Packages that use LList | |
ix.applet | Support for I-P2 applets. |
ix.icore | I-X core classes. |
ix.icore.domain | Domain descriptions. |
ix.icore.plan | Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. |
ix.icore.process | Classes for representing processes. |
ix.iface.domain | Domain parsers and outputters. |
ix.iface.ui.util | |
ix.iface.util | Interface utilities. |
ix.ip2 | I-X Process Panels |
ix.ip2.log | Ip2-specific classes for object history and event-log entries. |
ix.iplan | The I-X planner. |
ix.iquery | I-Q, an I-X Query agent. |
ix.iserve.ipc.sl | |
ix.isim | |
ix.ispace | Information about other agents and agent-relationships. |
ix.iview | Viewers. |
ix.iview.domain | Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. |
ix.iview.igraph | |
ix.iview.table | |
ix.iview.util | |
ix.test | Simple applications for testing purposes. |
ix.test.xml | Experiments with new classes that could be converted to and from XML. |
ix.util | General-purpose utilities. |
ix.util.context | Context-layering mechanism. |
ix.util.lisp | List-processing utilities. |
ix.util.xml | XML utilities. |
Uses of LList in ix.applet |
Fields in ix.applet declared as LList | |
(package private) LList |
Methods in ix.applet that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
Methods in ix.applet with parameters of type LList | |
void |
AppletMessage.setArgs(LList args)
Constructors in ix.applet with parameters of type LList | |
AppletMessage(java.lang.String from,
java.lang.String command,
LList args)
Uses of LList in ix.icore |
Fields in ix.icore declared as LList | |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.icore that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
Methods in ix.icore with parameters of type LList | |
void |
TaskItem.setPattern(LList pattern)
static java.util.Set |
Variable.varsIn(LList tree)
Constructors in ix.icore with parameters of type LList | |
Activity(LList pattern)
Issue(LList pattern)
TaskItem(LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.icore.domain |
Fields in ix.icore.domain declared as LList | |
protected LList |
protected LList |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.icore.domain that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
LList |
LList |
Methods in ix.icore.domain that return types with arguments of type LList | |
java.util.Set<LList> |
Domain.getActivityPatternSyntaxes(boolean includeSubnodes)
Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type LList | |
void |
Refinement.setPattern(LList pattern)
void |
PatternAssignment.setPattern(LList pattern)
void |
NodeSpec.setPattern(LList pattern)
Constructors in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type LList | |
NodeSpec(int id,
LList pattern)
NodeSpec(Name id,
LList pattern)
NodeSpec(java.lang.Object id,
LList pattern)
PatternAssignment(LList pattern)
Construct a PatternAssignment in which the value is the Symbol named "true". |
PatternAssignment(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object value)
Refinement(java.lang.String name,
LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.icore.plan |
Methods in ix.icore.plan that return LList | |
(package private) LList |
PlanAsDomain.patternForDomain(java.util.List pattern)
(package private) LList |
DomainAsPlan.patternForPlan(java.util.List pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.icore.process |
Methods in ix.icore.process that return LList | |
abstract LList |
LList |
ProcessModelManager.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVar s have
been replaced by Variable s. |
LList |
AbstractPMM.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVar s have
been replaced by Variable s. |
Methods in ix.icore.process with parameters of type LList | |
protected abstract PNode |
PNode.makePNode(PNode parent,
LList pattern)
Factory method that constructs a child PNode of the right class. |
LList |
ProcessModelManager.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVar s have
been replaced by Variable s. |
LList |
AbstractPMM.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVar s have
been replaced by Variable s. |
Uses of LList in ix.iface.domain |
Methods in ix.iface.domain that return LList | |
(package private) static LList |
LTF_Parser.ensureList(java.lang.Object a)
