Uses of Class

Packages that use Symbol
ix.examples A simple version of an I-X framework (PicoIX) plus examples of its use. 
ix.icore I-X core classes. 
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. 
ix.icore.process Classes for representing processes. 
ix.iface.domain Domain parsers and outputters. 
ix.iface.ui I-X user interfaces. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iscript I-Script is a simple programming language. 
ix.iserve.ipc The main classes that make up the "iserve" communication strategy.   
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 
ix.test.xml Experiments with new classes that could be converted to and from XML. 
ix.util General-purpose utilities. 
ix.util.context Context-layering mechanism. 
ix.util.lisp List-processing utilities. 
ix.util.match Pattern-matching utilities. 

Uses of Symbol in ix.examples

Fields in ix.examples declared as Symbol
(package private) static Symbol SimResource.S_CONSUME
(package private) static Symbol SimResource.S_PRODUCE
(package private) static Symbol SimResource.S_RESOURCE
(package private)  Symbol SimResource.Constraint.subtype

Methods in ix.examples that return Symbol
(package private) static Symbol PicoISim.SYM(java.lang.String name)

Constructors in ix.examples with parameters of type Symbol
PicoISimTest3.ResourceEventHandler(Symbol rcSubtype)
SimResource.Constraint(Symbol subtype, long amount, java.lang.Object pattern)

Uses of Symbol in ix.icore

Fields in ix.icore declared as Symbol
protected static Symbol TaskItem.HISTORY
protected  Symbol GenericConstraint.relation
static Symbol TaskItem.S_FORWARDED_TO
protected  Symbol GenericConstraint.type

Methods in ix.icore that return Symbol
 Symbol GenericConstraint.getRelation()
 Symbol GenericConstraint.getType()

Methods in ix.icore with parameters of type Symbol
 void ConstraintManagerRegistry.addConstraintManager(ConstraintManager cm, Symbol type, Symbol[] subtypes)
 void ConstraintManagerRegistry.addConstraintManager(ConstraintManager cm, Symbol type, Symbol[] subtypes)
 void GenericConstraint.setRelation(Symbol relation)
 void GenericConstraint.setType(Symbol type)

Constructors in ix.icore with parameters of type Symbol
GenericConstraint(Symbol type, Symbol relation)

Uses of Symbol in ix.icore.domain

Fields in ix.icore.domain declared as Symbol
protected  Symbol
protected  Symbol Constraint.relation
static Symbol Refinement.S_COMPUTE
static Symbol Refinement.S_CONDITION
static Symbol Refinement.S_EFFECT
static Symbol PatternAssignment.S_FALSE
static Symbol Refinement.S_MULTIPLE_ANSWER
static Symbol Ordering.S_ORDERING
static Symbol Refinement.S_SELF
static Symbol Ordering.S_TEMPORAL
static Symbol PatternAssignment.S_TRUE
static Symbol Refinement.S_WORLD_STATE
protected  Symbol Constraint.type
protected  Symbol ObjectProperty.valueClassName

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return Symbol
 Symbol ObjectProperty.getName()
 Symbol Ordering.getRelation()
 Symbol Constraint.getRelation()
abstract  Symbol Constrainer.getRelation()
 Symbol Ordering.getType()
 Symbol Constraint.getType()
abstract  Symbol Constrainer.getType()
 Symbol ObjectProperty.getValueClassName()

Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type Symbol
protected  void Refinement.checkParametersAgainstConstraints(Symbol key, java.util.List constraints)
 ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint Refinement.getConstraints(Symbol type, Symbol relation)
 void ObjectProperty.setName(Symbol name)
 void Constraint.setRelation(Symbol relation)
 void Constraint.setType(Symbol type)
 void ObjectProperty.setValueClassName(Symbol valueClassName)
static ObjectProperty.Syntax ObjectProperty.Syntax.valueOf(Symbol name)

Constructors in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type Symbol
Constraint(Symbol type, Symbol relation, java.util.List parameters)
ObjectProperty(Symbol name, Symbol valClass)
ObjectProperty(Symbol name, Symbol valClass, ObjectProperty.Syntax syntax)

Uses of Symbol in ix.icore.plan

Fields in ix.icore.plan declared as Symbol
(package private) static Symbol PlanAsDomain.EXPANDS
(package private) static Symbol DomainAsPlan.EXPANDS
protected  Symbol
protected  Symbol
protected  Symbol
protected  Symbol ProcessParameter.type
protected  Symbol ProcessParameter.value
(package private) static Symbol PlanAsDomain.WORLD_STATE
(package private) static Symbol DomainAsPlan.WORLD_STATE

