Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPC.InputMessage
ix.icore I-X core classes. 
ix.icore.log Classes for object history and event-log entries. 
ix.iface.util Interface utilities. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.itest I-Test. 
ix.postix Minimal I-X Process Panels 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 
ix.util General-purpose utilities. 
ix.util.ipc Interprocess communication utilities. 
ix.util.xml XML utilities. 

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.icore

Methods in ix.icore that return IPC.InputMessage
protected  IPC.InputMessage IXAgent.preprocessInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          A chance to modify or replace a message on its way in.

Methods in ix.icore with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void IXAgent.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Handles external input in the form of an IPC.InputMessage that contains an object such as an Issue, Activity, or Report.
 void IXAgent.notePossibleNewContact(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Tells this agent's contact manager about the sender-id of the message (if the id can be determined) in case it represents a new contact.
protected  void IXAgent.pre_handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Gets the message before the handleInput method and ensures that handleInput is called in the AWT event dispatching thread.
protected  IPC.InputMessage IXAgent.preprocessInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          A chance to modify or replace a message on its way in.
protected  void IXAgent.reportInputException(IPC.InputMessage message, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Called by the pre_handleInput method to put up a dialog describing an Error or Exception and the message that caused it to be thrown.

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.icore.log

Methods in ix.icore.log with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void EventLogger.LoggingIPCListener.messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.iface.util

Methods in ix.iface.util with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
static java.lang.String Reporting.messageDescription(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.ip2

Classes in ix.ip2 that implement IPC.InputMessage
protected  class SyncStateClient.ChangeMessage
protected  class SyncStateClient.DeleteMessage

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void Ip2.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void Ip2.handleInputDirectly(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.iplan

Classes in ix.iplan that implement IPC.InputMessage
static class IPlanOptionManager.PseudoMessage
(package private)  class IPlanOptionManager.ReportMessage
(package private) static class IPlanOptionManager.SyncMessage

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
(package private)  void IPlanOptionManager.enqueueInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void PlannerBase.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void IPlanOptionManager.handleReportWhenOptions(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void IPlanOptionManager.recordDelayedInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void IPlanOptionManager.Opt.recordDelayedInput(IPC.InputMessage messsage)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.itest

Methods in ix.itest with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void ReceivePanel.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Handles external input in the form of an IPC.InputMessage that contains an Issue or Report object.
 void Itest.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Handles external input.

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.postix

Methods in ix.postix with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void Postix.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.test

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void Ip2Test.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.util

Classes in ix.util that implement IPC.InputMessage
static class IPC.BasicInputMessage
          A minimal implementation of InputMessage.

Methods in ix.util with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
static void IPC.fireMessageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
protected  void IPC.BufferedMessageListener.handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread to process the the next message from the queue.
 void IPC.MessageListener.messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void IPC.BufferedMessageListener.messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
          Enqueues a message for later processing by the IPC.BufferedMessageListener.handleMessage(IPC.InputMessage) method, which will be called in this BufferedMessageListener's thread.

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.util.ipc

Methods in ix.util.ipc with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
 void IPCListener.messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void DispatchingStrategy.Strategy.messageReceived(IPC.InputMessage message)
protected  void TracingStrategy.traceReceive(IPC.InputMessage message)

Uses of IPC.InputMessage in ix.util.xml

Methods in ix.util.xml with parameters of type IPC.InputMessage
(package private)  void XMLTreeEditor.MessageFrame.addMessage(IPC.InputMessage message)
 void XMLTreeEditor.handleInput(IPC.InputMessage message)