static LList |
LTF_Parser.expandAllOrderings(LList orderings)
Expands a list of orderings into a list of simple orderings. |
static LList |
LTF_Parser.expandOrdering(LList ordering)
(package private) static LList |
LTF_Parser.expandOrderPair(java.lang.Object left,
java.lang.Object right)
protected static LList |
LTF_Parser.theLList(java.lang.Object o)
Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type LList | |
(package private) void |
LTF_Parser.badAnnotation(LList kvPair)
(package private) void |
LTF_Parser.doInclude(LList form)
static LList |
LTF_Parser.expandAllOrderings(LList orderings)
Expands a list of orderings into a list of simple orderings. |
static LList |
LTF_Parser.expandOrdering(LList ordering)
(package private) java.util.Map |
LTF_Parser.makeAnnotations(LList def)
abstract Constraint |
LTF_Parser.ConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Construct a constraint based on the spec and any bindings in the MatchEnv. |
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.ComputeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.MultipleAnswerComputeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.BeforeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.DurationParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.WindowAtParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.ResourceConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.AdviceParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
Constraint |
LTF_Parser.OtherConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec,
MatchEnv env)
ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint |
LTF_Parser.makeConstraints(LList items)
ix.icore.ListOfIssue |
LTF_Parser.makeIssues(LList items)
(package private) java.util.Map |
LTF_Parser.makeMap(LList def)
ix.icore.domain.ListOfNodeSpec |
LTF_Parser.makeNodes(LList items)
(package private) ObjectClass |
LTF_Parser.makeObjectClass(LList def)
(package private) ix.icore.domain.ListOfObjectProperty |
LTF_Parser.makeObjectProperties(LList props)
(package private) ObjectProperty |
LTF_Parser.makeObjectProperty(LList spec)
ix.icore.domain.ListOfOrdering |
LTF_Parser.makeOrderings(LList items)
Refinement |
LTF_Parser.makeRefinement(LList def)
(package private) ix.util.lisp.ListOfSymbol |
LTF_Parser.makeSuperNames(LList names)
ix.icore.domain.ListOfVariableDeclaration |
LTF_Parser.makeVarDcls(LList items)
(package private) void |
LTF_Parser.processDomainHeader(Domain dom,
LList header)
Uses of LList in ix.iface.ui.util |
Methods in ix.iface.ui.util that return LList | |
static LList |
UIUtil.remove(java.lang.Object o,
LList list)
static LList |
UIUtil.removeDuplicates(LList list)
Methods in ix.iface.ui.util with parameters of type LList | |
static LList |
UIUtil.remove(java.lang.Object o,
LList list)
static LList |
UIUtil.removeDuplicates(LList list)
Uses of LList in ix.iface.util |
Methods in ix.iface.util with parameters of type LList | |
static java.lang.String |
Reporting.patternDescription(LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.ip2 |
Fields in ix.ip2 declared as LList | |
(package private) LList |
(package private) LList |
Fields in ix.ip2 with type parameters of type LList | |
(package private) java.util.Map<LList,ContextHashMap> |
Methods in ix.ip2 that return LList | |
LList |
Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type LList | |
protected void |
Ip2WorldStateManager.assign(LList p,
java.lang.Object v,
PNode at)
protected void |
Scrum.consume(ContextHashMap avail,
LList pattern,
PNode node,
long v)
protected void |
VariableManager.FilterMatcher.evalComputeFilter(Constraint c,
LList restConds,
MatchEnv baseEnv)
protected void |
VariableManager.FilterMatcher.filter(Constraint c,
LList restConds,
MatchEnv baseEnv)
protected ContextHashMap |
Scrum.getAvailabilityMap(LList resourcePattern)
(package private) Domain |
LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.getDomain(LList pattern)
(package private) ObjectWhiteboard.Fact |
ObjectWhiteboard.getFact(LList pattern)
java.lang.Object |
Ip2WorldStateManager.getPatternValue(LList pattern)
protected java.lang.Object |
LoadDomainHandler.getVerb(LList pattern)
protected java.lang.Object |
LispComputeInterpreter.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
java.lang.Object |
