Uses of Class

Packages that use Ip2Frame
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.postix Minimal I-X Process Panels 

Uses of Ip2Frame in ix.ip2

Subclasses of Ip2Frame in ix.ip2
(package private) static class Ip2Applet.AppletIp2Frame
 class NewIp2Frame
          A revised version of the main frame of the I-P2 user interface.

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as Ip2Frame
protected  Ip2Frame Ip2.frame

Methods in ix.ip2 that return Ip2Frame
 Ip2Frame Ip2.getFrame()
protected  Ip2Frame Ip2Applet.AppletIp2.makeIp2Frame()
protected  Ip2Frame Ip2.makeIp2Frame()
          Called to make the main user interface frame.

Uses of Ip2Frame in ix.iplan

Subclasses of Ip2Frame in ix.iplan
 class IPlanFrame
          The main frame of the I-Plan user interface.

Methods in ix.iplan that return Ip2Frame
protected  Ip2Frame IPlan.makeIp2Frame()

Uses of Ip2Frame in ix.postix

Subclasses of Ip2Frame in ix.postix
 class PostixFrame
          The main frame of the Postix user interface.