Class Interpreter.Expr

  extended by ix.util.lisp.Interpreter.Expr
Direct Known Subclasses:
Interpreter.And, Interpreter.Call, Interpreter.If, Interpreter.Lambda, Interpreter.Let, Interpreter.Literal, Interpreter.Or, Interpreter.Sequence, Interpreter.VarRef, Interpreter.While
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Interpreter.Expr
extends java.lang.Object

The root class for expressions. Expressions are able to evaluate themselves when given an environment. This is done by calling the expression's _evalIn(Interpreter.Env) method. However, evalIn(Interpreter.Env) should normally be called instead. It puts some debugging support around a call to _evalIn, primarily so that a backtrace will appear if an exception is thrown.

Expressions have a "description" object that is used by their toString() method. It's main purpose is to describe the expression in a backtrace.

Expressions also have an "external form". Unlike the description, it is not meant to be nicely readable by a user. Instead, it is a representation that can be understood by the reflection and XML utilities and can be input and output. Converting an external form back to an expression should produce an expression that is equivalent to the original.

The default external form for instances of subclasses of this class is an IScript expression, an instance of a subclass of Expression. There is a fairly direct correspondence between subclasses of that class and subclasses of this one.

Conversion to external form is done by calling the expression's externalForm() method. Coversion in the other direction is done by creating an IScriptParser and calling its parseExpression method.

This class also provides some utility methods.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object description
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  java.lang.Object _evalIn(Interpreter.Env env)
          Implements this expression's semantics.
protected  java.lang.Object[] evalArgs(Interpreter.Expr[] args, Interpreter.Env env)
          A utility for evaluating argument expressions.
 java.lang.Object evalIn(Interpreter.Env env)
          Provides public access to this expression's semantics.
abstract  Expression externalForm()
          Returns a representation of this expression that can be understood by the reflection and XML utilities.
protected static ix.iscript.ListOfExpression externalForm(Interpreter.Expr[] exprs)
          A utility for converting an array of Interpreter.Exprs to a List of their external forms.
protected static Interpreter.Expr[] makeExprArray(java.util.List exprList)
          A utility for converting a List of Interpreter.Exprs to an array.
protected static Symbol[] makeVarArray(java.util.List varList)
          A utility for converting a List of variables (Symbols) to an array.
 void setDescription(java.lang.Object d)
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.Object description
Constructor Detail


public Interpreter.Expr()
Method Detail


protected abstract java.lang.Object _evalIn(Interpreter.Env env)
Implements this expression's semantics.

Note that this method is usually not called directly. Instead, call evalIn(Interpreter.Env).


public abstract Expression externalForm()
Returns a representation of this expression that can be understood by the reflection and XML utilities.

See Also:


public void setDescription(java.lang.Object d)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.Object evalIn(Interpreter.Env env)
Provides public access to this expression's semantics. This method typically wraps some debugging support around a call to _evalIn(Interpreter.Env).


protected java.lang.Object[] evalArgs(Interpreter.Expr[] args,
                                      Interpreter.Env env)
A utility for evaluating argument expressions.


protected static Interpreter.Expr[] makeExprArray(java.util.List exprList)
A utility for converting a List of Interpreter.Exprs to an array.


protected static Symbol[] makeVarArray(java.util.List varList)
A utility for converting a List of variables (Symbols) to an array.


protected static ix.iscript.ListOfExpression externalForm(Interpreter.Expr[] exprs)
A utility for converting an array of Interpreter.Exprs to a List of their external forms.