Interface Interpreter.Env

All Known Implementing Classes:
Interpreter.AbstractEnv, Interpreter.GlobalEnv, Interpreter.LexicalEnv
Enclosing class:

public static interface Interpreter.Env

The context in which an expression is evaluated.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object assign(Interpreter.VarRef ref, java.lang.Object val)
          Changes the value bound to the variable and then returns the new value.
 Interpreter.Env bind(Symbol[] vars, java.lang.Object[] vals)
          Returns a new Env in which the variables are bound to the corresponding values.
 java.lang.Object defaultValue()
          Returns the value that should be returned by expressions that do not have anything more appropriate to return.
 boolean isTrue(java.lang.Object value)
          Determines whether the object should be regarded as true; otherwise, the object is considered false.
 java.lang.Object lookup(Interpreter.VarRef ref)
          Returns the value bound to the variable by this environment.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object lookup(Interpreter.VarRef ref)
Returns the value bound to the variable by this environment.

java.lang.Error - if the variable is not bound.


Interpreter.Env bind(Symbol[] vars,
                     java.lang.Object[] vals)
Returns a new Env in which the variables are bound to the corresponding values.

java.lang.Error - if there aren't exactly as many variables as values.


java.lang.Object assign(Interpreter.VarRef ref,
                        java.lang.Object val)
Changes the value bound to the variable and then returns the new value. Note that this typically modifies an existing binding relationship rather than create a new one; however, a new one may be created, for instance if the variable is not already bound.


java.lang.Object defaultValue()
Returns the value that should be returned by expressions that do not have anything more appropriate to return.


boolean isTrue(java.lang.Object value)
Determines whether the object should be regarded as true; otherwise, the object is considered false.