Uses of Class

Packages that use TranscriptTextArea
ix.applet Support for I-P2 applets. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iserve.ipc The main classes that make up the "iserve" communication strategy. 
ix.util General-purpose utilities. 
ix.util.ipc Interprocess communication utilities. 
ix.util.xml XML utilities. 

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.applet

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.applet
protected  class AppletCommunicationTool.ToolFrame
          A simple GUI.

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.ip2

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.ip2
static class Ip2Frame.Ip2AboutFrame
(package private)  class ItemEditor.TextViewFrame
(package private)  class LoadPlanFrame.TextViewFrame
protected  class TimelineViewer.TimelineFrame

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.iplan

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.iplan
(package private) static class IPlanTool.SimFrame
(package private)  class IPlanTool.ToolFrame

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.iserve.ipc

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.iserve.ipc
protected  class IServeCommTool.ToolFrame
          A simple GUI.

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util
 class TextAreaFrame
          A text area that has its own frame and some buttons.

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util.ipc

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util.ipc
(package private)  class SerializedCommunicationStrategy.ObjectStreamNameServer.TranscriptFrame

Uses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util.xml

Subclasses of TranscriptTextArea in ix.util.xml
protected  class XMLTreeEditFrame.FindFrame
(package private)  class XMLTreeEditFrame.TextViewFrame
protected static class XMLTreeEditFrame.TreeHelpFrame