Fields in ix.icore.plan with type parameters of type Symbol
protected  java.util.Map<Symbol,PlanVariable> DomainAsPlan.nameToPlanVarMap

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return Symbol
 Symbol ProcessParameter.getName()
 Symbol PlanVariableDeclaration.getName()
 Symbol PlanVariable.getName()
 Symbol ProcessParameter.getType()
 Symbol ProcessParameter.getValue()

Methods in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Symbol
 void ProcessParameter.setName(Symbol name)
 void PlanVariableDeclaration.setName(Symbol name)
 void PlanVariable.setName(Symbol name)
 void ProcessParameter.setType(Symbol type)
 void ProcessParameter.setValue(Symbol value)

Constructors in ix.icore.plan with parameters of type Symbol
Input(Symbol name, Symbol type, Symbol value)
Output(Symbol name, Symbol type, Symbol value)
PlanVariable(Name id, Symbol name)
ProcessParameter(Symbol name, Symbol type, Symbol value)

Uses of Symbol in ix.icore.process

Methods in ix.icore.process with parameters of type Symbol
 ConstraintManager ProcessModelManager.getConstraintManager(Symbol type, Symbol rel)
 ConstraintManager AbstractPMM.getConstraintManager(Symbol type, Symbol rel)
 void ProcessModelManager.registerConstraintManager(Symbol type, Symbol relation, ConstraintManager cm)
 void AbstractPMM.registerConstraintManager(Symbol type, Symbol relation, ConstraintManager cm)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iface.domain

Fields in ix.iface.domain declared as Symbol
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.CONDITION
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.EFFECT
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.generalSubtype
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.K_SYNTAX
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_AT
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_FROM
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_MAX
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_MIN
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_NODE
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_PATTERN
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_TO
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.Q_VALUE
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_ANNOTATIONS
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_CONSTRAINTS
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_DOMAIN
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_INCLUDE
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_ISSUE
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_ISSUES
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_MAP
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_NAME
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_NODES
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_OBJECT_CLASS
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_ORDERINGS
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_REFINEMENT
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_SELF
static Symbol LTF_Symbols.S_VARIABLES
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.syntaxSubtype
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.WORLD_STATE

Methods in ix.iface.domain that return Symbol
(package private)  Symbol LTF_Writer.getConstraintSubtype(Constraint c)
protected static Symbol LTF_Parser.theSymbol(java.lang.Object o)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iface.ui

Fields in ix.iface.ui declared as Symbol
static Symbol FrameSymbols.STYLE_CARD
static Symbol FrameSymbols.STYLE_SIMPLE
static Symbol FrameSymbols.STYLE_TABBED

Uses of Symbol in ix.iface.ui.util

Methods in ix.iface.ui.util that return Symbol
static Symbol UIUtil.propertyToSymbol(java.lang.String sValue)

Methods in ix.iface.ui.util with parameters of type Symbol
static java.lang.String UIUtil.symbolToProperty(Symbol value)

Uses of Symbol in ix.ip2

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as Symbol
static Symbol ActivityItem.EXPANSION_REFINEMENT_NAME
(package private)  Symbol VariableManager.FilterMatcher.FALSE
protected  Symbol SendReportHandler.Q_AGENT_NAME
protected  Symbol SendReportHandler.Q_TEXT
(package private)  Symbol Ip2.AddExtensionsHandler.S_ADD_EXTENSIONS
(package private)  Symbol Ip2.AddHandlersHandler.S_ADD_HANDLERS
static Symbol AdviceManager.S_ADVICE
(package private) static Symbol QueryHandler.S_ANSWER
protected static Symbol Ip2ModelManager.S_COMPUTE_SUPPORT_CODE
static Symbol PlanMaker.S_CONDITION
static Symbol Ip2WorldStateManager.S_CONDITION
static Symbol Ip2ModelManager.S_CONDITION
(package private)  Symbol ConnectHandler.S_CONNECT
static Symbol PlanMaker.S_EFFECT
static Symbol Ip2WorldStateManager.S_EFFECT
static Symbol Ip2ModelManager.S_EFFECT
static Symbol AdviceManager.S_EXPANSION_REFINEMENT
static Symbol LoadDomainHandler.S_INCLUDE_DOMAIN
static Symbol LoadDomainHandler.S_LOAD_DOMAIN
static Symbol LoadPlanHandler.S_LOAD_PLAN
static Symbol LoadStateHandler.S_LOAD_STATE
static Symbol LoadDomainHandler.S_NEW_DOMAIN
(package private) static Symbol QueryHandler.S_QUERY
(package private)  Symbol SetCapabilitiesHandler.S_SET_CAPABILITIES
static Symbol ShowURLHandler.S_SHOW_URL
static Symbol ObjectWorld.S_TRUE
static Symbol PlanMaker.S_WORLD_STATE
static Symbol Ip2WorldStateManager.S_WORLD_STATE
static Symbol Ip2ModelManager.S_WORLD_STATE
static Symbol SyncSimulationTimeHandler.SYNCHRONIZE_SIMULATION_TIME
protected static Symbol SyncState.SYNCHRONIZE_STATE
(package private)  Symbol VariableManager.FilterMatcher.TRUE
protected static Symbol ObjectView.TYPE
static Symbol LispComputeInterpreter.UNDEF
(package private)  Symbol LoadPlanHandler.verb

