Interface Summary | |
PlanEvaluation | A description of some aspect of a plan. |
Planner | Planner / planning algorithm. |
PlanStats | Statistics provided by a planning algorithm after it has been asked to plan or replan. |
ServiceSymbols | Symbols used for various purposes when planning web-service compositions. |
Slip.ParameterMaker | |
Slip.Step |
Class Summary | |
Alternative | Alternative -- a backtrack point. |
AutoTester | Runs a list of PlanTest s. |
ChecksimPlanEvaluation | A plan-evaluation that runs the plan-checking simulator. |
CombinedPlanChangeListener | Listens for changes in a process panel's current plan. |
DomainAnalyser | Analyses a Domain. |
ErrorPlanEvaluation | |
ExecutionStages | Sorts node-ends into execution-stages. |
ExpandPlanTestGroup | Specifies a group of PlanTests. |
FilteredPlanner | A Planner that returns only plans that pass a filter. |
IPlan | An interactive planner. |
IPlanCompletionHandler | Generates HandlerActions for an AgendItem. |
IPlanConditionHandler | Satisfies conditions |
IPlanExpandHandler | Adds expansion actions to activities based on refinements in the agent's domain. |
IPlanFrame | The main frame of the I-Plan user interface. |
IPlanModelManager | |
IPlanOptionManager | Manages options for an instance of IPlan or Ip2 . |
IPlanOptionManager.ModelHolder | |
IPlanOptionManager.NoPlanEvent | |
IPlanOptionManager.PlanEvent | |
IPlanOptionManager.PseudoMessage | |
IPlanOptionManager.SyncMessage | |
IPlanOptionManager.UndoEvent | |
IPlanOptionTool | A control and comparison tool for options. |
IPlanOptionTool.MatrixHtmlStringWriter | |
IPlanTool | I-Plan's automatic planner as a tool. |
IPlanTool.SimFrame | |
IPlanWorldStateManager | Stores the current world state and certain things about it. |
IPlanWorldStateManager.Fact | |
OptionUI | |
PlanCheckingSimulator | A simple plan-execution simulator that complains if any condition is not satisfied when a node-end is executed after obeying all ordering constraints. |
PlanEvalManager | |
PlanEvaluator | Produces a description of some aspect of a plan. |
PlanModelComparer | Compares plans in-place: in their model-managers. |
PlannerBase | A base class for GUI-less planners. |
PlanTest | Specifies a planning test. |
PlanTestDefaults | Specifies default values for PlanTests. |
PlanTestGroup | Specifies a group of tests that can be applied to different domains. |
SanityChecker | A plan-checker that looks for inconsistencies in the details. |
SanityChecker.ReachableWithin<T,L> | |
SimplePlanEvaluation | |
Slip | Semi-linear planner. |
SlipAchieveConds | Introduces nodes intended to satisfy preconditions of a node already in the plan. |
SlipAchieveConds.SatisfyEvalNowConds | |
SlipAchiever | A way to achieve a condition by using a refinement for an introduced node. |
SlipExpander | Represents one Refinement's way of expanding a node. |
SlipExpandNode | Expands a node. |
SlipFindExecutable | Finds an executable node-end and either simulates its execution or begins its expansion. |
SlipSatisfyConds | Satisfies a node's preconditions. |
SlipSingleStepper | A single-stepper for an instance of Slip . |
SlipStats | Gathers or caculates various statistics for the Slip algorithm. |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.ChecksimEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.IssueCountEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.LongestPathLengthEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.NodeCountEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.ObjectCountEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.ObjectUseEval | |
TechnicalPlanEvalManager.TaskDescriptionEval | |
Thatcher | Simple, non-backtracking, pure HTN planning algorithm. |
ThatcherActivityHandler | Adds expansion actions to activities based on refinements in the agent's domain. |
TimePointNet | Time-point Network. |
TimePointNet.Change | |
TimePointNet.TimeConstraint | An internal representation of temporal "before" constraints. |
Exception Summary | |
NoPlanException | An exception that can be thrown my a planning algorithm to indicate that no can be found. |
PlanModelComparer.PlanDifferenceException | |
Poison | An exception used to poison. |
Slip.HavePlanException | |
Slip.StepLimitException |
The I-X planner.