Uses of Class

Packages that use Activity
ix.icore I-X core classes. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. Utilities for constructing plans. 
ix.iface.util Interface utilities. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iquery I-Q, an I-X Query agent. 
ix.iserve.ipc The main classes that make up the "iserve" communication strategy. 
ix.itest I-Test. 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 

Uses of Activity in ix.icore

Methods in ix.icore with parameters of type Activity
 void IXAgent.handleNewActivity(Activity activity)
          Handles new activities from external sources.

Uses of Activity in ix.icore.plan

Fields in ix.icore.plan declared as Activity
protected  Activity ProcessParameter.activity
protected  Activity PlanNode.activity

Fields in ix.icore.plan with type parameters of type Activity
protected  java.util.Map<Name,Activity> PlanAsDomain.idToActivityMap

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return Activity
 Activity ProcessParameter.getActivity()
 Activity PlanNode.getActivity()

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return types with arguments of type Activity
(package private)  java.util.Map<Name,Activity> PlanAsDomain.makeIdToActivityMap(Plan plan)

Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Activity
abstract  ProcessParameter ProcessParameter.attachTo(Activity act)
          Returns a copy of this ProcessParameter with the activity field filled-in.
 ProcessParameter Output.attachTo(Activity act)
 ProcessParameter Input.attachTo(Activity act)
 void PlanNode.setActivity(Activity activity)

Constructors in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Activity
PlanNode(Name id, Activity activity)

Uses of Activity in

Methods in with parameters of type Activity
 void PlanBuilder.addActivity(Activity activity)
          Adds a top-level activity to the plan.
 void ExamplePlanBuilder.addActivity(Activity activity)
 void PlanBuilder.addSubactivity(Activity activity, Activity subactivity)
          Adds a subactivity of the specified activity.
 void ExamplePlanBuilder.addSubactivity(Activity activity, Activity subactivity)

Uses of Activity in ix.iface.util

Methods in ix.iface.util with parameters of type Activity
static java.lang.String Reporting.activityDescription(Activity activity)

Uses of Activity in ix.ip2

Subclasses of Activity in ix.ip2
 class WaitForReportsActivity
          An activity that waits for reports re something sent to another agent.

Methods in ix.ip2 that return Activity
protected  Activity SyncState.makeSyncStateActivity(SyncState.Operation op)

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type Activity
 ActivityItem PanelController.addActivity(Activity activity)
(package private)  ActivityItem PlanInstaller.findItemForActivity(Activity activity)
 void Ip2.handleNewActivity(Activity activity)
          Handles new activities from external sources.
 java.util.List Ip2ModelManager.satisfyRefinementPreconditions(Activity act, Refinement r)
          Returns a list of MatchEnvs containing one env for each way in which all of the refinement's preconditions can be satisfied by the curent world state.

Constructors in ix.ip2 with parameters of type Activity
ActivityItem(Activity activity)
ActivityItem(ActivityItem parent, Activity activity)
LoadPlanFrame(Ip2 ip2, Activity act, Plan plan)
WaitForReportsItem(Activity activity)

Uses of Activity in ix.iplan

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type Activity
(package private)  void Slip.recordInputsAndOutputs(Refinement ref, Activity act)
(package private)  void Slip.recordParameters(Symbol refKey, Symbol actKey, Refinement ref, Activity act, Slip.ParameterMaker m)

Uses of Activity in ix.iquery

Fields in ix.iquery declared as Activity
(package private)  Activity IQuery.LookupThread.act
protected  Activity LookupHandler.lookupActivity
          The activity this handler is processing.

Methods in ix.iquery with parameters of type Activity
protected  void IQuery.handleLookupActivity(Activity activity)
          Handles the activity be creating and starting a new IQuery.LookupThread.
 void IQuery.handleNewActivity(Activity activity)
          Handles new activities from external sources.
protected abstract  boolean IQuery.isLookupActivity(Activity activity)
          Determines whether the activity is one that should be handled by a LookupHandler.
protected abstract  LookupHandler IQuery.makeLookupHandler(IQuery queryAgent, Activity lookupActivity)
          Return a LookupHandler for an activity that was approved by IQuery.isLookupActivity(Activity).
protected  Report LookupHandler.makeReport(Activity about, ReportType type, java.lang.String text)
          Constructs a report about the specified activity.
protected  void LookupHandler.sendAbout(Activity about, java.lang.Object contents)
          Sends to the agent that should receive reports about the specified activity.
protected  void LookupHandler.sendReport(Activity about, ReportType type, java.lang.String text)
          Sends a report about the specified activity.

Constructors in ix.iquery with parameters of type Activity
IQuery.LookupThread(Activity act)
LookupHandler(IQuery queryAgent, Activity lookupActivity)
          Creates a LookupHander to handle the specified activity for the specified agent.

Uses of Activity in ix.iserve.ipc

Methods in ix.iserve.ipc that return Activity
 Activity LinearIXSyntax.decodeActivity(java.lang.String s)

Methods in ix.iserve.ipc with parameters of type Activity
 java.lang.String LinearIXSyntax.encode(Activity act)

Uses of Activity in ix.isim

Fields in ix.isim declared as Activity
protected  Activity TimedEvent.event
          the agenda entry for the activity of this event

Methods in ix.isim that return Activity
 Activity TimedEvent.getActivity()

Methods in ix.isim with parameters of type Activity
 void ISimTimerServer.handleSynchronizeActivity(Activity synchActivity)
 void ISimTimerClient.handleSynchronizeActivity(Activity synchActivity)
abstract  void ISimTimer.handleSynchronizeActivity(Activity synchActivity)
          This function needs to be implemented by the inheriting class.

Uses of Activity in ix.itest

Methods in ix.itest that return Activity
protected  Activity SendPanel.ActivityControls.activityFromControls()
          Construct an activity from the current state of the GUI.

Methods in ix.itest with parameters of type Activity
 void SendPanel.initActivity(Activity act)

Uses of Activity in ix.test

Methods in ix.test that return Activity
(package private)  Activity CompendiumToIX.makeIXActivity(org.jdom.Element elt)
(package private)  Activity SendPlan.makeSendPlanActivity(Plan plan)

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type Activity
(package private)  void CompendiumToIX.addActivityToPlan(Activity activity)
          Adds an activity as a subactivity of its parent activity, if it has one, else as a top-level activity.
protected  boolean SimpleIQuery.isLookupActivity(Activity activity)
protected  LookupHandler SimpleIQuery.makeLookupHandler(IQuery queryAgent, Activity lookupActivity)
(package private)  void SendPlan.setSenderId(Activity act, java.lang.String id)
protected  void SimpleRSim.simulateExecution(Activity act)

Constructors in ix.test with parameters of type Activity
SimpleIQuery.ExampleLookupHandler(IQuery queryAgent, Activity lookupActivity)