Class IPlanConditionHandler

  extended by ix.ip2.ItemHandler
      extended by ix.ip2.ActivityHandler
          extended by ix.iplan.IPlanConditionHandler

public class IPlanConditionHandler
extends ActivityHandler

Satisfies conditions

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class IPlanConditionHandler.SatisfyAction
Field Summary
protected  IPlan iplan
protected  IPlanModelManager modelManager
Fields inherited from class ix.ip2.ItemHandler
Constructor Summary
IPlanConditionHandler(IPlan iplan)
Method Summary
 void addHandlerActions(AgendaItem item)
          Called to add any HandlerActions that this handler regards as appropriate for the specified AgendaItem.
 boolean appliesTo(AgendaItem item)
          Gives this handler a say in whether it should add actions to an item.
 void reviseHandlerActions(AgendaItem item, java.lang.Object reason)
          Called after something has happened that may require new HandlerActions to be added to an item.
Methods inherited from class ix.ip2.ActivityHandler
Methods inherited from class ix.ip2.ItemHandler
getActionDescription, getSyntaxList, handle, isAutomatic, makeHandler
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected IPlan iplan


protected IPlanModelManager modelManager
Constructor Detail


public IPlanConditionHandler(IPlan iplan)
Method Detail


public boolean appliesTo(AgendaItem item)
Description copied from class: ItemHandler
Gives this handler a say in whether it should add actions to an item. If this method returns false for an AgendaItem, or the item's wantsActionsFrom method returns false for this handler, this handler will not be asked to add actions to that item.

appliesTo in class ItemHandler
See Also:
AgendaItem.wantsActionsFrom(ItemHandler handler)


public void addHandlerActions(AgendaItem item)
Description copied from class: ItemHandler
Called to add any HandlerActions that this handler regards as appropriate for the specified AgendaItem.

This method is called only if both this handler's ItemHandler.appliesTo(AgendaItem) and the specified item's AgendaItem.wantsActionsFrom(ItemHandler) methods return true.

The method provided by the ItemHandler class just adds an action that calls this handler's ItemHandler.handle(AgendaItem) method. This allows suitably simple handlers to avoid working directly with HandlerActions.

Note that actions are added by calling an item's AgendaItem.addAction(HandlerAction) method.

addHandlerActions in class ItemHandler


public void reviseHandlerActions(AgendaItem item,
                                 java.lang.Object reason)
Description copied from class: ItemHandler
Called after something has happened that may require new HandlerActions to be added to an item. Typically, this method is called as a consequnce of an ItemHandler -- usually this ItemHandler -- calling the controller's reconsiderHandler method. In other words, the usual case is when an ItemHandler causes its own reviseHandlerActions method to be called; and consequencetly the handler may be able to agree with itself (so to speak) about what various "reason" objects mean.

The reviseHandlerActions method is very similar to the ItemHandler.addHandlerActions(AgendaItem) method in terms of its function and the applicability conditions on when it is called. The main difference is that it is called to look at AgendaItems that are not having actions added for the first time and that may already have an appropriate action, so that no new one needs to be added.

Note that the usual way for an ItemHandler to get HandlerActions removed is for it to call the controller's checkActionValidity method. That results in calls to HandlerAction.isStillValid() methods.

reviseHandlerActions in class ItemHandler
See Also:
PanelController.reconsiderHandler(ItemHandler handler, Object reason), PanelController.checkActionValidity(ItemHandler handler, Object reason)