Fields in ix.ip2 with type parameters of type Symbol
protected  java.util.Map<Symbol,java.util.Map<Symbol,java.util.List<ConstraintManager>>> ConstraintAssociator.dispatchTable
protected  java.util.Map<Symbol,java.util.Map<Symbol,java.util.List<ConstraintManager>>> ConstraintAssociator.dispatchTable

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type Symbol
protected  java.lang.Object ObjectWorld._getPropValue(Symbol prop, java.lang.Object obj)
 void ConstraintAssociator.addConstraintManager(ConstraintManager cm, Symbol type, Symbol[] subtypes)
 void ConstraintAssociator.addConstraintManager(ConstraintManager cm, Symbol type, Symbol[] subtypes)
(package private)  void ObjectWhiteboard.addObject(Symbol name)
(package private)  void ObjectWhiteboard.addObject(Symbol name, java.lang.Object type)
 void ObjectWorld.addPropValueIfNew(Symbol prop, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.Object v)
(package private)  java.util.List PlanMaker.buildConstraints(Symbol type, Symbol relation, java.util.List assigns)
 java.lang.Object ObjectWorld.getPropValue(Symbol prop, java.lang.Object obj)
 void ObjectWorld.removePropValueElement(Symbol prop, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.Object v)
 void ObjectWorld.setPropValue(Symbol prop, java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iplan

Fields in ix.iplan declared as Symbol
(package private) static Symbol TimePointNet.BEFORE
          Syntax word.
(package private) static Symbol Slip.DEPTH_FIRST
(package private) static Symbol TimePointNet.DURATION
          Syntax word.
protected static Symbol SanityChecker.FALSE
protected static Symbol PlanCheckingSimulator.FALSE
static Symbol Slip.S_ACHIEVABLE_CONDS
static Symbol Slip.S_ACHIEVE
(package private) static Symbol Slip.S_ACHIEVE_GOAL
(package private) static Symbol Slip.S_ACHIEVE_PV
(package private) static Symbol Slip.S_AT_END
static Symbol Slip.S_CONDITION_TYPE
(package private) static Symbol Slip.S_EQL
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_INPUT_OBJECTS
          Refinement annotation key.
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_INPUTS
          Activity annotation key.
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_NAME_MAP
          Domain annotation key.
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_OUTPUT_OBJECTS
          Refinement annotation key.
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_OUTPUTS
          Activity annotation key.
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_OWL_S_PROCESS
          Refinement annotation key.
static Symbol Slip.S_TRUE
static Symbol ServiceSymbols.S_TYPE
static Symbol Slip.S_USE_CONDITION_TYPES
static Symbol Slip.S_USE_FOR_EFFECT
static Symbol Slip.S_USE_FOR_EFFECTS
(package private) static Symbol Slip.SEARCH_PREFERENCE
protected static Symbol SanityChecker.TRUE
protected static Symbol PlanCheckingSimulator.TRUE
(package private) static Symbol TimePointNet.WINDOW
          Syntax word.

