Uses of Class

Packages that use Context
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.util.context Context-layering mechanism. 

Uses of Context in ix.iplan

Fields in ix.iplan declared as Context
protected  Context Alternative.context
(package private)  Context IPlanOptionManager.PlanGen.homeContext
(package private)  Context IPlanOptionManager.PlanGen.initialPlanContext
(package private)  Context IPlanOptionManager.Opt.iplanContext
(package private)  Context IPlanOptionManager.Opt.UndoPoint.savedState

Methods in ix.iplan that return Context
(package private)  Context IPlanOptionManager.departContext(java.lang.String reason)
 Context Alternative.getContext()
 Context IPlanOptionManager.Opt.getExpectedContext()

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type Context
(package private)  void IPlanOptionManager.restoreContext(Context saved)

Uses of Context in ix.util.context

Fields in ix.util.context declared as Context
protected  Context SynchronizedContextHolder.context
protected  Context BasicContextHolder.context
(package private)  Context ContextHashMap.EntrySet.creationContext
protected  Context ContextLockingProxy.Handler.instanceContext
(package private)  Context Context.parent
          This context's parent context.
static Context Context.rootContext
          A context that is an ancestor of all others.
(package private)  Context ContextHashMap.EntrySetIterator.setCreationContext

Fields in ix.util.context with type parameters of type Context
(package private)  java.util.List<Context> Context.children
          A collection of this context's children.

Methods in ix.util.context that return Context
 Context SynchronizedContextHolder.getContext()
 Context PlainContextHolder.getContext()
 Context ContextHolder.getContext()
          Returns the context currently stored in the holder.
static Context Context.getContext()
          Returns the current context from the ContextHolder returned by the current ContextHoldingStrategy.
 Context BasicContextHolder.getContext()
static Context Context.getContext(long n)
          Returns the context that has the indicated number, or null if that context has been discarded or has ceased to exist.
 Context Context.getParent()
          Returns this context's parent context.
static Context Context.popContext()
          Calls popContext(ContextHolder) on the ContextHolder returned by the current ContextHoldingStrategy
static Context Context.popContext(ContextHolder h)
          Moves the specified context-holder to the parent of its current context.
static Context Context.pushContext()
          Calls pushContext(ContextHolder) on the ContextHolder returned by the current ContextHoldingStrategy.
static Context Context.pushContext(ContextHolder h)
          Moves the specified context-holder to a new child of its current context and returns that new context.

Methods in ix.util.context that return types with arguments of type Context
 java.util.List<Context> Context.getAncestors()
          Returns a list containing the path from this context back to the root.
 java.util.List<Context> Context.getChildren()
          Returns an unmodifiable view of this context's children.

Methods in ix.util.context with parameters of type Context
<T> T
Context.getInContext(ContextLink<T> cl, Context c)
          Searches a chain of ContextLinks to find the value associated with a given context.
<T> T
Context.getInContext(ContextLink<T> cl, Context c, T defaultValue)
          Searches a chain of ContextLinks to find the value associated with a given context and returns a default value if no value can be found.
<T> ContextLink<T>
Context.getValueLinkInContext(ContextLink<T> cl, Context c)
          Searches a chain of ContextLinks to find the link that contains the value associated with a given context.
static void Context.inContext(ContextHolder h, Context c, java.lang.Runnable r)
          Temporarily changes a context-holder's current context around a call to a Runnable's run() method.
static void Context.inContext(Context c, java.lang.Runnable r)
          Calls inContext(ContextHolder, Context, Runnable) on the ContextHolder returned by the current ContextHoldingStrategy.
 void SynchronizedContextHolder.setContext(Context c)
 void PlainContextHolder.setContext(Context c)
 void ContextHolder.setContext(Context c)
          Changes the context currently stored in the holder.
static void Context.setContext(Context c)
          Sets the context in the ContextHolder returned by the current ContextHoldingStrategy.
 void BasicContextHolder.setContext(Context c)
<T> void
Context.setInContext(ContextLink<T> cl, Context c, T value)
          Modifies a chain of ContextLinks to associate a value directly with a given context.

Constructors in ix.util.context with parameters of type Context
BasicContextHolder(Context c)
Context(Context parent)
          Create a context with a given parent.
ContextHashMap.EntrySetIterator(ContextHashMap.Entry chain, Context setCreationContext)
ContextHashMap.IteratorContextException(Context expected, Context current)
ContextLink(Context context, T value)
          Creates a link that specifies a value for a given context.
ContextLink(Context context, T value, ContextLink<T> next)
          Constructs a new link at the head of a chain.
PlainContextHolder(Context c)
SynchronizedContextHolder(Context c)