Uses of Interface

Packages that use TextAreaFrame.TListener
ix.applet Support for I-P2 applets. 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iserve.ipc The main classes that make up the "iserve" communication strategy. 
ix.util General-purpose utilities. 
ix.util.xml XML utilities. 

Uses of TextAreaFrame.TListener in ix.applet

Classes in ix.applet that implement TextAreaFrame.TListener
(package private)  class AppletCommunicationTool.ToolFrame.ToolTListener

Uses of TextAreaFrame.TListener in ix.iplan

Classes in ix.iplan that implement TextAreaFrame.TListener
(package private)  class IPlanTool.ToolFrame.ToolTListener

Uses of TextAreaFrame.TListener in ix.iserve.ipc

Classes in ix.iserve.ipc that implement TextAreaFrame.TListener
(package private)  class IServeCommTool.ToolFrame.ToolTListener

Uses of TextAreaFrame.TListener in ix.util

Methods in ix.util with parameters of type TextAreaFrame.TListener
 void TextAreaFrame.addListener(TextAreaFrame.TListener listener)

Uses of TextAreaFrame.TListener in ix.util.xml

Classes in ix.util.xml that implement TextAreaFrame.TListener
protected  class XMLTreeEditFrame.FindListener