Fields in ix.iplan with type parameters of type Symbol
protected  TwoKeyHashMap<Symbol,Symbol,PlanCheckingSimulator.ConstraintChecker> PlanCheckingSimulator.checkerTable
protected  TwoKeyHashMap<Symbol,Symbol,PlanCheckingSimulator.ConstraintChecker> PlanCheckingSimulator.checkerTable

Methods in ix.iplan that return Symbol
(package private)  Symbol Slip.generateObjectName(Symbol typeName)

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type Symbol
(package private)  Symbol Slip.generateObjectName(Symbol typeName)
static boolean Slip.hasCondType(Constraint c, Symbol type)
 ProcessParameter Slip.ParameterMaker.makeParameter(Symbol name, Symbol type, Symbol value)
(package private)  void Slip.recordParameters(Symbol refKey, Symbol actKey, Refinement ref, Activity act, Slip.ParameterMaker m)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iscript

Methods in ix.iscript with parameters of type Symbol
 Assignment IScript.makeAssignment(Symbol name, Expression valExpr)
 Lambda IScript.makeLambda(Symbol[] parameters, Expression body)
 Let IScript.makeLet(Symbol[] vars, ix.iscript.ListOfExpression valExprs, Expression body)
 VarRef IScript.makeVarRef(Symbol name)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iserve.ipc

Fields in ix.iserve.ipc declared as Symbol
static Symbol IServeCommStrategy.SEND_DATE

Fields in ix.iserve.ipc with type parameters of type Symbol
(package private)  java.util.Map<Symbol,java.lang.Object>

Methods in ix.iserve.ipc with parameters of type Symbol
 java.lang.Object IServeCommServer.User.getProperty(Symbol name)
 void IServeCommServer.User.setProperty(Symbol name, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of Symbol in

Fields in declared as Symbol
(package private)  Symbol SLReplyDecoder.Q_ATTRIBUTE
(package private)  Symbol SLReplyDecoder.Q_OBJECT
(package private)  Symbol SLReplyDecoder.Q_VALUE

Uses of Symbol in ix.isim

Fields in ix.isim declared as Symbol
(package private) static Symbol ISimEngine.executeWithSy
          the annotation "predicate" that tells the simulation which class to invoke to simulate an action
protected  Symbol ISimTimer.SYNCHRONIZE_LABEL
          some command strings used for the synchronization of multiple ISimTimers

Uses of Symbol in ix.isim.actions

Fields in ix.isim.actions declared as Symbol
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.activitySy
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.constraintSy
(package private) static Symbol SendConstraint.effectSy
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.issueSy
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.messageSy
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.reportSy
(package private) static Symbol SendActivity.sendActivitySy
(package private) static Symbol SendConstraint.sendConstraintSy
(package private) static Symbol SendMessage.sendMessageSy
(package private) static Symbol SendConstraint.worldStateSy

Uses of Symbol in ix.iview

Fields in ix.iview declared as Symbol
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_ALL
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_CONDITIONS_ONLY
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_CONDITIONS_OTHER
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_NONE
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_ORDER_CONDITIONS
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_ORDER_ONLY
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_ORDER_OTHER
static Symbol IDESymbols.C_OTHER_ONLY
static Symbol IDESymbols.MODE_ADVANCED
static Symbol IDESymbols.MODE_SIMPLE
protected  Symbol DomainEditorFrame.preferredConstraints
protected  Symbol DomainEditorFrame.preferredView
static Symbol IDESymbols.VIEW_GRAPHICAL
static Symbol IDESymbols.VIEW_MINIMAL
static Symbol[] IDESymbols.VIEWS

Methods in ix.iview that return Symbol
 Symbol ActionEditorPanel.getActivityView()

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type Symbol
protected  void DomainEditorFrame.enableView(Symbol view)
protected  Constraint ConditionEffectEditor.readCondition(Symbol condEff, java.lang.String text)
 void DomainEditorFrame.setActivityView(Symbol view)
          If the state of the menu item does not correspond to the new setting, it is changed.
 void DomainEditorFrame.setConstraintsView(Symbol constrView)
 void ActionEditorPanel.setConstraintsView(Symbol constrView)
          Changes the fields that are displayed in the form view.
 void ActionEditorPanel.setCurrentView(Symbol view)
protected  void DomainEditorFrame.setMode(Symbol mode)
 void ActionEditorPanel.setupPanelProperties(Symbol view, Symbol constr)
 void DomainEditorFrame.updateViewMenu(Symbol view)
          Call this to keep the Activity Views menu in line with the view that is shown.