Ip2ModelManager.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
(package private) boolean |
ActivityEditor.ActivityEditPanel.hasValidSyntax(LList pattern)
boolean |
ObjectWorld.isDistributedSetPattern(LList pattern)
boolean |
ObjectWorld.isPropertyPattern(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
AgendaTableViewer.makeItem(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
IssueAgenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
AgendaViewer.makeItem(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
AgendaViewTable.makeItem(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
AgendaManager.makeItem(LList pattern)
abstract AgendaItem |
Agenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
AgendaItem |
ActivityAgenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
protected PNode |
IssueItem.makePNode(PNode parent,
LList pattern)
protected PNode |
ActivityItem.makePNode(PNode parent,
LList pattern)
protected void |
VariableManager.FilterMatcher.matchComputeResult(Constraint c,
java.lang.Object value,
LList restConds,
MatchEnv baseEnv)
MatchEnv |
SendReportHandler.matchSyntax(LList pattern)
void |
AgendaItem.setPattern(LList pattern)
Constructors in ix.ip2 with parameters of type LList | |
WaitForReportsActivity(java.lang.String destination,
LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.ip2.log |
Fields in ix.ip2.log declared as LList | |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.ip2.log that return LList | |
LList |
Methods in ix.ip2.log with parameters of type LList | |
void |
ItemHandledEvent.setPattern(LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.iplan |
Fields in ix.iplan declared as LList | |
(package private) LList |
protected LList |
Fields in ix.iplan with type parameters of type LList | |
protected java.util.Map<LList,PNodeEnd> |
Methods in ix.iplan that return LList | |
(package private) LList |
LList |
Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type LList | |
protected void |
IPlanWorldStateManager.assign(LList p,
java.lang.Object v,
PNode at)
protected void |
PlanCheckingSimulator.checkComputeResult(LList p,
java.lang.Object expected,
java.lang.Object actual)
protected void |
PlanCheckingSimulator.checkForDeleters(PNodeEnd ne,
LList p,
java.lang.Object v,
java.util.Set ready)
protected void |
PlanCheckingSimulator.UseChecker.checkUseBegin(LList pattern,
PNodeEnd at)
protected void |
PlanCheckingSimulator.UseChecker.checkUseEnd(LList pattern,
PNodeEnd at)
protected java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.computePossibleConditions(LList pattern)
protected java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.computePossibleConstraints(LList pattern)
protected java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.computePossibleEffects(LList pattern)
protected java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.computePossibleUseForEffects(LList pattern)
(package private) LListIterator |
SlipFindExecutable.endIterator(LList l)
(package private) void |
SlipSingleStepper.evalCommand(LList command)
(package private) void |
SlipFindExecutable.executeTrivialEnds(LList nodeEnds)
(package private) void |
SlipFindExecutable.findNext(LList allNodeEnds,
LListIterator nodeEndIter)
(package private) java.util.Set |
Slip.PossibleConditionFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) java.util.Set |
Slip.PossibleEffectFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) java.util.Set |
Slip.PossibleConstraintFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) abstract java.util.Set |
Slip.PossiblesFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
long |
DomainAnalyser.getMinFullExpandSize(LList pattern)
(package private) long |
DomainAnalyser.MinFullExpandFinder.getMinFullExpandSize(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleConditions(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleConstraints(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleEffects(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelConditions(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelConstraints(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelEffects(LList pattern)
java.util.Set |
DomainAnalyser.getPossibleUseForEffects(LList pattern)
protected java.lang.Object |
