Class Interpreter

  extended by ix.util.lisp.Interpreter
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Interpreter
extends java.lang.Object

The skeleton of a progamming language interpreter. This class implements a language that is semantically similar to a simple version of Scheme without continuations. However, it doesn't provide any syntax or built-in functions. It is expected that they will be provided by a subclass. The subclass should produce Expr objects from whatever surface syntax it desires. There are Expr classes for constants (literals), variable references, conditional expressions, and so on. Functions should implement the Function interface. Usually they will extend the JFunction class.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class Interpreter.AbstractEnv
          An implementation of Env that supplies some utility methods.
static class Interpreter.AbstractFunction
          An implementation of Function that supplies some utility methods and implements part of the interface.
static class Interpreter.And
          A conditional AND.
static class Interpreter.Assignment
          An assignment to a variable.
static class Interpreter.Call
          A function call.
static class Interpreter.Closure
          An interpreted function.
static interface Interpreter.Env
          The context in which an expression is evaluated.
static class Interpreter.Error
          The root class for exceptions thrown for error conditions detected by an Interpreter or by an expression.
static class Interpreter.Expr
          The root class for expressions.
static interface Interpreter.Function
          An object that represents a function that can be applied to arguments.
 class Interpreter.GlobalEnv
          A global / top-level environment.
static class Interpreter.If
          A simple conditional expression.
static class Interpreter.JFunction
          A function implemented in Java.
static class Interpreter.Lambda
          An expression whose value is a function closed in the environment in which this Lambda is evaluated.
static class Interpreter.Let
          An expression that binds variables and then evaluates an expression in the resulting environment.
 class Interpreter.LexicalEnv
          An environment for local values of variables.
static class Interpreter.Literal
          A reference to an object that is treated as a literal.
static class Interpreter.Or
          A conditional OR.
static class Interpreter.Sequence
          A sequence of expressions.
static class Interpreter.VarRef
          A reference to a variable.
static class Interpreter.While
          A while loop.
Field Summary
protected  boolean acceptOnlySafeBuiltins
          Controls whether only safe builtin functions are added.
protected  java.lang.Object DEFAULT
          The value this interpreter thinks expressions should return when they cannot determine any more appropriate value.
protected static java.lang.Object FALSE
          The value that an interpreter thinks should be used by default to represent falsity.
protected  Interpreter.GlobalEnv globalEnv
          This interpreter's global / top-level environment.
protected static IScript iscript
          An IScript factory used when constructing external forms.
protected static java.lang.Object TRUE
          The value that an interpreter thinks should be used by default to represent truth.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an interpreter.
Method Summary
 boolean isSafe()
          Says whether the interpreter can safely be used in cases where you don't want the user to be able to do such things as call arbitrary Java methods, read or write files, or get other information about the host machine.
 boolean isTrue(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines whether this interpreter regards the object as true; otherwise, the object is considered false.
protected static java.lang.String nameForClass(java.lang.Class c)
          A utility that returns a relatively readable name for a class.
 java.lang.Object topLevelApply(java.lang.Object function, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Applies the function to the specified arguments.
 java.lang.Object topLevelEval(Interpreter.Expr e)
          Evaluates the expression in the top-level enviromnent of this interpreter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.Object DEFAULT
The value this interpreter thinks expressions should return when they cannot determine any more appropriate value.


protected static java.lang.Object TRUE
The value that an interpreter thinks should be used by default to represent truth. It is the same as Boolean.TRUE.


protected static java.lang.Object FALSE
The value that an interpreter thinks should be used by default to represent falsity. It is the same as Boolean.FALSE.


protected Interpreter.GlobalEnv globalEnv
This interpreter's global / top-level environment.


protected static IScript iscript
An IScript factory used when constructing external forms.


protected boolean acceptOnlySafeBuiltins
Controls whether only safe builtin functions are added. To make a safe interpreter, this field must be set to true before any JFunction is added.

See Also:
Constructor Detail


public Interpreter()
Constructs an interpreter.

Method Detail


public boolean isTrue(java.lang.Object obj)
Determines whether this interpreter regards the object as true; otherwise, the object is considered false.

Note that expressions do not call this method directly. Instead, they must call the Interpreter.Env.isTrue(Object) method of an environment.


public java.lang.Object topLevelEval(Interpreter.Expr e)
Evaluates the expression in the top-level enviromnent of this interpreter.


public java.lang.Object topLevelApply(java.lang.Object function,
                                      java.lang.Object[] args)
Applies the function to the specified arguments. Note that the function may be given as a name (Symbol) rather than as an instance of Interpreter.Function. If so, the name is looked up in the top-level environment of this interpreter.


public boolean isSafe()
Says whether the interpreter can safely be used in cases where you don't want the user to be able to do such things as call arbitrary Java methods, read or write files, or get other information about the host machine. Interpreters are unsafe by default.

See Also:
acceptOnlySafeBuiltins, LispInterpreter.LispInterpreter(boolean beSafe)


protected static java.lang.String nameForClass(java.lang.Class c)
A utility that returns a relatively readable name for a class.