Constructors in ix.iview with parameters of type Symbol
ActionEditorPanel(DomainEditorFrame theParent, Symbol view, Symbol constr)
          Creates the editor panel with the given parent with the given view and the indicated set of constraints shown.

Uses of Symbol in ix.iview.domain

Fields in ix.iview.domain declared as Symbol

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Symbol
 void UIObjectClass.addChild(Symbol child)
 GenericConstraint UIGrammar.addGenericConstraint(Symbol type, Symbol rel, java.lang.String form)
 void UIObjectClass.addProperty(Symbol property)
 void UIObjectClass.addProperty(Symbol property, ObjectProperty.Syntax type)
 void UIObjectClass.removeChild(Symbol child)
 void UIObjectClass.removeParent(Symbol parent)
protected  void UIObjectClass.tidyChildren(Symbol oldN, Symbol newN)
protected  void UIObjectClass.tidyParents(Symbol oldN, Symbol newN)

Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type Symbol
UIObjectClass(UIDomain uiDomain, Symbol name)

Uses of Symbol in ix.iview.table

Fields in ix.iview.table declared as Symbol
static Symbol PropertyTableModel.REL_DEFAULT

Uses of Symbol in ix.iview.util

Fields in ix.iview.util declared as Symbol
static Symbol ModellingState.MS_CONSISTENT
static Symbol ModellingState.MS_DEFAULT
static Symbol ModellingState.MS_DONE
static Symbol ModellingState.MS_EMPTY
protected  Symbol ModellingState.state

Methods in ix.iview.util that return Symbol
static Symbol IDEUtil.constPrefToSymbol(int pref)
static Symbol IDEUtil.constPrefToSymbol(java.lang.String pref)
 Symbol ModellingState.getState()
static Symbol IDEUtil.makeConstPrefSymbol(boolean order, boolean condEff, boolean other)

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type Symbol
static int IDEUtil.constPrefToInt(Symbol pref)
static Constraint IVUtil.readCondition(Symbol type, Symbol rel, java.lang.String text)
 void ModellingState.setState(Symbol state)
static boolean IDEUtil.showConditions(Symbol preference)
static boolean IDEUtil.showConstraints(java.lang.String which, Symbol pref)
static boolean IDEUtil.showOrder(Symbol preference)
static boolean IDEUtil.showOther(Symbol preference)

Uses of Symbol in ix.test

Fields in ix.test declared as Symbol
(package private)  Symbol MatchChoiceTest.BYE
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_ACHIEVE
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_BLOCK
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_CLEARTOP
(package private) static Symbol MatchStateHandler.S_COMMA
(package private) static Symbol MatchStateHandler.S_EQUAL
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_FALSE
(package private) static Symbol MatchChoiceHandler.S_MATCH_CHOICE
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_ON
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_TABLE
protected static Symbol BlockStacker.S_TRUE
(package private) static Symbol MakeDistanceTable.TRANSPORT_DISTANCE
(package private) static Symbol MakeDistanceTable.TYPE
(package private)  Symbol MatchStateHandler.verb

Fields in ix.test with type parameters of type Symbol
protected  java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> BlockStacker.finalTowers
protected  java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> BlockStacker.initialTowers

Methods in ix.test that return Symbol
(package private)  Symbol OPlanPSGraph.endKeyword(End end)

Methods in ix.test that return types with arguments of type Symbol
(package private)  java.util.Set<Symbol> BlockStacker.blockSet(java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers)
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> BlockStacker.getFinalTowers()
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> BlockStacker.getInitialTowers()
(package private)  java.util.List<Symbol> BlockStacker.towerBlocks(java.lang.String towerDescription)
          Returns a list of symbols representing the blocks in a tower.
(package private)  java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> BlockStacker.towers(java.lang.String towerDescriptions)
          Returns a list of lists, one list per tower.