PlanCheckingSimulator.CheckingInterpreter.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
(package private) static boolean |
Slip.isAchievableCondPattern(LList pattern,
Domain decider)
(package private) void |
SlipFindExecutable.postFindNextAlt(PNodeEnd selected,
LList allNodeEnds,
LListIterator nodeEndIter,
java.lang.String doing)
(package private) boolean |
SlipFindExecutable.refinementApplies(Refinement r,
LList pattern)
java.util.Set<Refinement> |
DomainAnalyser.refinementsExpandingPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) abstract void |
SlipSingleStepper.Command.run(LList args)
protected void |
IPlanWorldStateManager.satisfy1Cond(LList p,
java.lang.Object v,
PNode at)
Constructors in ix.iplan with parameters of type LList | |
IPlanWorldStateManager.Fact(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object value,
PNode at)
SlipFindExecutable.Resume(LList allNodeEnds,
LListIterator nodeEndIter,
PNodeEnd selected,
java.util.List<PNodeEnd> interacting,
java.lang.String doing)
Uses of LList in ix.iquery |
Methods in ix.iquery with parameters of type LList | |
protected Constraint |
LookupHandler.makeStateConstraint(LList pattern)
protected Constraint |
LookupHandler.makeStateConstraint(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object value)
Uses of LList in ix.iserve.ipc.sl |
Fields in ix.iserve.ipc.sl declared as LList | |
(package private) LList |
Uses of LList in ix.isim |
Methods in ix.isim with parameters of type LList | |
static TimedEvent |
TimedEvent.getTimedEvent(LList list)
This factory method must be used to create new timed events. |
Uses of LList in ix.ispace |
Methods in ix.ispace with parameters of type LList | |
static VerbCapability |
VerbCapability.from(LList pattern)
Returns the capability that corresponds to the pattern's verb. |
Uses of LList in ix.iview |
Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type LList | |
java.util.HashSet |
UIRefinementSetEditor.getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern,
java.util.List refs)
java.util.HashSet |
UIRefinementSetEditor.getMatchingUIRefinements(LList pattern,
java.util.List domainMatches)
UIRefinement |
ActionEditorPanel.makeNewRefinement(java.lang.String name,
LList pattern)
static boolean |
ActionEditorPanel.orderingsAreSequential(LList nodes,
LList orderings)
Checks whether the orderings are a sequence of the nodes. |
Uses of LList in ix.iview.domain |
Fields in ix.iview.domain declared as LList | |
LList |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.iview.domain that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
LList |
LList |
Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type LList | |
static NodeSpec |
UIRefinement.findEditedNode(java.util.List oldNodes,
LList pattern)
Tries to find a node in the given list with a similar pattern. |
NodeSpec |
UIRefinement.findNode(java.util.List nodeList,
LList pattern)
Tries to find a node in the given list whose pattern matches the given pattern. |
NodeSpec |
UIRefinement.findNode(LList pattern)
Tries to find a node within this refinement whose pattern matches the given pattern. |
java.util.Set |
UIDomain.getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern)
boolean |
UIDomain.isMatchingRefinement(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object o)
Checks whether the given object is a refinement that matches the pattern. |
boolean |
UIRefinement.matchesPattern(LList pattern)
void |
UIRefinement.setPattern(LList pattern)
void |
UINodeSpec.setPattern(LList pattern)
static boolean |
UIRefinement.similarPattern(LList patternOne,
LList patternTwo)
Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type LList | |
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain,
java.lang.Object id,
LList pattern)
UISpec(java.lang.String type,
LList spec)
Uses of LList in ix.iview.igraph |
Constructors in ix.iview.igraph with parameters of type LList | |
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain,
Name id,
LList pattern)
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain,
java.lang.String name,
LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.iview.table |
Methods in ix.iview.table that return LList | |
protected LList |
ActionTreeTableModel.getPattern(IXTNTreeTableNode iNode)
Uses of LList in ix.iview.util |
