Uses of Class

Packages that use UIDomain
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.iview.domain.event Events and listeners that relate to UIObjects (Objects that mirror those of the domain) 

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview

Fields in ix.iview declared as UIDomain
protected  UIDomain ObjectConstraintEditor.uiDomain
protected  UIDomain GrammarEditorPanel.GenericConstraintTableModel.uiDomain
 UIDomain DomainEditor.uiDomain
          The current domain in the editor.
protected  UIDomain AROEditorPanel.ClassTreeTableModel.uiDomain

Methods in ix.iview that return UIDomain
 UIDomain GrammarEditorPanel.GrammarFormPanel.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain GlobalFormPanel.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain DomainObjectManager.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain DomainEditorFrame.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain DomainEditor.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain ConstructFraming.getUIDomain()
          Gets the current UIDomain.
 UIDomain ConstructEditing.getUIDomain()
          Gets the current UIDomain.
 UIDomain ActionFormPanel.getUIDomain()
          Gets the current UIDomain.
 UIDomain AbstractUISetEditor.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain AROEditorPanel.AROFormPanel.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain AConstructFramePanel.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain AConstructEditorPanel.getUIDomain()
          Gets the current UIDomain.

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type UIDomain
protected  void DomainEditorFrame.ensureUIDomainListeners(UIDomain uiDomain)
          transfer listeners and tell them things have changed
 void ObjectClassGenerator.fillObjectClasses(UIDomain uiDomain)
 void ObjectClassGenerator.generateObjectClasses(UIDomain uiDomain)
 void GrammarEditorPanel.GenericConstraintTableModel.setDomain(UIDomain domain)
 void AROEditorPanel.ClassTreeTableModel.setDomain(UIDomain domain)
 void DomainEditorFrame.setUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Sets the given UIDomain as current both in this frame and the domain editor panel.
 void DomainEditor.setUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Sets the given UIDomain as current both in this frame and the domain editor panel.
 void ConstructFraming.setUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Sets the current UIDomain.
 void AConstructFramePanel.setUIDomain(UIDomain uid)
protected  void DomainEditorFrame.setUIDomainListeners(UIDomain uiDomain)
          transfer listeners and tell them things have changed

Constructors in ix.iview with parameters of type UIDomain
AROEditorPanel.ClassTreeTableModel(UIDomain uiDomain)
GrammarEditorPanel.GenericConstraintTableModel(UIDomain uiDomain)
ObjectConstraintEditor(java.awt.Frame owner, UIDomain domain)
          Creates an editor for specifying object constraints.

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.domain

Fields in ix.iview.domain declared as UIDomain
protected  UIDomain UIRefinement.uiDomain
protected  UIDomain UIObjectClass.uiDomain
protected  UIDomain UINodeSpec.uiDomain
protected  UIDomain UIGrammar.uiDomain

Methods in ix.iview.domain that return UIDomain
 UIDomain UIRefinement.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain UIObjectClass.getUIDomain()
 UIDomain UIObject.getUIDomain()
          Gets the ui domain of which this object is part.
 UIDomain UIDomain.getUIDomain()

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type UIDomain
 java.util.List UIGrammar.getAllConstraintPatterns(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Gets the list of allowed constraint patterns.
 void UIGrammar.loadGenericConstraints(UIDomain uiDomain)
 void UIRefinement.moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
 void UIObjectClass.moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
 void UIObject.moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
          Move the object from its current UIDomain to the given one.
 void UIDomain.moveToUIDomain(UIDomain uiDomain)
static java.util.List UIRefinement.parseIssues(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.String sIssues)
          Builds a LList of nodes from a string that contains node descriptions.
static java.util.List UIRefinement.parseNodes(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.String expansion)
          Builds a LList of nodes from a string that contains node descriptions.

Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type UIDomain
UIGrammar(UIDomain uiDomain)
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain)
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain, NodeSpec original)
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.Object id, LList pattern)
UIObjectClass(UIDomain uiDomain, ObjectClass original)
UIObjectClass(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.String name)
UIObjectClass(UIDomain uiDomain, Symbol name)
UIRefinement(UIDomain uiDomain)
UIRefinement(UIDomain uiDomain, Refinement original)

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.domain.event

Methods in ix.iview.domain.event that return UIDomain
 UIDomain UIDomainEvent.getDomain()

Constructors in ix.iview.domain.event with parameters of type UIDomain
UIDomainEvent(UIDomain source)
UIDomainEvent(UIDomain source, UIObject object)

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.igraph

Constructors in ix.iview.igraph with parameters of type UIDomain
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, Name id)
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, Name id, LList pattern)
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, Name id, java.lang.String pattern)
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.String name, LList pattern)

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.table

Fields in ix.iview.table declared as UIDomain
protected  UIDomain ActionTreeTableModel.uiDomain

Methods in ix.iview.table with parameters of type UIDomain
 void ActionTreeTableModel.setDomain(UIDomain domain)

Constructors in ix.iview.table with parameters of type UIDomain
ActionTreeTableModel(boolean markable, UIDomain uiDomain)
ShortActionTreeTableModel(UIDomain uiDomain)

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.tree

Fields in ix.iview.tree declared as UIDomain
(package private)  UIDomain DomainTreeModel.uiDomain

Methods in ix.iview.tree that return UIDomain
 UIDomain DomainTreeModel.getUIDomain()

Constructors in ix.iview.tree with parameters of type UIDomain
DomainTreeModel(UIDomain domain, IXTreeNode root)
          Constructs a new instance with the given node as the root node of the tree.
DomainTreeModel(UIDomain domain, IXTreeNode root, java.util.HashSet domainObjects, java.util.HashMap nodeMap)
          Constructs a new instance with a default root node of the tree.
ObjectClassTreeModel(UIDomain domain, IXTreeNode root)
          Constructs a new instance with the given node as the root node of the tree.
RefinementTreeModel(UIDomain domain, IXTreeNode root)
          Constructs a new instance with the given node as the root node of the tree.

Uses of UIDomain in ix.iview.util

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type UIDomain
static java.lang.Object IVUtil.extractType(Constraint tConstraint, UIDomain domain)
static java.util.List IVUtil.makeObjectClassTree(UIDomain uid, java.util.List classList)
          Turn the given list of object classes into a list that shows the tree (root first)