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type Symbol
(package private)  void BlockStacker.checkPattern(java.util.Map state, LList pattern, Symbol expectedValue, java.util.List incorrectPatterns)
 void SimpleBlockSim.moveBlock(Symbol block, Symbol to)
 void SimpleBlockSim.moveToTable(Symbol block)

Method parameters in ix.test with type arguments of type Symbol
(package private)  java.util.Set<Symbol> BlockStacker.blockSet(java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers)
(package private)  void BlockStacker.checkSameBlocks(java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers1, java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers2)
(package private)  void BlockStacker.checkSameBlocks(java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers1, java.util.List<java.util.List<Symbol>> towers2)

Uses of Symbol in ix.test.xml

Fields in ix.test.xml declared as Symbol
static Symbol WorldStateView.EQ
(package private) static Symbol MissionaryTest.LEFT
(package private) static Symbol MissionaryTest.MOVE
(package private) static Symbol MissionaryTest.RIGHT
static Symbol WorldStateView.TRUE

Uses of Symbol in ix.util

Methods in ix.util that return Symbol
static Symbol Gensym.nextNewSymbol(java.lang.String base)
          Calls the default generator's method Gensym.Generator.nextNewSymbol(String).
 Symbol Gensym.Generator.nextNewSymbol(java.lang.String base)
static Symbol Gensym.nextSymbol(java.lang.String base)
          Calls the default generator's method Gensym.Generator.nextSymbol(String).
 Symbol Gensym.Generator.nextSymbol(java.lang.String base)

Uses of Symbol in ix.util.context

Methods in ix.util.context that return Symbol
 Symbol ContextGensym.Generator.nextNewSymbol(java.lang.String base)
 Symbol ContextGensym.Generator.nextSymbol(java.lang.String base)

Uses of Symbol in ix.util.lisp

Subclasses of Symbol in ix.util.lisp
 class DelimitedSymbol
          Symbols that would not parse as symbols without escaping.
 class ItemVar
          Symbols used in patterns as variables that match a single object.
 class Keyword
          Keywords - symbols generally used as literals.
 class NumberlikeSymbol
          Symbols that could parse as numbers.

Fields in ix.util.lisp declared as Symbol
static Symbol LispInterpreter.COND
static Symbol LispInterpreter.ELLIPSIS
static Symbol LispInterpreter.LAMBDA
protected  Symbol
protected  Symbol
static Symbol LispInterpreter.PROGN
static Symbol LispInterpreter.QUOTE
(package private)  Symbol Interpreter.VarRef.var
(package private)  Symbol[] Interpreter.Let.vars
(package private)  Symbol[] Interpreter.Lambda.vars
(package private)  Symbol[] Interpreter.Closure.vars
(package private)  Symbol[] Interpreter.LexicalEnv.vars

Fields in ix.util.lisp with type parameters of type Symbol
protected  java.util.Map<Symbol,LispInterpreter.Parser> LispInterpreter.parserTable

Methods in ix.util.lisp that return Symbol
static Symbol Symbol.intern(java.lang.String s)
          Returns the Symbol that has the specified string as its name, creating a new one only if one does not already exist.
protected static Symbol[] Interpreter.Expr.makeVarArray(java.util.List varList)
          A utility for converting a List of variables (Symbols) to an array.
(package private) static Symbol Symbol.quickIntern(java.lang.String s)
          A simple, faster version of intern(String) that is used internally when it's known that the string does not contain any characters that need escaping.
static Symbol Symbol.valueOf(java.lang.String name)

Methods in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type Symbol
 java.lang.Object Interpreter.GlobalEnv.assign(Symbol var, java.lang.Object val)
 Interpreter.Env Interpreter.Env.bind(Symbol[] vars, java.lang.Object[] vals)
          Returns a new Env in which the variables are bound to the corresponding values.
 Interpreter.Env Interpreter.GlobalEnv.bind(Symbol[] vars, java.lang.Object[] vals)
 Interpreter.Env Interpreter.LexicalEnv.bind(Symbol[] vars, java.lang.Object[] vals)
protected  int Interpreter.LexicalEnv.findIndex(Symbol var)
 java.lang.Object Interpreter.GlobalEnv.lookup(Symbol var)

Constructors in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type Symbol
Interpreter.Assignment(Symbol var, Interpreter.Expr valueExpr)
Interpreter.Closure(Symbol[] vars, Interpreter.Expr body, Interpreter.Env definitionEnv)
Interpreter.JFunction(Symbol name, int arity)
Interpreter.LexicalEnv(Symbol[] vars, java.lang.Object[] vals, Interpreter.LexicalEnv next)
Interpreter.VarRef(Symbol var)

Uses of Symbol in ix.util.match

Fields in ix.util.match declared as Symbol
static Symbol Matcher.ITEM_WILD
static Symbol SimpleMatcher.OPTIONAL
static Symbol SimpleMatcher.REST
static Symbol Matcher.REST
static Symbol MatchChoice.S_MATCH_CHOICE
static Symbol MatchChoice.S_VARIABLE