Methods in ix.iview.util that return LList | |
static LList |
IVUtil.replaceInPattern(ItemVar oldVar,
ItemVar newVar,
LList pattern)
Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet) |
Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type LList | |
static java.lang.String |
IVUtil.getPropertyFromPattern(LList pattern)
Looks at the first element in the list and compares it to the given property. |
static java.lang.String |
IVUtil.getSubjectInPattern(LList pattern)
Looks at the second element in the list returns it as a string. |
static boolean |
IVUtil.isInPattern(ItemVar var,
LList pattern)
static boolean |
IVUtil.isPropertyPattern(ObjectProperty prop,
LList pattern)
Looks at the first element in the list and compares it to the given property. |
static boolean |
IVUtil.isSubjectInPattern(ItemVar var,
LList pattern)
Looks at the second element in the list and compares it to the given variable. |
static LList |
IVUtil.replaceInPattern(ItemVar oldVar,
ItemVar newVar,
LList pattern)
Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet) |
Uses of LList in ix.test |
Fields in ix.test declared as LList | |
(package private) static LList |
(package private) LList |
(package private) LList |
(package private) LList |
Methods in ix.test that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
MakeRandomInstance.makeLList(java.lang.Class c,
java.lang.Class eltClass)
(package private) LList |
OPlanPSGraph.nodeToList(PlanNode node)
(package private) LList |
OPlanPSGraph.orderingToList(Ordering ord)
(package private) LList |
BlockStacker.pattern(java.lang.String pat)
(package private) LList |
CompendiumToIX.patternFromCompendiumNode(org.jdom.Element elt)
(package private) LList |
CompendiumToIX.patternFromText(java.lang.String text)
Converts text taken from a Compendium label to an I-X pattern. |
Methods in ix.test with parameters of type LList | |
(package private) void |
BlockStacker.checkPattern(java.util.Map state,
LList pattern,
Symbol expectedValue,
java.util.List incorrectPatterns)
protected ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint |
MatchStateHandler.commaSyntax(LList itemPattern)
Parser for comma-separated pattern = value pairs. |
(package private) Constraint |
MatchStateHandler.makeConstraint(LList pattern)
(package private) Constraint |
MatchStateHandler.makeConstraint(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object value)
(package private) MatchChoice |
MatchChoiceTest.makeMatchChoice(LList alists)
protected ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint |
MatchStateHandler.parenSyntax(LList itemPattern)
Parser for pattern = value pairs with each pattern in parens. |
(package private) Constraint |
BlockStacker.worldEffect(LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.test.xml |
Fields in ix.test.xml declared as LList | |
(package private) LList |
Methods in ix.test.xml that return LList | |
(package private) LList |
MissionaryTest.MissionaryTestRunner.nextState(LList state,
LList move)
LList |
Methods in ix.test.xml with parameters of type LList | |
boolean |
WorldStateView.isIncluded(LList pattern,
java.lang.Object value)
(package private) LList |
MissionaryTest.MissionaryTestRunner.nextState(LList state,
LList move)
(package private) boolean |
WorldStateView.Filter.trueOf(LList p,
java.lang.Object v)
Constructors in ix.test.xml with parameters of type LList | |
WorldStateView.Filter(LList patternPattern,
java.lang.Object valuePattern)
Uses of LList in ix.util |
Fields in ix.util declared as LList | |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.util that return LList | |
LList |
ObjectCopier.copyLList(LList obj)
Copies an LList that has a spine made of instances of any mixture of Cons subclasses, calling ObjectCopier.mapElement(Object)
on each list element as it goes. |
static LList |
PatternParser.parse(java.lang.String pattern)
LList |
PatternParser.Parser.parsePattern(java.lang.String pattern)
LList |
PatternParser.LispPatternParser.parsePattern(java.lang.String pattern)
static LList |
Seq.toLList(java.util.Enumeration e)
Methods in ix.util with parameters of type LList | |
LList |
ObjectCopier.copyLList(LList obj)
Copies an LList that has a spine made of instances of any mixture of Cons subclasses, calling ObjectCopier.mapElement(Object)
