Class ChecksimPlanEvaluation

  extended by ix.iplan.ChecksimPlanEvaluation
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChecksimPlanEvaluation
extends java.lang.Object
implements PlanEvaluation

A plan-evaluation that runs the plan-checking simulator. It's also an illustration of an evaluation that's just a place-holder until the user requests that the actual evaluation be produced. The value is initially "run". The simulator isn't run until the user requests the details. Then the simulator's output is displayed in a new window, and the value becomes either "ok" or "n problems", where n is the number of problems found by the simulator. If the details are requested again, the simulator's output (which was saved) is displayed again.

Field Summary
(package private)  Ip2 ip2
(package private)  java.lang.String nextStep
(package private)  IPlanOptionManager.Opt option
(package private)  java.lang.String simOutput
Constructor Summary
ChecksimPlanEvaluation(Ip2 ip2, java.lang.String optionName)
Method Summary
 void detailsRequested()
          Tells the evaluation that the user has requested more information.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Returns the current value of this evaluation.
 boolean hasDetails()
          Indicates whether or not more information is available if the used requests it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


Ip2 ip2


IPlanOptionManager.Opt option


java.lang.String nextStep


java.lang.String simOutput
Constructor Detail


public ChecksimPlanEvaluation(Ip2 ip2,
                              java.lang.String optionName)
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Description copied from interface: PlanEvaluation
Returns the current value of this evaluation. Note that the value may change after the user requests more information.

Specified by:
getValue in interface PlanEvaluation
See Also:


public boolean hasDetails()
Description copied from interface: PlanEvaluation
Indicates whether or not more information is available if the used requests it.

Specified by:
hasDetails in interface PlanEvaluation
See Also:


public void detailsRequested()
Description copied from interface: PlanEvaluation
Tells the evaluation that the user has requested more information. For some evaluations, the work will not be done until this method is called. Until then, the value returned by PlanEvaluation.getValue() will just be a place-holder that indicates that more information is available. This method will then typically change that value to show the real result of the evalutaion.

It is recommended that any evaluations that require a substantial amount of computation be handled in that delayed, "when requested" fashion.

Specified by:
detailsRequested in interface PlanEvaluation
See Also: