptyCommunicationStrategy
          A strategy that just throws an exception whenever the agent tries to send.
static interface IPC.InputMessage
          An object that represents an incoming message.
static class IPC.IPCException
          The exception thrown by IPC methods.
static interface IPC.MessageListener
          An object that is notified when a message is received.
static class IPC.SimpleIXCommunicationStrategy
          An ObjectStream communication strategy for I-X agents.
static class IPC.SimpleIXXMLCommunicationStrategy
          An XMLObjectStream communication strategy for I-X agents.
static interface IPC.SocketlikeCommunicationStrategy
          A CommunicationStrategy that provides "connections" analogous to sockets and a visible mapping from destination names to the data needed to establish a connection.
static class IPC.XMLObjectStreamCommunicationStrategy
          A version of ObjectStreamCommunicationStrategy that encodes the message contents in XML rather than serializing.
Field Summary
(package private) static IPC.CommunicationStrategy communicationStrategy
          The communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.
(package private) static java.util.List ipcListeners
          Listeners that can observe messages as they're sent and received.
(package private) static java.lang.Object thisAgentAsDestination
Method Summary
static void addIPCListener(IPCListener listener)
protected static IPC.CommunicationStrategy evalStrategyExpr(java.lang.String e)
          Evaluate the description of a ParameterizedCommStrategy.
static void fireMessageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
static void fireMessageSent(java.lang.Object dest, java.lang.Object contents)
static void fireSendingMessage(java.lang.Object dest, java.lang.Object contents)
static IPC.CommunicationStrategy getCommunicationStrategy()
          Returns the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.
static IPC.CommunicationStrategy makeCommunicationStrategy(java.lang.String strategyName)
          Returns a CommunicationStrategy based on a name, name, that is either an expression containing a colon, a special abbreviation or the name of a class.
static void sendObject(java.lang.Object destination, java.lang.Object contents)
          Sends an object to the specified destination using the global communication strategy.
static void setCommunicationStrategy(IPC.CommunicationStrategy s)
          Sets the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.
static void setCommunicationStrategy(java.lang.String strategyName)
          Sets the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.
static void setupServer(java.lang.Object destination, IPC.MessageListener listener)
          Does what is required for this agent to receive messages sent using the global communication strategy.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static IPC.CommunicationStrategy communicationStrategy
The communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.


static java.lang.Object thisAgentAsDestination


static java.util.List ipcListeners
Listeners that can observe messages as they're sent and received.

Method Detail


public static IPC.CommunicationStrategy getCommunicationStrategy()
Returns the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.


public static void setCommunicationStrategy(IPC.CommunicationStrategy s)
Sets the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter.


public static void setCommunicationStrategy(java.lang.String strategyName)
Sets the communication strategy used by the static methods of this class that do not have a communication strategy as a parameter. The strategyName is interpreted by the makeCommunicationStrategy(String) method.


public static IPC.CommunicationStrategy makeCommunicationStrategy(java.lang.String strategyName)
Returns a CommunicationStrategy based on a name, name, that is either an expression containing a colon, a special abbreviation or the name of a class. For the expression case, see evalStrategyExpr(String); otherwise, the algorithm is as follows, with Name standing for name with its first character changed to upper case:
  1. if name is "" or "simple", use SimpleIXCommunicationStrategy;
  2. else if name is "xml", use SimpleIXXMLCommunicationStrategy;
  3. else if a class named name exists, use that class;
  4. else if a class named ix.name.NameCommunicationStrategy exists, use that class;
  5. else if a class named ix.util.ipc.NameStrategy exists, use that class;
  6. else throw an IllegalArgumentException.

See Also:
IPC.SimpleIXCommunicationStrategy, IPC.SimpleIXXMLCommunicationStrategy, setCommunicationStrategy(String strategyName)


protected static IPC.CommunicationStrategy evalStrategyExpr(java.lang.String e)
Evaluate the description of a ParameterizedCommStrategy. The syntax is name:args where name is the name of a ParameterizedCommStrategy and args is a comma-separated list. The interpretation of the arguments is up to the parameterized comm strategy, but usually the arguments will be comm strategy names or expressions. Some strategies that expect more than one strategy as parameters use the syntax default:strategyExpr to say which strategy is the default.


There's an obvious problem if one of the parameter strategies expects muliple parameters of its own. For example, "tracing:dispatching:a,b,c" will give the tracing strategy parameters "dispatching:a", "b", and "c". If this becomes a problem in practice, we'll define a parser that can handle parenthesized subexpressions.


public static void sendObject(java.lang.Object destination,
                              java.lang.Object contents)
Sends an object to the specified destination using the global communication strategy. The agents who are sent these objects must be using a compatible strategy. The recipient should in effect get a copy of the object that was sent, but the exact relationship between the two objects depends on the communication strategy.

If the object being sent implements the Sendable interface and has a null sender-id, the sender-id will be set to the "destination" recorded by the setupServer method. (The sender-id is actually set in a clone of the original object so that the original isn't modified.)

See Also:
setupServer(Object destination, MessageListener listener)


public static void setupServer(java.lang.Object destination,
                               IPC.MessageListener listener)
Does what is required for this agent to receive messages sent using the global communication strategy. Here the "destination" is the agent in which setupServer was called, not a remote agent. The (remote) agents sending messages to the server must be using a compatible communication strategy. Note that setupServer does not assume that all messages are "sending an object" in the sense of the sendObject method.

The destination is recorded and will be used by the sendObject method to fill in the sender-id of Sendable objects.


public static void addIPCListener(IPCListener listener)


public static void fireSendingMessage(java.lang.Object dest,
                                      java.lang.Object contents)


public static void fireMessageSent(java.lang.Object dest,
                                   java.lang.Object contents)


public static void fireMessageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)