Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemVar
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. 
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 

Uses of ItemVar in ix.icore.domain

Fields in ix.icore.domain declared as ItemVar
protected  ItemVar

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return ItemVar
 ItemVar VariableDeclaration.getName()

Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type ItemVar
protected  boolean Refinement.isDeclared(ItemVar v)
          Returns true iff this specified variable is declared in this refinement.
 void VariableDeclaration.setName(ItemVar name)

Constructors in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type ItemVar
MissingValuesException(ItemVar v)
VariableDeclaration(ItemVar name)

Uses of ItemVar in ix.icore.plan

Fields in ix.icore.plan with type parameters of type ItemVar
protected  java.util.Map<Name,ItemVar> PlanAsDomain.planVarIdToItemVarMap

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return ItemVar
(package private)  ItemVar PlanAsDomain.getItemVar(PlanVariable pv)
(package private)  ItemVar PlanAsDomain.getItemVar(PlanVariableDeclaration dcl)
(package private)  ItemVar PlanAsDomain.makeItemVar(PlanVariableDeclaration dcl)
(package private)  ItemVar DomainAsPlan.namePart(ItemVar v)

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return types with arguments of type ItemVar
(package private)  java.util.Map<Name,ItemVar> PlanAsDomain.makePlanVarIdToItemVarMap(Plan plan)

Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type ItemVar
(package private)  PlanVariable DomainAsPlan.getPlanVar(ItemVar v)
(package private)  PlanVariableDeclaration DomainAsPlan.makePlanVarDcl(ItemVar v, VariableScope s)
(package private)  ItemVar DomainAsPlan.namePart(ItemVar v)

Uses of ItemVar in ix.iview

Fields in ix.iview declared as ItemVar
protected  ItemVar ObjectConstraintEditor.variable

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type ItemVar
 void DeclarationEditor.VarTypeTableModel.addData(ItemVar itemVar)
protected  java.util.Set DeclarationEditor.getNoObjectConstraints(ItemVar var)
protected  java.util.HashMap DeclarationEditor.getVarConstraints(ItemVar var)
          Looks up the constraints for the given variable in the varConstMap
protected  UIObjectClass DeclarationEditor.getVarType(ItemVar var)
          Looks up the var type for the given variable in the varTypeMap
protected  Constraint DeclarationEditor.getVarTypeConstraint(ItemVar var)
          Looks up the var type for the given variable in the varTypeMap and makes a constraint that sets it.
protected  void DeclarationEditor.loadVarConstraints(UIRefinement uir, ItemVar var)
          Loads the constraints of the refinement into the varConstMap
protected  void DeclarationEditor.loadVarType(UIRefinement uir, ItemVar var)
          Looks up the type constraint of the given var in the given refinement.
protected  Constraint ObjectConstraintEditor.makeConstraint(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oClass, java.lang.String typeProperty)
          Make a type constraint for the variable
protected  Constraint DeclarationEditor.makeTypeConstraint(ItemVar var)
          Makes a type constraint for the given variable from the current settings.
protected  void DeclarationEditor.noteVarConstraints(ItemVar var, java.util.HashMap propConsts)
          Notes the given constraints for the given variable in the varConstMap.
protected  void DeclarationEditor.noteVarType(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass type)
          Notes the given type for the given variable in the varTypeMap.
protected  void DeclarationEditor.noteVarTypeConstraint(ItemVar var, Constraint c)
          Notes the var type for the given variable in the varTypeConstraints map
protected  void DeclarationEditor.noteVarTypeConstraint(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oClass)
          Notes the var type for the given variable in the varTypeConstraints map
protected  void DeclarationEditor.reloadVarConstraints(ItemVar var)
          Checks applicability of editor constraints and noObCons
protected  boolean DeclarationEditor.removeConstraint(ItemVar var, Constraint c)
          Remove the constraint;
protected  boolean DeclarationEditor.removeConstraint(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass type, Constraint c)
          Remove the constraint;
protected  boolean DeclarationEditor.removeConstraint(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass type, ObjectProperty prop, Constraint c)
          Remove the constraint;
protected  void DeclarationEditor.removeVarConstraints(ItemVar var)
protected  void DeclarationEditor.removeVarType(ItemVar var)
protected  void DeclarationEditor.removeVarTypeConstraint(ItemVar var)
protected  void DeclarationEditor.replaceNotes(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar)
          If variable name has changed, replace note of type and constraints and note that the change was made (to clean up uir on exit)
protected  void DeclarationEditor.saveVarConstraints(UIRefinement uir, ItemVar var)
          Saves the constraints in the varConstMap into the refinement
protected  void DeclarationEditor.saveVarType(UIRefinement uir, ItemVar var)
          Saves the var type (class) in the varTypeMap into the refinement.
 void DeclarationEditor.userShowNoDecs(ItemVar var)
 void PropertyConstraintsListener.variableConstraintsChanged(ItemVar variable, java.util.HashMap propConsts)
 void ObjectConstraintEditor.variableConstraintsChanged(ItemVar variable, java.util.HashMap propConsts)
 void DeclarationEditor.variableConstraintsChanged(ItemVar variable, java.util.HashMap propConsts)
 void PropertyConstraintsListener.variableNameChanged(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar)
 void ObjectConstraintEditor.variableNameChanged(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar)
 void DeclarationEditor.variableNameChanged(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar)
 void PropertyConstraintsListener.variableTypeChanged(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oldType, UIObjectClass newType)
 void ObjectConstraintEditor.variableTypeChanged(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oldType, UIObjectClass newType)
 void DeclarationEditor.variableTypeChanged(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oldType, UIObjectClass newType)

