Packages that use Domain | |
ix.icore.domain | Domain descriptions. |
ix.icore.domain.event | Interfaces and classes for events related to domains. |
ix.icore.plan | Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. |
ix.iface.domain | Domain parsers and outputters. |
ix.ip2 | I-X Process Panels |
ix.iplan | The I-X planner. |
ix.iview | Viewers. |
ix.iview.domain | Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. |
ix.test | Simple applications for testing purposes. |
ix.test.xml | Experiments with new classes that could be converted to and from XML. |
Uses of Domain in ix.icore.domain |
Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type Domain | |
void |
Domain.takeFrom(Domain other)
Merges another domain into this one. |
Uses of Domain in ix.icore.domain.event |
Constructors in ix.icore.domain.event with parameters of type Domain | |
DomainEvent(Domain source)
RefinementEvent(Domain source,
Refinement refinement)
Uses of Domain in ix.icore.plan |
Subclasses of Domain in ix.icore.plan | |
class |
A plan represented as a domain. |
Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Domain | |
(package private) void |
DomainAsPlan.fillNodeIdToRefinementMap(Domain domain)
Constructors in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Domain | |
DomainAsPlan(Domain domain)
Uses of Domain in ix.iface.domain |
Methods in ix.iface.domain that return Domain | |
Domain |
abstract Domain |
Domain |
Domain |
Constructs a domain by parsing the contents of the URL. |
Domain |
LTF_Parser.readDomain(Domain dom)
abstract Domain |
DomainParser.readDomain(Domain dom)
Domain |
DomainParser.DomainParserWrapper.readDomain(Domain domain)
Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type Domain | |
protected void |
LTF_Parser.do_readDomain(Domain dom)
static java.io.File |
DomainParser.loadDomain(java.awt.Component parentComponent,
Domain domain)
Reads a description of a domain from a file selected by the user, conducting all necessary dialogs along the way. |
(package private) void |
LTF_Writer.outDomain(Domain domain)
(package private) void |
TF_Writer.outDomainHeader(Domain domain)
(package private) void |
LTF_Writer.outDomainHeader(Domain domain)
(package private) void |
LTF_Parser.processDomainHeader(Domain dom,
LList header)
Domain |
LTF_Parser.readDomain(Domain dom)
abstract Domain |
DomainParser.readDomain(Domain dom)
Domain |
DomainParser.DomainParserWrapper.readDomain(Domain domain)
static java.io.File |
DomainWriter.saveDomain(java.awt.Component parentComponent,
Domain domain)
Writes a description of a domain to a file selected by the user, conducting all necessary dialogs along the way. |
static java.io.File |
DomainWriter.saveDomain(java.awt.Component frame,
Domain domain,
java.io.File domainName)
Writes a description of the domain to the specified file. |
void |
LTF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain domain)
abstract void |
DomainWriter.writeDomain(Domain domain)
void |
DomainWriter.DomainWriterWrapper.writeDomain(Domain domain)
void |
ITF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain dom,
java.io.File file)
void |
LTF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain domain,
java.io.Writer w)
void |
ITF_Writer.writeDomain(Domain dom,
java.io.Writer out)
Uses of Domain in ix.ip2 |
Fields in ix.ip2 declared as Domain | |
protected Domain |
(package private) Domain |
Methods in ix.ip2 that return Domain | |
Domain |
(package private) Domain |
LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.getDomain(LList pattern)
(package private) Domain |
LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.readDomain(java.lang.String resourceName)
Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type Domain | |
void |
Ip2.loadDomain(Domain dom)
InternalDomainEditor |
PanelFrame.makeDomainEditor(IXAgent agent,
Domain dom)
Constructs the domain editor for this panel. |
protected void |
Ip2.readDomain(Domain domain)
Read in any initial domain descriptions. |
void |
Ip2.readDomain(Domain domain,
java.lang.String resourceName)
Adds definitions to a domain. |
Uses of Domain in ix.iplan |
Fields in ix.iplan declared as Domain | |
protected Domain |
Methods in ix.iplan that return Domain | |
protected Domain |
Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type Domain | |
(package private) static boolean |
Slip.canBeUsedForEffect(Constraint effect,
Refinement r,
Domain d)
static boolean |
Slip.domainUsesConditionTypes(Domain dom)
(package private) static boolean |
Slip.isAchievableCondPattern(LList pattern,
Domain decider)
void |
Slip.setDomain(Domain dom)
void |
Planner.setDomain(Domain domain)
Sets this planner's domain. |
void |
FilteredPlanner.setDomain(Domain domain)