on each list element as it goes. |
static java.util.Enumeration |
Seq.elements(LList l)
static java.lang.String |
PatternParser.unparse(LList pattern)
java.lang.String |
PatternParser.Parser.unparsePattern(LList pattern)
java.lang.String |
PatternParser.LispPatternParser.unparsePattern(LList pattern)
Uses of LList in ix.util.context |
Methods in ix.util.context that return LList | |
LList |
protected LList |
LLQueue.setLLContents(LList contents)
Methods in ix.util.context with parameters of type LList | |
protected LList |
LLQueue.setLLContents(LList contents)
Constructors in ix.util.context with parameters of type LList | |
LLQueue.LLQueueListIterator(LList list,
int start)
Uses of LList in ix.util.lisp |
Subclasses of LList in ix.util.lisp | |
class |
Non-empty lists. |
class |
The class of Lisp.NIL , and of nothing else. |
Fields in ix.util.lisp declared as LList | |
protected LList |
(package private) LList |
protected LList |
protected LList |
Methods in ix.util.lisp that return LList | |
LList |
LList |
Null.append(LList tail)
abstract LList |
LList.append(LList tail)
LList |
Cons.append(LList tail)
LList |
abstract LList |
LList |
LList |
LList |
LList.delete(java.lang.Object e)
LList |
LList.drop(int n)
LList |
LList.dropTo(java.lang.Object a)
static LList |
Lisp.elementsFromString(java.lang.String s)
LList |
LList.flatmap(Function1 f)
LList |
Returns the tail of the list that corresponds to the iterator's current position. |
LList |
LList.insert(java.lang.Object e,
Predicate2 lessp)
LList |
LList.intersect(LList set)
protected LList |
static LList |
LList.LListify(java.util.List l)
Returns an LList copy of a possibly nested List. |
LList |
LList.mapc(Function1 f)
LList |
LList.mapcar(Function1 f)
LList |
LList.mapNth(int n)
Returns a list of the nth elements from a list of lists. |
static LList |
LList.mapToAlist(java.util.Map map)
LList |
LList.mapTree(Function1 f)
protected LList |
LispInterpreter.Syntax.mustBeLListOf(java.lang.Class c,
java.lang.Object obj)
static LList |
LList.newLList(java.util.Collection c)
LList |
LList |
LListCollector.popToAny(java.util.Collection delimiters)
LList |
LList.put(java.lang.Object propname,
java.lang.Object value)
Returns a plist that maps propname to value. |
LList |
LList.replaceAll(java.lang.Object old,
java.lang.Object neu)
LList |
LList |
LList.take(int n)
LList |
LList.takeTo(java.lang.Object a)
LList |
LList.without(java.lang.Object e)
Returns an LList that does not contain any element == to e. |
LList |
LList.withoutAll(java.util.Collection c)
Returns an LList that does not contain any element of a specified collection. |
LList |
LList.withoutFirst(java.lang.Object e)
Returns an LList that does not contain the first element, if any, that is == to e. |
LList |
LList.withoutFirstEqual(java.lang.Object e)
Returns an LList that does not contain the first element, if any, that equals e. |
Methods in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type LList | |
LList |
Null.append(LList tail)
abstract LList |
LList.append(LList tail)
LList |
Cons.append(LList tail)
void |
LListCollector.appendLList(LList l)
protected void |
LispInterpreter.Syntax.checkLength(int required,
LList form)
void |
LListCollector.concLList(LList l)
static Cons |
Lisp.cons(java.lang.Object car,
LList cdr)
boolean |
Null.equal(LList l)
abstract boolean |
LList.equal(LList list)
boolean |
Cons.equal(LList list)
LList |
LList.intersect(LList set)
protected Cons |
Cons.newInstance(java.lang.Object car,
LList cdr)
Creates a new instance of this class. |
Interpreter.Expr |
LispInterpreter.Parser.parse(LList form)
protected Interpreter.Expr |
LispInterpreter.Syntax.parseBody(LList body)
void |
LListCollector.pushLList(LList l)
void |
LListCollector.setContents(LList newContents)
protected static Cons |
LListListIterator.theCdrBefore(Cons tail,
LList list)
static Cons |
Cons.typedCons(java.lang.Class consClass,
java.lang.Object car,
LList cdr)
Constructors in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type LList | |
Cons(java.lang.Object car,
LList cdr)
LListIterator(LList list)
LListListIterator(LList list)
LListListIterator(LList list,
int start)
Uses of LList in ix.util.xml |
Methods in ix.util.xml that return LList | |
protected LList |
XMLTranslator.makeLListFromElement(org.jdom.Element elt)