Uses of ItemVar in ix.iview.domain

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type ItemVar
static java.util.List UIRefinement.filterForVariable(ItemVar var, java.util.List constraints)
          Searches the given constraints for ones that constrain the variable, i.e. pattern assignments that have the variable as their subject.
 java.util.Collection UIDomain.findVariableUsers(ItemVar var)
          Finds all refinements that use the variable with the given name.
 Constraint UIRefinement.getTypeConstraint(ItemVar var)
 java.util.List UIRefinement.getVariableConstraints(ItemVar var)
          Find all (world-state) constraints that have the given variable in them.
 void UIRefinement.setTypeConstraint(ItemVar var, Constraint constraint)
 void UIRefinement.setVariableConstraints(ItemVar var, java.util.List varConstrs)
          Replace all Find all previous (world-state) constraints that have the given variable in them with the given ones.

Uses of ItemVar in ix.iview.table

Fields in ix.iview.table declared as ItemVar
(package private)  ItemVar PropertyTableModel.variable

Methods in ix.iview.table with parameters of type ItemVar
 void PropertyTableModel.setConstraints(ItemVar var, UIObjectClass oClass, java.util.HashMap propConstrMap)

Uses of ItemVar in ix.iview.util

Methods in ix.iview.util that return ItemVar
static ItemVar IVUtil.variableFromConstraint(Constraint c)
          Looks for an ObjectProperty in the given pattern that is defined for the given UIObjectClass.

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type ItemVar
static java.util.List IVUtil.filterVariableProperty(ItemVar var, java.lang.String property, java.util.List constraints)
          Looks through constraints and finds the most likely for class info.
static Constraint IVUtil.findClassConstraint(ItemVar var, java.util.List constraints)
          Looks through constraints and finds the most likely for class info.
static java.lang.Object IVUtil.findVariableClass(ItemVar var, java.util.List constraints)
          Looks through constraints and finds the most likely for class info.
static boolean IVUtil.isClassConstraint(ItemVar var, Constraint c)
          Looks through constraints and finds the most likely for class info.
static boolean IVUtil.isInPattern(ItemVar var, LList pattern)
static boolean IVUtil.isSimplePropertyAssignment(PatternAssignment ass, ObjectProperty prop, ItemVar var)
          Looks at the second element in the list and compares it to the given variable.
static boolean IVUtil.isSubjectInPattern(ItemVar var, LList pattern)
          Looks at the second element in the list and compares it to the given variable.
static LList IVUtil.replaceInPattern(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar, LList pattern)
          Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet)
static java.util.HashMap IVUtil.replaceVarInConstraints(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar, java.util.HashMap constraintsMap)
          Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet)

Uses of ItemVar in ix.test

Methods in ix.test that return ItemVar
 ItemVar MakeRandomInstance.makeItemVar()

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type ItemVar
(package private)  Variable MatchChoiceTest.VarMaker.mapItemVar(ItemVar name)