void |
IPlan.setDomain(Domain dom)
Constructors in ix.iplan with parameters of type Domain | |
DomainAnalyser(Domain domain)
Make an analyser for a domain. |
PlanCheckingSimulator(Plan plan,
Domain domain)
Creates a simulator for the specified plan and domain. |
Uses of Domain in ix.iview |
Fields in ix.iview declared as Domain | |
(package private) Domain |
Methods in ix.iview that return Domain | |
Domain |
Domain |
Domain |
Domain |
Gets the current Domain. |
Domain |
Domain |
Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type Domain | |
boolean |
DomainObjectManager.isSaving(Domain domain)
protected static void |
DomainEditorFrame.readDomain(Domain domain)
protected static void |
DomainEditor.readDomain(Domain domain)
static void |
DomainEditorFrame.readDomain(Domain domain,
java.lang.String resourceName)
Adds definitions from a given resource to a given domain. |
static void |
DomainEditor.readDomain(Domain domain,
java.lang.String resourceName)
Adds definitions from a given resource to a given domain. |
void |
AbstractUISetEditor.removeFromDomain(Domain domain,
java.lang.Object object)
void |
AbstractUISetEditor.saveToDomain(Domain domain)
protected void |
DomainEditorFrame.setDomain(Domain domain)
Sets the given domain as current both in this frame and the domain editor panel. |
void |
DomainEditor.setDomain(Domain domain)
Sets the given domain as current in te uiDomain. |
Constructors in ix.iview with parameters of type Domain | |
DomainEditor(Domain domain)
Makes the editor with the given domain - simple, stand-alone by default. |
DomainEditor(Domain domain,
boolean standAlone)
Makes the editor with the given mode and load the given domain. |
DomainEditor(IXAgent theAgent,
Domain domain)
Makes the editor with the given domain in not-stand-alone mode. |
DomainEditorFrame(DomainEditor editor,
Domain domain)
Makes the editor with the given domain - simple, stand-alone by default. |
DomainEditorFrame(DomainEditor editor,
Domain domain,
boolean alone)
Makes the editor with the given mode and load the given domain. |
SimpleDomainEditor(IXAgent agent,
Domain dom)
Uses of Domain in ix.iview.domain |
Methods in ix.iview.domain that return Domain | |
Domain |
Domain |
Domain |
Gets the base domain. |
Domain |
Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Domain | |
void |
UIRefinement.addToDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObjectClass.addToDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObject.addToDomain(Domain domain)
Adds the contents of this UIObject to the domain (part of publish). |
void |
UIDomain.addToDomain(Domain domain)
java.util.List |
UIDomain.collectAllChanges(Domain domain)
java.util.List |
UIDomain.collectChanges(Domain domain)
java.util.List |
UIDomain.collectChanges(Domain domain,
java.lang.String which)
void |
UIDomain.fireDomainSet(Domain domain)
boolean |
UIDomain.hasChanged(Domain domain)
Finds out whether the domain has changed from the given one. |
boolean |
UIDomain.hasChangedAll(Domain domain)
Finds out whether anything in the domain (inc. constructs) have changed from the given one. |
boolean |
UIDomain.isSaving(Domain domain)
void |
UIRefinement.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObjectClass.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObject.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
Removes the object's corresponding base object from the domain. |
void |
UIDomain.removeFromDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIDomain.setCurrentDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIDomain.setDomain(Domain domain)
clears this domain, then sets it to the new one. |
void |
UIRefinement.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObjectClass.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
void |
UIObject.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
Updates the base object in the domain with the contents of this object. |
void |
UIDomain.updateInDomain(Domain domain)
Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Domain | |
UIDomain(Domain baseDomain,
DomainEditor editor)
Uses of Domain in ix.test |
Fields in ix.test declared as Domain | |
protected Domain |
protected Domain |
Methods in ix.test that return Domain | |
Domain |
Domain |
BlockStacker.problemDomain(java.util.List initialTowers,
java.util.List finalTowers)
Methods in ix.test with parameters of type Domain | |
void |
BlockStacker.setBaseDomain(Domain dom)
Constructors in ix.test with parameters of type Domain | |
SimpleRSim(Plan plan,
Domain domain)
Creates a simulator for the specified plan and domain. |
Uses of Domain in ix.test.xml |
Methods in ix.test.xml that return Domain | |
protected Domain |